True story.
Anyways with 12 characters I've literally started to play like every character in the game online.... though I only really play Rachel a little bit of Noel.
My Tager is sick, I just hit them a few times to get them down to 75% health and then use broken *** 720. If I miss I just block some more and do it again.
Hakumen is lol, I just 3c and random super until they lose or I lose.
Arakune is a joke, I just jump around and press D until they get cursed. Then I press all the buttons until their guard breaks. And throw in random 6cs. Sometimes I grab super... WTF @ that damage.
I still stand by my statement that Noel's bnb is the hardest to learn in the game. In fact I'd go as far as to say Noel, Rachel and Litchi are the hardest to learn to play effectively. Taokaka is right under them.
Ragna being by far the easiest, followed by Jin, Tager and Arakune... Nu too.
Oh my god. I was BORN to play Tager.