Now, most of the links that you posted for my requests, were just Start - End loops. While I did say that was fine for some of them, I did point out some specific loop points for the others, but you just Start - End looped them. Just these ones need redoing, please:
And if it's alright... I've got two new requests.
Username: Artalias
Song Name: Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Knight of the Goddess
Download Link:
Guidelines: Have the loop point start at 1:05 and loop it back to 0:00, the start. You should be able to hear the two similar parts. So basically, once the track reaches 1:05, it'll go back to the start. They're both the same part really, but try to make it loop seamlessly, please.
When Do You Need it Completed By: Whenever you can, please.
Username: Artalias
Song Name: Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Paradigm Shift
Download Link:
Guidelines: Have the loop point start at 3:14, and loop it back to 0:10. You should be able to hear the two similar parts. Listen at both points and you should be able to hear it. They're both about two bars before the main violin part comes in... I hope this makes sense. They're both the same part, so if you can hear it, try to make it loop seamlessly, please.
When Do You Need it Completed By: Whenever you can, please.