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The Fox Video & Critique Thread - READ OP.


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2008
*dusts off Fox knowledge*

Okay, where do I start?
Does it stand to say, Iblis that your Fox looks very stiff? There are time where you just stand there and your moves are choreographed because of it, makes you easy to predict, not as good as when we first fought each other waay back, where you were fluid with your moves, making it hard to know what to do next against you.
That Marth wasn't very good, as marth has a 0-25 cg on Fox, with a tipped forward smash to chase. His spacing was okay, but his pokes needed work. Also, he didn't capitalize on Marth's edge guarding game as well as he could.

A few things you should work on.
First keep moving, Fox is a fast character, do fast things, run, short hops, anything. When you're just standing there, your Fox looks sporadic and jumpy.

Learn more mix ups. You were doing the same thing a lot, which didn't compliment your predictability very well. But I can understand that it's vs Marth, so your options were limited to an extent, but you could have done something different.

Practice your JC Up smash OoS, I see many situations where that would have shut Marth's *** up, especially during his Dancing Blade. On the note of Up smash.

Use it more early %s on.
It good damage and since you're doing it early, you'll more than likely get rid of it's stale negation with other attacks to killing percentage, and perhaps even get a fresh bonus for that extra stretch.

Finally, try and grow accustomed to instant shielding. For obvious reasons, that'll help you a lot in this match up more so than it would others.

As for ZSS (Which you named Fox vs Marth 2 by the way), your stiffness bit you in the *** here, your opponent seemed to have hit you a lot where you just be dancing like a hopped up rodent. You also didn't camp in this match as much as you should, you always just dived in there. ZSS doesn't have good approaches, so camping was going to do some good here.
ZSS' crouch camping would only have helped her more so than it would oppose you, plus you still have the advanntage.
Again, JC Up smash OoS would have saved a lot of trouble, especially when he was spamming down smash.

ZSS has poor recovery options, use that to capitalize on Fox's edge guarding, a good ZSS will never attempt a recovery below the stage, force her.

Still, the biggest issue if you fluidity, work on that first.

Zelda...don't know what to say here.
Camp more, much more, you ran into a lot of damage willingly. Zelda isn't an approaching character, Zelda is a bait, poke and punish kind of girl, camping would put you in an advantageous position.
Zelda also does not have that good of an edge guarding game, which perplexes me to why she kept you at bay for so long. You (and Iblis for that matter) need to go back to basics with recovery, Fox copters are cute, but shine stalling would have helped more, I've seen you do it a few times, which is nice, but do it more.

Learn to SDI better, Zelda is made of multihitters, try to save yourself some damage by mashing out, especially her up smash.

Do more neutral airs (you too Iblis).

Jenks, your biggest issue is that you don't camp, which always seem to come back and bite you in the ***. At least camp a little. Like I said to Ibis, try for an early Up smash, camping will help fresh this move out, as well as down airs.

For Peach, don't know, your friend doesn't play a noteworthy Peach, so the best advice I can give you is to not be on the ground so much. Peach's air to ground game is way better than her air to air game, you at least stand a chance up with her. Camp more, those first few seconds were a joke, so I'm even not counting that.

Try and upload some offline matches, since you want critique, it'd be best for us to observe you at your best, so we'll know what your real high and low points are, as with wifi, those points are clouded with lag johns.

i agree with light on the smash DI thing with zelda

...on another note ^^^daym!!! ignore wat i said, he clearly just wins :p

Uzima (Uzi)

Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
Colorado Springs
And @ Knux, I don't think you can SDI out of Zelda's up-smash unless you're a superhuman. You may be able to avoid a few hits or so if that's what you mean (which I think you do.)
I have before o.o

not sayuing im super crazy or anything, but i've gotten fully out of zeldas f and up smashes.

they last so long you can remove your right hand and full arm DI out of it.
i've done it tons of times.


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Iblis you need to work on your punishment game. you let your opponent get away with too many mistakes imo.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2008
Zelda Usmash is designed to be difficult to DI out of, but it's by no means impossible. With practice, you can get it at least 50% of the time.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2008
Quarter circle up and out (whichever direction you're closest to). I usually escaped from the side.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 11, 2009
I have some replays of my fox , just dont have a camera if any can maybe can let me send them the videos via wii and upload them or look at them yourself pm me. Or i'll try too see if I can upload them for me

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
gonna start with NKBs vid since he only linked 1 video haha :p

ok well i think you know you could have played much better but <3 none the less...the 2 major mistakes that kept popping out to me throughout the match were your laser spacing and use of jab..that single jab stuff id recommend cutting down on, you shouldnt really rely on it as a main approach,keep it in your back pocket for a nice mix up once in a blue moon...the laser spacing hurt you bad you were doing standing lasers right beside him for some reason O_o...you lacked confidence in yourself in this match and it showed,you were forcing things/punishing with the wrong move and attacking his shield alot(no worries,i have the EXACT same issues)....there wasnt much use of nair or SH fair,which are staples of the matchup so try using those more.......the main reason you lost is cause you kept making poor decisions and being predictable,you had some great moments but you gotta be on point vs Snake cause he'll thrives off of punishing your mistakes and predicting you......use nair oos dangit! its a god send!

