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The Full Smash 64 Learning Curve (MASSIVE UPDATES)


Smash Apprentice
Aug 9, 2008
santa barbara
also, if ur comin up, where are u stayin at? id be down for some smash matches against some good socal people :p
this is also for tigerbmbz..
ill be going with my friends. they dont play but seeing that were there why the *** not. we dont have a solid place to stay there but we will be staying in a motel. Hey tigerbombz we should play at yo house or maybe the motel:(. invite darth rancorous and have some good matches. (if he can come and all) this will be in the following weeks so we should actually plan this out. btw im good so i dont no why you wouldnt play me seeing that im going down there:ohwell:


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
Australia is weird...we have the syptoms of 5a and 5b levels, but compared to you guys we're absolute rubbish. EVen compared to the veterans on our server we are rubbish, which should technically put them at a higher level than us, but then goes and gets ***** by you guys >_>.

So it's hard to say if we overrate ourselves by putting most of us at the 5a level, I think this learning curve applies to you much more relatively than to us, but w/e, just a bro inputting his cool story

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
I think there are too many variables to consider to put in a single one-lined chart (e.g. comboing, approach, spacing, mindgames, knowledge of game in general).

But as for what this chart is, I'm 5C. (I'm sure everyone thinks they're 5C... or higher :p )


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
melbourne, australia
Australia is weird...we have the syptoms of 5a and 5b levels, but compared to you guys we're absolute rubbish. EVen compared to the veterans on our server we are rubbish, which should technically put them at a higher level than us, but then goes and gets ***** by you guys >_>.

So it's hard to say if we overrate ourselves by putting most of us at the 5a level, I think this learning curve applies to you much more relatively than to us, but w/e, just a bro inputting his cool story
i reckon i'm at 5b, along with you, 1der, aa, leo, rom and james (i'm probly forgetting someone). judas and kuro i would put into 5c. there should be a 5d, which can completely outplay 5a-c but still gets owned by 6.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
i reckon i'm at 5b, along with you, 1der, aa, leo, rom and james (i'm probly forgetting someone). judas and kuro i would put into 5c. there should be a 5d, which can completely outplay 5a-c but still gets owned by 6.
Bump everyone down a level. 1der might be with the others if it's p2p with almost no delay. Leo is too good to be classified alongside the rest of us.

@ Pete: You don't get the sarcasm, do you...?


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2006
Hey boys, my dog chewed up my adapter, so I ebayed a new one.
And this new one doesn't even work! Well, partially works.
The C buttons are considered as the Y and Z axis.
So I can't even jump.
I tried playing with the R button as jump and using Z+A for grabbing, but I got killed by some random person, so sad.

Maybe someone uses the same adapter as me who got it working correctly?
The one I use is black, has double n64 ports, and on it says: "N64 Controller Adapter for PC USB"


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
Leo wasn't even trying when he versed pete otherwise he would of embarrassed him completely. And I agree with AA on the levels we're at, we should find black shadow on here and ask him, he'd have a good input.

Darth Rancorous

Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2009
Concord, CA
i am going to play more 64 now

my fox is better than ever now that I wiped off the rust
i see my samus inspired u to play some more smash64 lol

You California noobs should come to FL and play my Yoshi to see where the real men live.

i tried, but my social life got in the way T_T

if boom is 6, u guys wouldnt be too far off
like i had said before in a previous post, tigerbombz is 6a and boom is 6b. nuff said

this is also for tigerbmbz..
ill be going with my friends. they dont play but seeing that were there why the *** not. we dont have a solid place to stay there but we will be staying in a motel. Hey tigerbombz we should play at yo house or maybe the motel:(. invite darth rancorous and have some good matches. (if he can come and all) this will be in the following weeks so we should actually plan this out. btw im good so i dont no why you wouldnt play me seeing that im going down there:ohwell:
im down if were playin on the weekend. i think our best bet is the motel. pm me with the details, such as when and where specifically u guys are stayin at, and ur number and ill be there


Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2009
this is also for tigerbmbz..
ill be going with my friends. they dont play but seeing that were there why the *** not. we dont have a solid place to stay there but we will be staying in a motel. Hey tigerbombz we should play at yo house or maybe the motel:(. invite darth rancorous and have some good matches. (if he can come and all) this will be in the following weeks so we should actually plan this out. btw im good so i dont no why you wouldnt play me seeing that im going down there:ohwell:
motel it...and i hope u bring some money...lots of it


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
This was fun to look at. i figure i am right between the top of level4 and the bottom of lvl 5 which is were i want to stay. This is the only smash game i can play with my friends from my home town were they stand a chance plus not being perfect at the combos make then more fun to pull of imo, nothing like comboing into rest.

Also i am a little surprised how few levels there are from learning and being able to preform something like z-canceling to being at the top lvl. i understand these are large and hard jumps just thought there would be more lvls in between since i and most my friends are at this lvl and we don't even play smash 64 that much.


Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
i reckon i'm at 5b, along with you, 1der, aa, leo, rom and james (i'm probly forgetting someone). judas and kuro i would put into 5c. there should be a 5d, which can completely outplay 5a-c but still gets owned by 6.
I've been playing against australian players lately and judging by my matches against you guys i'm probably a 5b now. I haven't played judas or kuro yet, are they the best australian players?


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
Nova, Kuro and Judas are the best, but Judas won't try against you since he "cbf'd", and he has a 7 frame delay. Kuro might try but again he doesn't always, he likes playing low tiers as well.


Smash Ace
Jun 16, 2009
Hah, nice. In my opinion, this guide pertains to all Smash games rather than just SSB64 and is quite accurate in details.

Unsuprisingly, I've gone through almost every phase here (save for 5B-Beyond World Champ).
For cheeseball341, I have vids that prove that I'm 5A (lol). Well, Level 4 in my SSB64 video.

My experience w/ these levels to be posted in the blogs forum! :D


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Most people who think they're at 4/5 aren't, you know.
that may be true but i am.

i read what he describes as a 4 and what is the 1st section of 5 and it fits into what i can do perfectly. If i wanted to lie and make up were i was i would be clearly somewhere in the 5 lvl which i do not think i am. i think if i tried to become better at the game i could be in the 5 lvl but i am very happy just having fun without being to much better then my friends. i guess what i am saying i even if some or most people over estimate their skills i have no reason to do this since i don't want to be great at this game since it would take away enjoyment for me me and my friends all know how to short hop and z cancel consistently we know the AT but we don't go any further in since taking a game to seriously can ruin its fun (thats why i stopped playing melee) Anyway trust me i am realistic and i am were i say i am skill wise.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
that may be true but i am.

i read what he describes as a 4 and what is the 1st section of 5 and it fits into what i can do perfectly. If i wanted to lie and make up were i was i would be clearly somewhere in the 5 lvl which i do not think i am. i think if i tried to become better at the game i could be in the 5 lvl but i am very happy just having fun without being to much better then my friends. i guess what i am saying i even if some or most people over estimate their skills i have no reason to do this since i don't want to be great at this game since it would take away enjoyment for me me and my friends all know how to short hop and z cancel consistently we know the AT but we don't go any further in since taking a game to seriously can ruin its fun (thats why i stopped playing melee) Anyway trust me i am realistic and i am were i say i am skill wise.
The learning curve is super outdated, and the 5 levels need to be expanded. The writer himself acknowledges this.

Online play has, in no uncertain terms, made the level of players from everywhere go up to previously rare heights, thus this needs to be rewritten in further detail. For instance, players learn to bait and pivot smash to punish, DI to escape drills and weaken edgeguarding, use Up-B out of shield with Samus/DK/Mario to escape shield pressure and can learn from an opponent and anticipate techs, etc after a short time. This isn't mentioned at all in the learning curve, and DI, while mentioned, has not been put into the curve. I would say 5A players can do basic smash DI, 5B players smash/slide DI, but sometimes improperly, and 5C players consistently slide and smash DI in almost optimal directions.

You need to play online to judge where you are. I myself assumed that sort of thing (I am 4/5), now I know I just barely touch 5A from playing online. Just knowing the ATs and being able to use them is nothing - playing good players and beating them is something you can use to say 'I'm 5A'.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
The learning curve is super outdated, and the 5 levels need to be expanded. The writer himself acknowledges this.

Online play has, in no uncertain terms, made the level of players from everywhere go up to previously rare heights, thus this needs to be rewritten in further detail. For instance, players learn to bait and pivot smash to punish, DI to escape drills and weaken edgeguarding, use Up-B out of shield with Samus/DK/Mario to escape shield pressure and can learn from an opponent and anticipate techs, etc after a short time. This isn't mentioned at all in the learning curve, and DI, while mentioned, has not been put into the curve. I would say 5A players can do basic smash DI, 5B players smash/slide DI, but sometimes improperly, and 5C players consistently slide and smash DI in almost optimal directions.

You need to play online to judge where you are. I myself assumed that sort of thing (I am 4/5), now I know I just barely touch 5A from playing online. Just knowing the ATs and being able to use them is nothing - playing good players and beating them is something you can use to say 'I'm 5A'.
Well when the writer of this thread updates the lvl's then i might not be at the lvl i atm say i am but since i am basing this off the OP as it stands right now i am in fact a 4/5 lvl player. Also how would u even know if i ever played a good player? u don't know my history with this game just as i dont know yours so i would not be going around saying u r not as good as u think without any reason to back that up


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
The beauty of a great game is that it evolves with time. Smash has evolve so much since 05 when I wrote this thread. This was before we consistantly DI'ed and used all the things people now implement. I know for a fact that most things were discovered in 05 but they are implemented nowhere near as well as they are today. I am sure that this learning curve well continue to expand and this is not the end.
The learning curve is vague. Nowhere near obselete yet, but very vague.

You're right, I can't say you aren't good, nor can I say you are good. I hope you continue to improve to the point where nobody doubts you when you post claims like that :)

Also, you are a Brawl player. That in itself says something :p
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