Smarter than your average wabbit.
Updated the OP while I was adding ledge stuff.
- Minor formatting changes.
- Added taunt frames.
- Finished ledge frames.
- Added note to jump squat frames.
- Minor fix to Nayru's Momentum Cancel (b-reversal instructions).
Also, @that vid: You may want to re-edit it a bit as far as the explanation goes. It seems like you're mixing up turnaround b, b-reversal, and wavebouncing without knowing the difference between the three. I can explain them to you if you'd like!
D-stick = control stick?
I think I've seen this before, but I've never done it with Zelda. I'll look into it..... but one of the problems with frame advance is that the game doesn't register c-stick inputs while you're in debug pause. x.x So if it requires the c-stick, I won't be able to test it frame-by-frame.
- Minor formatting changes.
- Added taunt frames.
- Finished ledge frames.
- Added note to jump squat frames.
- Minor fix to Nayru's Momentum Cancel (b-reversal instructions).
I had already assumed this before, but I confirmed via frame advance that Zelda's ledge jump IFs end right before the move's FAF. (Like MrEh said, that's how it is for most -- maybe all -- ledge jumps.) By the time you can Nayru's, Zelda's invincibility from the ledge jump is gone..... so the vulnerability is the same as doing a regular Nayru's (4 frames before NL's IFs kick in).I see. Could you then analyze for how many frames Zelda is vulnerable in the second case? I.e. the time between when the IF from ledgejump end and until IF from Nayru's love start? Preferably for both when activating Nayru's love causes her to instantly land on stage and when it causes her to drop down.
In case you don't understand what the hell I'm talking about:
Also, @that vid: You may want to re-edit it a bit as far as the explanation goes. It seems like you're mixing up turnaround b, b-reversal, and wavebouncing without knowing the difference between the three. I can explain them to you if you'd like!
Awww ****, lemme find out MrEh knows his frame data. =D But yeah, Zelda follows the normal rule of having IFs throughout her entire ledge jump, ending as soon as its FAF/IASA/whatever you want to call it.Most ledgehopsjumps have IASA frames immediately after the invincibility wears off. However, there are some exceptions, and some character's IASA takes 1 or 2 more frames to kick in. We don't have the numbers for Zelda, so we can't really say for certain. However, we can estimate.
Naryu's invincibility kicks in on frame 5, so there's a 4 frame window where you can be hit during startup. We can't be sure if Zelda's ledgehop has a delay between the invincibility and the IASA frames though, so we can just say that there might be a 1 or 2 frame window to be safe.
So in the end, there's something like a 5-6 frame window of vulnerability. Not exactly safe, and very punishable.
I'm redoing shield stun and stuff from scratch. Those numbers are probably right, but since I have a much better understanding of frame data now, I want to do everything over and make sure it's 100% correct.Also before I forget Kay I was gonna bring up that din's fire post where you listed the shield stun frames but I couldn't find it =( But from what I remember Din's has 10-16 shieldstun frames (10 for shortburst, 16 for maxburst) so that can be listed under the shieldstun section for that move.
I'm confused.Also, this applies to every character, but I was messing around with things and when you run and turn around, let go of the d-stick and tap the c-stick in the opposite diection. You do this really weird slide =/ Zelda's one is laggy and long, but I've seen a video where someone's doing an Fsmash slide from this. I wonder if it's possible to vary the sliding distance but I don't even know how to do it =?
I think I've seen this before, but I've never done it with Zelda. I'll look into it..... but one of the problems with frame advance is that the game doesn't register c-stick inputs while you're in debug pause. x.x So if it requires the c-stick, I won't be able to test it frame-by-frame.
Through the power of mod magic, I still have my original post from that thread (although it's now the second post)..... so I can see all my edits and previous OPs. Thanks though!I believe that was in the OP of sexy poses thread, which doesn't exist in the same form anymore.
Luckily, the info was preserved:
Meh. The game forces a delay before you can jump out of the water after landing in it, so this really isn't that useful at all. Landing back in the water does cancel Din's lag, but you still end up having to wait almost as long as usual before you can jump + Din's again.Consecutive Dins fire.
Use Dins above water and the casting animations cancels out, like when she gets hit and the fire ball keeps flying.
Short hop, dins fire, aim it in an arch so it hits the ground where your opponent is (or if they're far enough just let it go straight) and repeat.