KG, literally every one of your analogies and points is faulty.
Pokemon Researcher:
Your point is that it used to be difficult to obtain this title, but now they hand them out easily. This does not relate at all to people's activity; people obtain the title of Debater through the same means -- proving that they can debate intelligently through the Proving Grounds. There are no stipulations about activity, nor does this even relate to why people are given that title.
The BRoom
It would not be like letting everyone into the BRoom. If anything would be -- and it's still a poor analogy -- letting everyone into the Debate Hall would be similar, almost by default. Both being rooms with restricted posting and all.
As a matter of fact, it's entirely common for people to be let into the BRoom and then rarely post. Does this "cheapen the accomplishment"? Uh... no. After all, someone who posts regularly in the BRoom and someone who never posts in the BRoom were both let into it for the same reasons.
It gives the DH a weak reputation, like anyone can just waltz on in here.
Again I'm really not seeing how activity has any bearing on this. Anyone definitely can't "just waltz on in here". They all have to go through the process.
Ultimately your points come down to an argument of entitlement, and you think that people that aren't posting much/at all are not entitled to it. The fact of the matter is that purges were brought in as an intended activity incentive. What came of it? Well, a lot of people who had access to the Debate Hall don't have access to the Debate Hall anymore.
I don't think I ever actually saw a flurry of activity come in because of them, and even if one did, it would be activity for all the wrong reasons. I worried they might be counter-intuitive, and I think precedent has shown that they are.