Had a robotics competition this weekend. It got off to a pretty bad start on the first day, with just about everything going wrong (Oh, you just managed to reattactch the camera that fell off in the middle of the match? Let's have the caution tape on the lexan part of your intake system not work, therefore causing your robot to run of the lexan and damage it. Oh, and you know how you guys reattached that camera? It's been reattached at a slightly different angle, therefore causing your auto-aim coding to not work).
Then we started doing better the next day, to the point where we were actually picked by the best team there as an alliance partner (It' a 3 on 3 game) for the elimination rounds. And then we ended up winning the entire thing.
Also, in one round, our robot was flipped over. This would sucked really hard, if it weren't for the fact that we managed to flip ourselves back up, which was really awesome.