lol, no jones.Right, but he has secondaries. Plus, I've been to like... 3 tournaments, and the first one I was horrid, and the other two I have pool johns (At my second one, I got put in the pool with the extra person, otherwise I woulda gone to brackets -_-') Anywho, secondaries make the equation kind've not equal. (Since I don't have any :'( )
I really wanna play Bo, and have like a $5 MM on live stream sometime, and get some rad commentators be like "YOU MUST RECOVER!" and stuff. We'd hype that match up.
It'd be the best $5 I'd ever win/lose.
Secondaries are legit, especially in his region with Lain and NoJ around. Not to mention the fact that his Mario is still insane compared to his seconds. Going all Mario in tourney is crazy anyways.
....Unless your name is Matador
Edit: I'm fine with that Daisho. Seldom do we ever have a unanimous decision even after debating. Either way it goes, it's a close matchup.