At the same time, I'm not sure you're giving people enough credit. Maybe what you used to deal with and beat in 2009 was done in a much less effective fashion (like, repeatedly, for instance). The cues for those could've changed - maybe now it's only done once in a while as a mixup, and all of a sudden you're not watching for it and it hits you and you go "damn, I used to punish that all the time two years ago"? I mean, it's a valid excuse if you quit for half a year, just got back in, and you're slow to react to everything, but it's been, what, over two months since you've been playing actively again? I watched vids of my play from 2008. I used to **** people with Marth doing nothing but SHDF and Dolphin Slash. I'm pretty sure I have better spacing now than I do then. I don't see nearly the same level of success going with the strategy I used back then. **** happens, but looking at everything from a perspective of only how you've changed is not giving you the whole picture.