Well, my house is now on fire and I'm not sure if I cn put it out. Good thing I hadn't inteded to stay there for much longer. I've got some chores to attend to but first I'd like to tell you all that I am now fairly certain of a traitor in our midst.
When I recently told you all too listen to your local law enforcement I was refferring to a new plan that wouldn't have to involve people coming to my house.
I didn't want to say this in over the public frequency, so nobody got any nasty ideas, but there's one huge vulnerability to your fortress - fire. All a fog man would have to do would be to light your house on fire, and wait for it to burn, then kill you if you came running out.
I really think you're much more vulnerable in there than you would be outside.
Frankly, I think the safest thing would for you to go to some unknown location in the town, bring some non perishable food and some water, and just hide out there. I don't know if that would be any easier on you mentally [OOC]You'd have to ask EE about that[OOC], but it would probably be safer for you physically.
If you do decide to do this, please tell me and save me the trouble of wondering where you went. If you're still suspicious of me you don't have to tell me beforehand, but just radio me afterwards to tell me that you are, in fact, still alive. You don't even have to tell me where you are, but please don't let me assume you're dead.
That's really all I have to say. You don't even have to reply if you don't want to, but I don't think you can just hole yourself up in your house forever.
This was actually not very suspicious at the time and still wouldn't be but the combination of him ignoring a plan that I think has some real merit and I'm pretty sure not even sharing it with the rest of law enforcement, combine to make me very supicious of him. Plus, he also fits my profile of possible fog people.
I'd like to know what you guys think?
And, I think we should all check in over the radio to see if everyone save waterman is still with us. I feel like were missing a couple town members.
The follow is a transcript of a radio message to Simms, after he told me one of his deputies would get the supplies I asked for.
I need conformation that all the law enforcement are at the sherriff's office, that means that they each send me a message.
All the supplies should be there and I need to know what kind of vehicles you have there, your may be more desirable. I also need to know what tools and weapons you have available.
My plan goes like this, no fortress can stand against a seige permanently, I can make em real quick but they'll certainly get knowcked down with a sustained effort. we need a way to get around quickly and safely from safe place to safe place. That's safe from people and fog. I have a pick up truck with and industrial generator I can power fans to be fitted on the outside of the bed, and I can't think of any wepon that would work on people and fog and still be hand held besides a blow torch. If we get like 6 people together we can keep up moving from place to place and I can fortify each one for future return, or booby trap it so we know if someone is following us. The dehumidifier is just for when we stay somewhere(we don't know the powers they have over any moisture). And, the shopping cart would be what I mounted the generator in and back up fans incase something happened to the truck and we had to run.
If you keep the supplies there I can just bring the truck and my tools and supplies. I really hope you have a garage for me to work in.
Also, I trust the good doc and his brother they seem like good guys and they both have useful skills. If we could get them to the station to it would be great. I haven't heard from the doc and am starting to worry for his safety.
As you can see this letter completely nullifies the stringhanded argument that he soon fired back over the general frequency, suggesting that he didn't read it or simply ignored it.
But, what is worse is my recent fire problem, here is a transcript of what Simms told me soon after my fortification was built.
Also, don't worry about the painting I'm keeping it and if I see people I'll show it to them personally.