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The Fox Video & Critique Thread - READ OP.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2009
The Cold
hmm well thanks anyways dude cririquing can be pretty hard, I'm pretty bad at it lol.
I think you nailed the laser part, my laser game is pretty bad.
so I'm doing the second laser too high? do I want to be silent lasering for the second hit ideally?
I wouldnt say I player REALLY well, but I am a top player in aus (yeah... we're bad) and probably the best fox. (read: only fox)
I use utilt at higher percents to try chain into an uair since I try not to rely on usmash too much, but I agree that its not really a good idea.
as for the dthrows, I knew he expected a fair followup, and would zair me out of it so I just kept regrabbing until he caught on, which he didnt.

as for the stage, I picked fd because I knew I could outcamp him, but I picked picto earlier in the set because I prefer that for camping since its bigger and the ledges dont screw you over as much for recovering, but would you say that fd is a much better choice then picto for fox?

anyways, thanks for the time man.
well, when i tell people to do silent laser im pretty much saying train until you can do them, i only actually get a silent laser about 30% of the time but the second laser should be very low, if your second laser hit's mario you're doing it right.

well, iv never played on picto in competition before and im not even sure it's legal in my region so respectively i would say FD is better.

the Utilt to Uair thing is a good idea but Links Dair would Rip you apart if he sees you coming. but then again if the situation calls for it, it would be a better option. The reason i mention the JJC combo is because that could lead into getting Link off stage which could lead into a kill.

yeah when it comes to Dthrows just... don't follow up with fair, What you do is what i always advise and it's always what i do when i play unless my opponent catches on.

Going back to the stage choice if you find that Picto and FD are somewhat similar and you play them the same, Whichever one you play better on is the better stage. What im saying is if you play better on Picto than FD then Picto is the better stage. but in a general sense referring to match ups i would say FD is neutral as link can lay down some serious bomb/arrow/boomerang pressure
Mar 28, 2008
I merged your posts together. No worries, I know that smashboards is being really ******** right now.
Mar 28, 2008
Wow seriously... KJ is da bess. Getting work on these boards done! I didn't even realize it was almost an entire year...
It's absolutely no problem ^^.

Also, any videos still need critiquing I'll be happy to do.
Thank you, this thread is defiantly headed in the right direction now.

Edit: the thread has recieved a few cosmetic changes. Check the original post to see ^^. I will add videos which request to be added, so yeah, go ahead ^^.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2009
The Cold
YAY my goal is complete, i randomly started critiquing in hopes of other fox mains wanting to do so aswell.

i feel accomplished.

oh and anyone who want's a critique, ill give it to them.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2009
The Cold
i feel loved :D

now that i said that i need to come up with a sensible post so it isn't spam....

OH yeah gaiz the whole video guide thing won't work out... my family is mega lame and i can find a quiet place to record... sadly ill have to put this idea down which made me depressed overnight


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
heres some vids of my fox in the losers final of a tourney I went to on the weekend, you guys have never heard of me since I'm from australia but I'm going to be posting more and more and make a bit of a name for myself if I can, first things first though I need some critqueing please, be as harsh and brutal as you want <3


only had 2 since I used snake in the other matches, also it might only be against a link, but scabes link is amazing.
Ok I've had my cousin over for awhile so I'm gonna try and pop in as much as I can until next tuesday.

In the beginning where Scabe was throwing the bombs from such a height your best option was to SH Z-catch the bombs and throw it back at him.

0:29: Your best option for a person who airdodges right after your Dthrow over the edge is to SH Fair. Onstage you can switch between charging an Usmash, regrab on his landing,SH Uair,or SH Fair.

You seem a little impatient, stop approaching a camping link, we defiantly outcamp him so force his approach with more lasers.

0:50: Link whiffed a grab, you do know how much ending lag that move has? You have A LOT better punishing options and you chose the weakest option.

0:54: You were behind link and you spotdodged, what can Link really do to you if you are behind him I know you missed a Fsmash and all but he react late and plus his characters moveset isn't exactly fast so there was no need to spotdodge, you missed a window of opportunity because of this.

