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The Last Bill - Chapel Hill, NC- April 24/25 - Brawl, Brawl+, Melee


Deal with it
Mar 18, 2008
wilmington, North Carolina
eh, idk. the more i play and the more i know, the more i realize how much i'm not doing. and the more i realize idk if i'll be able to do. plus i miss my controller...a lot.

idk. this is the result of me taking a few matches off of a (i think?) sandbagging $mike, and then having him proceed to 4 stock me in 7 straight matches soon before me going back to my dorm room to just...think about it.

just when i thought i had learned something about the falcon matchup, he destroyed all preconcieved notions of the matchup, my ganon, and all things related to me and smash. it wouldn't have been bad at all if i didn't have a few good matches. i went in thinking i'd get *****, and i came out even worse than that. midrape i thought i was getting good, got hopeful, and maybe even cocky, and then proceeded to get ***** harder.

guess i'll just end it there. i'll quit *****ing and just try to show up on saturday with a controller in hand, ready to do what little ganon stuff i'm capable of.
welcome to the world of E-Sports, well just competition in general. Just don't give up and you'll improve. A year ago I got ***** by everyone but I never gave up despite not being able to go to tournaments and having a lack of comp. I still got a lot better, I mean I'm not ranked but I know I could be.

Don't worry chris you'll be good. Just don't give up and stay confident. Confidence is key.

and a side note.. you probably understand falcon but not mike... playing against a character is one thing but playing against skill is another thing.

Keep with it bruh


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
eh, idk. the more i play and the more i know, the more i realize how much i'm not doing. and the more i realize idk if i'll be able to do. plus i miss my controller...a lot.

idk. this is the result of me taking a few matches off of a (i think?) sandbagging $mike, and then having him proceed to 4 stock me in 7 straight matches soon before me going back to my dorm room to just...think about it.

just when i thought i had learned something about the falcon matchup, he destroyed all preconcieved notions of the matchup, my ganon, and all things related to me and smash. it wouldn't have been bad at all if i didn't have a few good matches. i went in thinking i'd get *****, and i came out even worse than that. midrape i thought i was getting good, got hopeful, and maybe even cocky, and then proceeded to get ***** harder.

guess i'll just end it there. i'll quit *****ing and just try to show up on saturday with a controller in hand, ready to do what little ganon stuff i'm capable of.
This type of thing can be addressed if u play with people who are willing to give u tips and matchup advice during and after matches. Thats pretty much how ive learned most of how I play the game, from me and knightpraetor playing hours (omg so mannny countless hours, all-nighters, etc) of matchups and telling each other flaws in our game, including pausing when a thought hits us and all loads of other stuff. Winning? I honestly couldnt tell you who wins most of our matches because we pretty much dont care. Its really about learning.

I ****ing hate this picture

I wanna play Lozr or some other good fox, i need ta figure out how to slow down the lil bugger
Son, what did i tell you? This matchup is hella hard and complex

kewl kewl, im just doing my best to stay out of alot of the ****

not so much i wanna 0-death fox all the time, but i dont like getting ***** by combos from falcon and such, so im workin on DI, PP any tips on Smashin out of the upthrow upair?
the thing is, you still need to be able to 0 death fox most of the time if not all of the time. All that work u do to CG him to 60, time the tipper, and edgegaurd to capitalize off of a grab can be matched by foxes u throw u air uair stuff in less than 5 seconds. That is TRULY how you keep up in percent, plus platform damage

Mike can **** up your sel esteem trust me Chris I get ***** and it sucks especially when you figure out things...I get ***** continuously so its not a big deal just learn to take every match one at a time.
sheik; that is all


Deal with it
Mar 18, 2008
wilmington, North Carolina
This type of thing can be addressed if u play with people who are willing to give u tips and matchup advice during and after matches. Thats pretty much how ive learned most of how I play the game, from me and knightpraetor playing hours (omg so mannny countless hours, all-nighters, etc) of matchups and telling each other flaws in our game, including pausing when a thought hits us and all loads of other stuff. Winning? I honestly couldnt tell you who wins most of our matches because we pretty much dont care. Its really about learning.
Spoon and I started doing this. Not all nighters though or long periods of time(we would but we are highly constrained by obligations).. so we try to make the best of our limited play time(once or twice every two weeks =[) but it still helps tons

When your down here chris we can do this. Although I try to do this already when we play ha. I try atleast


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2009
Burlington, NC
No I would be, if (once) I lose, I am going to be cheering for you man.
And don't worry I also switch to snake here and there.

Edit: and I was saying that cause I wasn't on there.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
oops i mesed up, but on the boards i dont pay atention or car how i spel because this iz just among freinds

edit: kadaj, dont let NC fool u, we arent popular, but neither was the thought of luigi being in top 8 at MLG. (lol and 2-0 ing atmosk and mikehaze<-- dis niggga twice lololololol)
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