Not gonna lie, this sounds much more interesting than Ryu and Terry. Count me in! I'm pretty much 50/50 on whether he'll make it. I think it's either him or Lloyd.
Thanks! I'm glad that I could make you more interested in him!
The recent announcement of
another collection of retro Namco games for the Switch got me wondering - why hasn't there been a Tekken Anniversary Collection? You'd think that, after the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, along with SNK porting seemingly all of their old games to modern consoles through the Arcade Archives ports, Tekken would be next, and Namco-Bandai certainly isn't shy about releasing collections of their older games.
I get that Gon, a manga character, being included in Tekken 3 caused some licensing issues later on (the game isn't available to download on the PS3), but Tekken 3 made it into the Playstation Classic console, so presumably, they can work around it. I'm just wondering if someone who's better informed than me when it comes to Tekken can explain why something like this hasn't been done. (especially with the 25th anniversary being on December 2019)
I don't know the exact reasons, but when we look back at it historically the original 3 Tekken games always just got re-released on Playstatiom hardware, either through Playstation Network during the PS3 times or as you mentioned on the Playstation Classic in 2018.
A reason of this could be that 1 year before each of those 3 games originally released on the PS1 they were already available on arcade machines, which used the Namco System 11 which was basically modified Playstation Hardware. I'm not sure about it but there might be some old contracts that leave this game exclusive to Playstation as a result of basing them directly on their hardware even on the arcades. I don't know if such exclusivity deals would have expired by now, because I'm not sure if they even thought about the possibility of re-releasing them in the far future back then.
The home version of Tekken 6 was the first main Tekken game to go multi-platform being on PS3 and XBOX 360. Same for Tag Tournament 2 with the addition of the superior Wii U edition. Tekken 7 got a release on PS3, XBOX One and even PC. I rather wonder why TTT2 and T7 never got a release o Switch. For TTT2 it might be because it (sadly) was already too outdated by the time the Switch released and in 2017 Harada said they have interest to port T7 to Switch, but just couldn't get a development kit for the Switch yet, and some years later when asked about it again he said they have to analyse if the interest is there but if people really want in on Switch tey'll do it. The sad part is he never held a poll or anything. They either have a special version planned as consolation for that big delay probably with all DLC pre-installed once the DLC is officially finished or the what I view as more likely now: the game never comes to the Switch. Depending on wether a season 4 DLC Pass happens there might still be hope, but I think development for Tekken 8 has already started either way. As always it will launch on arcades first and then will probably get a release on PS5 and the new XBOX. And that game would definitely not run on the Switch. Sadly
I think if Heihachi makes the cut, they won't attempt to finely replicate Tekken's control. Not only is the nuance of the crouch-dash (there must be a neutral input) and just-frame hard to translate well, several signature moves (primarily EWGF, OTGF, and hell-sweep) share the crouch-dash "shoryuken" part. So I don't think the Ryu/Ken/Terry thing is likely.
Can definitely see Raijin as a down-B stance, though. I think if anything comes of it, the "Mishima-style Crouch Dash" will be a side-B stance, not unlike Dancing Blade. And if they attempt to retain the importance of EWGF, they may do it like soft/hard inputs, like Samus' missiles, to avoid any backlash from players unable to do Electrics at all.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I simplified the input by taking away the Neutral position between the → and ↓ similar to how some of Terry's inputs were simplified. This was explained in Sakurai's presentation of Terry were he said some were too complex so they made a simplified version available. I think simplifying the Crouch Dash input to →↓

A/B makes sense to both keep him more in line with the other fighting game reps and as you said not requiring frame-perfect inputs to not frustrate all too much. We kinda have to find the balance here between the two gameplay styles, that's why I thought giving the regular Wind God Fist to a standard move not requirig an input from Smash and the stronger Electric Wind God Fist to a simplified command input a lot of Smash fans would be already familar with. This mirrors the imperfect and perfect version of the attack in Tekken just that a Smash Bros spin has been given to it to still keep it accessable for those who do not want to learn the input (they get the imoerfect version, similar to those in Tekken who do not time the input correctly) I don't know wether the Neutral input part would even be possible with Smash's analog controlls as it's very easy to drift of the stick and none of the FG rep's had inputs with neutral positions. As you mentioned the Crouch Dash input is an iconic part so I'd really like it to be carried over into Smash and I think it fits the best for the EWGF as it is kind of both iconic and also a meme in the Tekken fanbase. I have to look up how Samus' missiles work again as I currently don't have it available in my memory (haven't played her in a long time). The whole idea of the input and which I'd consider taking over is still a little experimental and I haven't completed the moveset so some things might change as I haven't fleshed everything out.
On another note: on which button would you map the Wind God Fist? A punch usually would be a Forward-Tilt, but I think the way it works in Tekken would fit better for a Forward-Smash (in Tekken just minus the lag that Smash-Attacks have when they are charged to hit with their maximum power).
I don't know wether the Crouch Dash would work as a stance, of course we could mirror the 4 Playstation buttons (the sole difference between the Crouch Dash inputs) with the crouch dash being the prelude and then mapping the following final button results as the last input (like Side-B again for the EWGD, Up-B for OTGF) but the problem I'd see is the follow-ups would be too. fast for a stance, as there isn't really a delay of it in Tekken while a stance has more longevity in my opinion. I can see how it would work in Smash, but it kinda would try to mirror a Tekken mechanic, but at the same time would work a lot different from both Smash and Tekken mechanics.