0:56: The height of the Nair Scabe did was a little too high you could have OoS Usmashed him

I forgot the time number on this one but you dodge rolled from Scabe while he was in Dair landing lag you made yourself lose a window of opportunity again

2:39: >.>

In general you are just doing things that hurt yourself and your reaction time seems a little slow. I liked watching the vid though.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2008
Houston, TX
What players do you recommend to watch besides TKD? Good Fox's, I mean, if I wanted to learn a thing or two.
Mar 28, 2008
What players do you recommend to watch besides TKD? Good Fox's, I mean, if I wanted to learn a thing or two.
Well aside from TKD, theres CloudRain who shows a good use of aggression. Iblis and Lightning are also good ones to watch as well.


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2008
Well aside from TKD, theres CloudRain who shows a good use of aggression. Iblis and Lightning are also good ones to watch as well.
aw :3 lol

i dont have many vids online yet so im not much of an option( dont watch the one vs untouched, its horrible,kj delete it asap lo)

theres 718Rookie, Zeton, YUI, Light, Iblis

look at power rankings in other thread and look at vids from those players AvoiD


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
Houston, TX
I don't see any videos by Lightning in the Fox Match section. Does he go by a different name there, or are there just none of him up yet?

Also, TKD, if you're reading this: get more videos up please, haha.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
Houston, TX
suggestion for more organization in player matches ; add each players matches in seperate spoiler for less clutter and this make it much easier to read.
I agree. Or at least put some form of separation between each person's matches besides sizing up their name. It's hard for me to scroll through the matches quickly in its current state. Changing the color of the names seems to work well, as I always spot Iblis and TKD's videos. Maybe have a different default color for names other than white?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 16, 2009
Uniondale, NY (Nassau, Long Island)


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2008
Germany, Koblenz
Hello Fox Boards Long time no see. I have a few videos that I hope you all can critique with my friend and I. I have always had trouble with the Peach MU and I was hoping you guys could give me advice. Please be critical :)

Here you go:





EDIT: Please add these to the OP as well KillerJawz. Thank You!
I only watched match 1.
The Beginning war bad, idk if you wanted to sh silent laser, but you got more consistent after the first few seconds.
Work on your punshing game, you could easily nair OOS a lot of moves or even usmash OOS because the peach didn´t space properly.
Try using more fair and bair and don´t get hit by that slow dash attack and punish it!

Other than that you had a good laser usage and your good at chasing your opponent in the air.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007


Smash Apprentice
May 9, 2010
pasadena, tx
Here are some of my videos. I'm not the best fox in the world but fighting xyro is good practice. Please feel free to critique. Plus I only play like two people at home. So when i first played him I was so confused with the match-up.
Alpha vs Xyro 1
Alpha vs Xyro 2
Alpha vs Xyro 3
Alpha vs Xyro 4


Smash Apprentice
May 9, 2010
pasadena, tx
Hey Ozz. I'm not the best fox but when your fighting toon link, you might not want to run with fox so much. No matter how good the powershield some things might still hit you. Walking would be prefered. At least for me. I would love to play some dittos or friendlies. ^_^

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
i watched the san match and you kept either attacking or airdodging into san as you were travellig down,got really predictable and he kept punishing that

your fox is cool though,just needs to be tightened up and whatnot
Mar 28, 2008
Here are some of my videos. I'm not the best fox in the world but fighting xyro is good practice. Please feel free to critique. Plus I only play like two people at home. So when i first played him I was so confused with the match-up.
Alpha vs Xyro 1
Alpha vs Xyro 2
Alpha vs Xyro 3
Alpha vs Xyro 4
Finally an MU I can help out with around here ^^.

Match 1: Okay, what you need to understand in this MU is that Samus doesn't and will not be approaching you, the damage output you give is far less then that of Samus' when camping eachother, so get ready to get aggressive. When you are forced to go to the ledge by a Samus, you need to start looking at what is giving you trouble, zair and missles were major problems for you here, jump around on the platforms and abuse Fox's godly momentum on this stage, you should be able to avoid the spam with ease. Work on your power shielding as well, it makes for a much more bearable approach.

