Smash Hero
1) no, it can't when there's a wall at the ledge to stop itHm...if it doesn't stop recovery, then you can probably still stall by jumping over the new collision box. But making it stop recovery is also not good. The slope might need to be moved up a little no matter what fix we use, but that's having some issues, unfortunately. Where's Maestro, anyway? Maybe he can help with the moving of the slope.
And I think Venom is a worse stage than Corneria in terms of competitiveness. It just allows to camp on either side of the wall, forcing the loser to approach from up top, which is oftentimes disadvantageous. Melee allows Corneria, but bans Venom, for multiple reasons.
2) yes it will **** with recoveries, but ideally not if its low enough
3) the slope won't move. you might as well just forget that option.
4) i pm'd meastro earlier today. the only fix i could think he could do that i can't is hex the ledge into a curve. its possible that he might be able to move the ground, but you really need to try and not get your hopes up (on top of possibly not working, it may rip holes in the models).
5) its going to be a bad stage in either form. in the meantime we might as well just finish venom if only as a side/optional download.
edit: if all else fails we can establish a rule against waterfall camping and leave it in alpha, announcing updates as we make them.