Had to delete the previous message here so I'm not double-posting. Think more positive people! Anyhoo...
*Laughs awkwardly* Yeah... so, I hope nobody really remembers the post that was in this one's place before I paved over it making this one. I've been in a bad mood since last week, but thankfully that's over. It sucks being a teenager. It's embarrassing to go back and see the things you post online while your in an emotionally unstable state. And for Pete's sake, this is the Happy Thread, I shouldn't be posting about my failures on here.
So, now that we've gotten that out of the way and I've used my silver tongue and Jedi mind tricks to make you all forget what I posted before, here's the good news.
So... I've decided to long jump out of my comfort zone and ask this girl I like to a movie. This is probably the single most uncomfortable thing for me to do right now, but I'm learning to take my problems by the horns and deal with them. I'm not as bold as I think I should be? Don't hide in your corner and play Smash, me, ask a really pretty girl to a movie! (for those of you who related that last sentence to 'Smash Corner', pun not intended)
I'll probably do it after school ends (and after I get my phone working again) next week, but even with plenty of time to think it through and make a solid plan (which I have), I'm getting anxious. I don't know if I'm excited, terrified, or both, but it's invigorating in a way. I'm finally punching my comfort zone in the face and doing something I want for a change. And something tells me that she won't say no, either. So that give me things to be happy about. I think she's been wanting me to do something, I just haven't had the courage to. But, as the old saying goes, "No pain, no gain." I wish that weren't true, but then nothing would ever have a challenge. What's the fun in that?