When throwing Samus, never fthrow, she can zair you right out of it. Always dthrow and follow up after reading an air dodge or dair, preferably with rising fair. When Samus jabs, she can't safely follow without you shielding the second move, take advantage of this, and punish any follow ups.

Match 2: STOP DAIRING HER SHIELD. All of your aerial's are easily Upb oosable by Samus and you got punished for it nearly every time. Don't be so obvious with your approaches, it got to the point where I could actually predict what move you was going to do when you was above Xyro.

You played quite aggressivly this match, and the benefits showed when you were leading by like 70%+. Stop being so predictable with your recovery, stall a little with shines and then go for the illusion, never firefox however, under any circumstances.

Luckily for you, Xyro doesn't really momentum cancel, otherwise he could have punished your stale usmashes.

Match 3: Oh dear christ you were killed by dash attack...

Anyway, you played far better here, but on YI be sure to use those shy guys properly, they block all of her spam except zair and it makes for a much better protective wall. When Samus goes to charge her CS, rush her down.

Much better performance here.

Match 4: You performed far better here, but dying to a Samus bair at 108% is unforgiveable and I will have to whip you for it.

You were aggressive and knew exactly when to hold back. Your aerial approaches were painfully obvious but in CQC you definatly utilised Fox's strengths and I was pretty impressed with you punished that dtilt at the end there.

Overall, you definatly learnt as the matches went on, but take into account everything I have written down here, if you need further help, check out Cloudrain's matches against me, which can be found in the archive.


Smash Apprentice
May 9, 2010
pasadena, tx
Finally an MU I can help out with around here ^^.

Match 1: Okay, what you need to understand in this MU is that Samus doesn't and will not be approaching you, the damage output you give is far less then that of Samus' when camping eachother, so get ready to get aggressive. When you are forced to go to the ledge by a Samus, you need to start looking at what is giving you trouble, zair and missles were major problems for you here, jump around on the platforms and abuse Fox's godly momentum on this stage, you should be able to avoid the spam with ease. Work on your power shielding as well, it makes for a much more bearable approach.

When throwing Samus, never fthrow, she can zair you right out of it. Always dthrow and follow up after reading an air dodge or dair, preferably with rising fair. When Samus jabs, she can't safely follow without you shielding the second move, take advantage of this, and punish any follow ups.

Match 2: STOP DAIRING HER SHIELD. All of your aerial's are easily Upb oosable by Samus and you got punished for it nearly every time. Don't be so obvious with your approaches, it got to the point where I could actually predict what move you was going to do when you was above Xyro.

You played quite aggressivly this match, and the benefits showed when you were leading by like 70%+. Stop being so predictable with your recovery, stall a little with shines and then go for the illusion, never firefox however, under any circumstances.

Luckily for you, Xyro doesn't really momentum cancel, otherwise he could have punished your stale usmashes.

Match 3: Oh dear christ you were killed by dash attack...

Anyway, you played far better here, but on YI be sure to use those shy guys properly, they block all of her spam except zair and it makes for a much better protective wall. When Samus goes to charge her CS, rush her down.

Much better performance here.

Match 4: You performed far better here, but dying to a Samus bair at 108% is unforgiveable and I will have to whip you for it.

You were aggressive and knew exactly when to hold back. Your aerial approaches were painfully obvious but in CQC you definatly utilised Fox's strengths and I was pretty impressed with you punished that dtilt at the end there.

Overall, you definatly learnt as the matches went on, but take into account everything I have written down here, if you need further help, check out Cloudrain's matches against me, which can be found in the archive.

Thanks for all the advice. I'm going to take all that into consideration. I feel a lot more confident when I fight him now. I'm just trying to make the archive. haha. More videos will be uploaded soon.
Mar 28, 2008
Yeah I'll get them up there asap.

In future, if you want your videos added, please read the OP.
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