some specific things
:32 daird into his sheild,snake has an unreal punish game,even if you dair him from behind your still gonna get hit, i would have used a drop down bair but im not sure if thats safe even if perfectly spaced,just remember you never want to be above/or land infront of snake(look at :52 or the last kill) hes gonna kick you in the face(the key is to keep snake above you =p)

1:45-51 good ****!!!!1
1:58 i love how you played into the fact that you kept attacking into his sheild, awesome mindgames!

2:10 dont spotdodge infront of snake

2:36 dont punish with dsmash in general,its cool down or w.e the **** its called is slow and leaves you open(look at 3:16 it got you again!),it would have been best to camp in your sheild and got the guaranteed grab, that whole dash cancelled bair thing happened very fast so its easy for me to tell you the proper way to punish it from the spectating side,i prolly would have made the same mistake)

3:51 daird his sheild again

4:01 i understand the match was lost and you were doing w.e you could to get back in it,but that is a no no!


overall,keep it up NKB your fox has gotten much better<3

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Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
1) NBK worst costume color eva soo you prone to losing but back to critiquing

2) 0:25 why? The grounded laser you lucky he didn't DAC what you should have done what kept SHDL/SHLing but what I already noticed you're standing in spot lasering move around while doing it get an reaction from the snake and also were the those empty SHs or (fail attempts at SHL no offense)

3) 0:30 I know that you know better than what you just did Snake has a utlit that reaches to Cali and you were on the plat. you tried punishing with Dair which was predictable and very unsafe against a snake when 2 things was gonna mess you up, he either had time to actually Utilt you again or Shieldgrab which he did do. Next time move away or if you're gonna drop down and try to hit him drop down with a bair, it will make hit slide away from you giving less of a chance to Shieldgrab you. Better yet you can actually just run off the plat. and do a lagless Bair.

4) WHY? STOP GROUND LASERING! If the snake was really thinking he could have DAC'd out of his crawl and punish you! You're doing what don't want to ever do to Fox and stop his mobility. SHDL/SHL!

5) 0:52 Ok let's make this clear Fox above a snake on a plat. is not good considering his weapons can control almost anyone on a plat. He made you get scared and punished you. Don't get above him on a plat. have him on plat. and you below him there are soooo many options you can take from there :)

6) 0:54 don't dair from high places ( I learned it the hard way) it's almost as predictable as a Falcon Punch the way you used it. If you plan on doing that shine hovering to throw the player off. 0:57 good you baired instead of dairing do that more.

7) 1:15 Joe has metioned this your laser spacing got you Dash attacked here you were in perfect range for him to hit you. Also most people will expect you to camp if you're already at an early disadvantge, so maybe do some passive agression.... fake the camp and hit him with some thing for his bad reaction.

8) 1:29-1:31 NO!!!!!!!!!!! Standing lasers bad vs. Snake vs. anybody! (maybe not Ganondorf)

9) 1:45-1:49 You were getting greedy and you were getting punished for it. But nice job on the kill.
Notice this though you see how most this match snake has been shielding,grenading,or Ftilting? Dash shield grab is your friend for that problem my friend. (PWG is optional)

10) 2:14 Perfect time to have Dash shield grab!

11) 2:19 NBK NO!!!! DON'T BE SCARED! You had a perfect chance to Dash Shield grab you shielded to early and then dodgerolled away. HE WAS WAITING TO SHIELD YOU! It was perfect well you'll see as you look at these comments as you rewatch your video :)

12) 2:20 NBK..... it hasn't even been a second since I commented lol...... Why STANDING LASERS? He was right there IN FRONT OF YOU!

13) 2:27 he was waiting for you to Dair down to him >.> like before either Shine hover (not a good idea in the postion he had you in though) or Airdodge back safely.

14) 2:41-2:43 What? What made you do that? Joe is right less Jab>Grabs for you mister! :p

15) 2:55 LOL!!!!! Is there much more to say about that?


17) 3:08 SUCESS! ~Nice Read~


19) 3:40 no no no no.... remember Uzi? yea the techy? He showed us the Lagless Full Jump Dair onto plat. for a reason, but even then you're being too greedy for kill, I can tell you wanted that match to be ova.


21) 0:00-4:14 ??????WHERE'S THE NAIR??????

