spook and gm_jack are in. dragoon's doing his center stage debate w/KG so we'll see how that goes.
next to consider:
BOB SAGET! - Top of the list, I think he's ready. +1
professor mgw - known him for awhile, though he's newer to the PG than BOB SAGET!, his posting ability isn't too bad, and he's fairly active. +1
1048576 - I sense some split decisions on him, though I personally find him to be somewhat arrogant he does make good points from time to time, and his ability to convey a point isn't necessarily bad. +1
TheOriginalSmasher - It takes a lot to admit defeat, and not argue incessantly. Though he may not always be "right" he at least makes a good effort, and definitely has the ability I feel is required to contribute. +1
HaiWayne - Good poster, but needs to be more active. +0
abhishekh - Likewise a good poster, but I would like to see a CS debate or at least some more topics created +0