Smash Apprentice
Air Egg Roll Launcher
This move is actually an extension of the egg laucher (what yall called the egg roll reverse in this thread) that when u egg roll at a platform/edge/ground in the air u can reverse the direction lagelessly. It isnt like the tech where u go off the platform then reverse it. It is literall the moment the game detects that you touched the ground you go in the oppisite direction. (i think the turn happens on frame 0 or 1...)
The inputs are forward special in the air then start holding back BEFORE u touch the ground and Yoshi will reverse his direction.
This can be used for attacking/tech chasing/ recovery......... Yes i said recovery. Ill explain this too everyone if u want me to.....
I hope This can help develop Yoshi even more.

Air Egg Roll Launcher
This move is actually an extension of the egg laucher (what yall called the egg roll reverse in this thread) that when u egg roll at a platform/edge/ground in the air u can reverse the direction lagelessly. It isnt like the tech where u go off the platform then reverse it. It is literall the moment the game detects that you touched the ground you go in the oppisite direction. (i think the turn happens on frame 0 or 1...)
The inputs are forward special in the air then start holding back BEFORE u touch the ground and Yoshi will reverse his direction.
This can be used for attacking/tech chasing/ recovery......... Yes i said recovery. Ill explain this too everyone if u want me to.....
I hope This can help develop Yoshi even more.

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