Metal Reeper
Smash Champion
We have all been there, bored, wanting to practice but don't know what to do. I also see threads about this all the time so I'm hoping to make a big list of things to practice.
Put a lvl 1 Boswer on 9 handicap on .5 damage ratio. Work on doing things like shine>Aerial>L cancel>shine. Once you get comfortable with this then you can start doing aerials late. This will teach you the fundamentals of shield pressure. Add some shinegrabs in there too, they are cool.
(I might be wrong on this one)
One way to learn how to wall tech is to go into falco's target test and hit the damage zones and wall tech them. I heard that this doesn't work because the timing is different than regular teching. Can someone clear that up for me?
Another way to practice wall teching is to put on motion sensors, throw them at a ledge and upB into them. Hold your C-stick towards the wall and your control stick up (If you want to wall-jump tech)
I think AustinRC said this one way back.
To practice dash dancing put on starmen and practice dashing under them and trying not to let the star touch you. Try and mix in wavedashes,crouches, moonwalks, all that good stuff.
Play lvl 1's practice chaingrabbing them and 0 to deathing them. Don't just kill the CPU though practice on mixing things up and adding wavelands and pivots and things into your comboes. I believe lvl 1's are the best to practice on. I hear that lvl 5's and others are also good. Someone tell me what they think about that.
I hope that we can get some good ideas in this thread. most of this stuff may not be to helpful for higher level players but I would like to see ideas for all skill levels if possible.
Put a lvl 1 Boswer on 9 handicap on .5 damage ratio. Work on doing things like shine>Aerial>L cancel>shine. Once you get comfortable with this then you can start doing aerials late. This will teach you the fundamentals of shield pressure. Add some shinegrabs in there too, they are cool.
(I might be wrong on this one)
One way to learn how to wall tech is to go into falco's target test and hit the damage zones and wall tech them. I heard that this doesn't work because the timing is different than regular teching. Can someone clear that up for me?
Another way to practice wall teching is to put on motion sensors, throw them at a ledge and upB into them. Hold your C-stick towards the wall and your control stick up (If you want to wall-jump tech)
I think AustinRC said this one way back.
To practice dash dancing put on starmen and practice dashing under them and trying not to let the star touch you. Try and mix in wavedashes,crouches, moonwalks, all that good stuff.
Play lvl 1's practice chaingrabbing them and 0 to deathing them. Don't just kill the CPU though practice on mixing things up and adding wavelands and pivots and things into your comboes. I believe lvl 1's are the best to practice on. I hear that lvl 5's and others are also good. Someone tell me what they think about that.
I hope that we can get some good ideas in this thread. most of this stuff may not be to helpful for higher level players but I would like to see ideas for all skill levels if possible.