Well, all that matters is skill. So unless your character becomes trash and pretty much unplayable *cough*Rachel*cough*, things are still fine.
And BBCSII's release is still a ways away, so they'll probably buff characters on the next location test build.
Good point, lol.
Ok, well here's what happened during the wreck.
I was driving home from school, and I was behind a car. Some idiot pulled out in front of the car ahead of me and slammed on his brakes, so the guy ahead of me and I put on our brakes. Unfortunately, the guy behind me didn't see it coming, and he hit me so hard that even though I was stopped and was using my brakes, I got pushed and almost hit the guy ahead of me. Naturally, the guy who caused it drove off.
Luckily, I only have a few scratches and dents on my bumper, but the guy behind me... lol.
The front of his car was almost completely smashed in as if Super man had punched it, fluid was leaking, his headlights were gone, and he had to get it towed. Yay for having a trailer hitch on my car!
I'm a bit sore, but other than that, I'm fine. I do feel really, really sorry for the other guy, though; I hope his insurance covered the damages.