Verm, as manly as ever, but DLA - Wow! I wouldn't wanna get on your "ppl to kill"-list after seeing that pic D:
Exalted, you need to build some gunz like Verm, DLA and I
+ Those Space Ship Wallpapers eats away a little at your manlyness.
Naa, I'm just messing with ya, lad
This is an old pic from a couple years ago.
It's pretty silly with the Paintball Mask, but what the heck.
Paintball i manly, right?
Imma try finding a recent one.
Here's a recent one:
Maybe this one's not that manly, since I'm about to SHAVE OFF my beard? :o
Then again, shaving while drinking beer is manly, right? :s
Hmm, I dunno.