OK overall my friend what you need to find better ways to be aggresive, SHAD like Light said, ACTAULLY GRAB THE SNAKE, so throw more grabs in your game defiantly, give back Fox what he needs most his mobility and stop ground lasering. Also you're doing what I was doing being stiff and standing in one place too much. Where was the Nair? More Fair, he's a fatty beat his butt with that. Mix up your dair connection options when it lands Utilt ain't helping much after 70%, Dair>Grab please. You wanna why I could balantly tell you were being so obvious the whole match that was doing the same exact stuff and you kept falling for it. But otherwise you're fine NBK. But please don't eva reinact 2:41-2:43 or 2:55.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2008
You know what your problem is, NKB?

You're afraid to get into Snake's face. You have passive down, now work on aggressive.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2008
'Sokay, Mars. We'd rather be thorough and go one at a time.

Also you play Sheik, so natural bias.


Monochrome Like A Panda
May 18, 2007
Fort Washington, MD.
Yeah, I actually AM pretty scared of Snake. He is probably my hardest match-up just because of mentality I think.

I did lots of standing lasers because I have play Takeover MANY times and I knew that he would NEVER move unless I did standing lasers. When I short hop em he will just sit. FOREVER!


I was really surprised that Snakes forward tilt beat out Fox's Jab Grab =(

I will try more air dodge.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
I did a special critique for NBK..... Idk when I'll have the special power to that again >.> sorry Mars

P.S. Why when I went looking for a dazzle they asked me if it was djing or my raps? Am I that black?

1,000! POST!

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
he only thanks iblis </3 jks <33333

ok mars im gonna start urs now,im only doin the FD video,since its the least stage out of the 3 vids =p

for starters, too much spotdodging/airdodging(some of your SHADattacks were godly spaced though),in the beginning you were lasering into him i noticed you started laying back later in the mathc though which is good to see :)

i noticed you didnt really follow up any of your attacks,i mean its cool that your style is defensive but you could have capatilized alot more on some opportunites(nair usmash plox)...the dair fair uair was nice though :)...late into his first stock you realized how effective fair is ;) didnt see much bair,its **** good vs kirby,albeit hard to hit with since hes a small guy

:16 ftilt him instead =]
:51 SHAD into him,gotta break that habit of SHAD so much!
1:24: you got too greedy,should backed off...on a side note:kirbys utilt clanks with foxs utilt? O_O lol
1:40ish mark be more aggressive offstage
2:01 he was infront of you, theres better moves to hit him with then utilt LOL
2:16 godly mindgames

overall, very solid play, not much to critique to be honest,besides some iffy spacing at times you did a good job my friend
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Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Thanks Joe:) I just have no idea how to play Kirby with Fox it's so frustrating I just camp and hope for the best:(


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
Your sound sync is terrible.
You should go an download a program called "Virtual Dub", it allows you to fix sound related anomalies like that.

Second, your text is too **** small. Even with my 20/20 eye sight, I couldn't read a lick of that stuff.
Use a black screen and plain text, and at least 7-10 seconds to read it, add music and provide demonstrations and explanations separately.

Have you seen the Melee guide, that's like 15 minutes a piece and 3 parts long?
Do it like that, but not as long.
Number your categories, provide a good description with proper lingo and second opinions--then show demonstrations.

TL;DR, learn better editing.


Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
NKB please stop rolling behind Snake... punished you so many times for it, and had quite a few more opportunities to do so.

Other than that, the important parts of that match are:

1) stop Snake's shield pressure game
2) get Snake in the air.

Grab and Fair both to that job for you. Use those a bit more, and space with Bair instead of approaching with Dair.

Don't AC Fair against Snake, because you'll hit too high and be utilt bait. Trust me, if you're just slightly late, after one/two hits, you start poking Snake's shield... Snake should almost never be able to hold shield against Fox...

Really nice to see vids of Mars. not bad, mang.


Monochrome Like A Panda
May 18, 2007
Fort Washington, MD.
NKB please stop rolling behind Snake... punished you so many times for it, and had quite a few more opportunities to do so.

Other than that, the important parts of that match are:

1) stop Snake's shield pressure game
2) get Snake in the air.

Grab and Fair both to that job for you. Use those a bit more, and space with Bair instead of approaching with Dair.

Don't AC Fair against Snake, because you'll hit too high and be utilt bait. Trust me, if you're just slightly late, after one/two hits, you start poking Snake's shield... Snake should almost never be able to hold shield against Fox...

Really nice to see vids of Mars. not bad, mang.
I know what you mean, but after playing Takeover over the past few months I have a harder and harder time beating him.

When I would grab to forward air he would just pull out a nade and trade damage with me. It would really mess me up.


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, California
If he keeps pulling out his nades, throw him, then back up to camp some more. If he starts predicting you, then you can actually reverse that and predict HIM, because you'll know what he expects you to do.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2008
How to edit: Get Adobe Premiere, **** around with stuff until it looks good. Don't use too many effects at first. Have a vision before you start editing.
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