I was thinking about a new moveset for erdrick, and I'm thinking of some cool moves having to do with explosions, based on bang, and I think it would be fun if some of the moves do bang splosions even in the melee attacks, kinda like having side-a as a move-in and cast an explosion from their hands. There's lots of possibility for how big and knockback and all that, but if not for side-a, then I thought of a string of those that could be done with side-b, kinda like a combo move. So it'd be like boom boom boom. ya know?
As for an up-b, I know that lots of people think of zoom, but i'd enjoy something else too like an upwards slash or uppercut. I was thinking it could be embued with a random element based on what you embue on your character. I'm talking about armamentalist skills for a down b or even just with a taunt, where you can change the elemental fource you embue your attacks with. It wouldn't have to be a huge difference for each, but electric could have more knockback, fire could leave a bit of lingering damage, earth is combined with zam as a fource so that could be more straight damage or something, and then neutral b would be zap (or another element chosen) or a magic menu, and you could change which spell is selected to use on neutral b by holding b for a bit or even shield+b. I'm thinking there could be a way to hold b long enough to use gigaslash, it'd be a huge strike and maybe energy or lignthing could also shoot forwards.
Gigagash would be the final smash. And for A-attacks there'd be a mix of sword and melee attacks, with maybe one or two things having another weapon (like one axe somewhere and maybe something else) and it could feel like fighting with a mixed fighter-warrior, and some of the smashes could be elementally embued attacks, it would feel cool if they could be different based on what's selected, else it could just be gigaslash-like. Still thinking of a fire slash for the dash attack (though that could change too).
I had some fun thoughts about the aerials having some explosions in there too, but forward air and maybe back air instead of up and down. I could picture sword or axe swipes for up air and down air. A whip is still an interesting thought, to kind of be able to do like the belmonts on one of those, maybe even another way to recover.
If there'd be an mp system, I'd like to see everything the hero does to recover mp, some things more than others, and then maybe mp could be used for the magic, if it's good enough. Maybe also be a tension system based on taking damage, that would add an even other dimension to the character, and there's a skill in dq9 where you can do that, it's called 'feel the burn'. It wouldnt be like lucario though, it would increase everytime you're hit with a move of a certain percent damage, so it wouldnt work on bullets, etc. As the tension increases, it would cause huge hit for anything used. If tension is maxed out, it causes a haywire-level change in the next spell used. It would make bigger magic hitboxes on them as well, and just look rad ;p
So that's my dreamed up idea for a moveset, and it's just for fun and i do like those ideas even if they might not even think to do some of those things.
I'm sure erdrick would or will be interesting in any case