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The Big MI Discussion Topic


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
alright, james/joel/adam/tony be at justins by 7 tom. dont be late ahills peoples. and james you might not have to drive now, if you dont want to

walshy, pm the addy soon

mikey, thanks for the luck... we gonna clux people up at fc


Smash Rookie
Jun 25, 2004
good news, I went and grabbed another 19 in flatscreen so that makes a total of 3 very good tvs, but like I said I only have 1 cube, so I'll need you guys to bring 2 cubes over, and it sounds like a good chance my guys will be over now, (before one of their cars was broke but he might be able to borrow one) so that makes a total of 3 on my end (me, pac, and Eazy), so lets try to keep this to around 6 or 8 people that way nobody will be sitting out. BTW, if you can leave earlier than 7pm that'd be great so we could get more smashing in, but if its not possible I understand.

Mikey Lenetia

Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2003
Washington Township, MI
Honestly, I wish I could go with you guys. But it's a whole different thing to convince Mom to let me go to a tournament. That plus the fact I'm still recovering from getting the wisdom teeth removed means that I'm out for a good while... So kick some *** for me!

However... I should recover soon. So, while the tournament may be out, I'm open until the 18th, which is when I'm getting my final wisdom tooth removed. Not the best timing, but I can't complain. It could have been worse. Good luck, guys! And yes, that includes Tiger Destruction. Show them why Michigan rocks! ^_^


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2003
Socal, MI spirit

lol joel how many times I gotta tell u, smash isnt done when FC is done. there will prolly be a Fc2, and tourneys are poppin up almost every day. Vgames is just the tourney im 100.10% + im going to.

Yeah but I cant make it to FC, cause ill be going out of town to re-visit family this thursday, and of course like luigis sex kick, that out prioritizes alot of stuff. Dont worry theres many other tourneys ill be at to own =

anyways good luckzor at FC.

Also - Adam hit me up ***. If u wanna visit sensei for an *** beating u got my #.


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
yeah lets try and not leave too much earlier then 7 becuase i still ogtta work til maybe 6, some of us have jobs they keep james HAHAHA, the weathers looking pretty crappy though so ill probably get out early.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2004
Lake Orion
dont matter to me what time we leave, just gotta go take a drug test ^^ and look for a new job.

HAHAHAHA adam, go **** ur pet dolphin over at ur work, whats his name? wet bandit?


and i will bring a cube for sure then, if no one else is.

justin, when u wake up, think i could stop by and smash a bit till everyone else gets there? well i dont mean as SOON as u wake up lol, i mean like around 3 or 4 or something?


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2004
lipton, u ready to rip it up in teams, SUPA MARIO BROS STYLE, try finding a red hat, or borrow joes. Ill get a green hat :cool:


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
James, that's cool. I told Joe and Tony to come by around 3 anyways. It's almost 1:30 now. Gotta shower, eat my breakfast, and I is good tah go!

Atma........What am I gonna do with you? Red hat? Just for that I'm calling our team Lipton does all the work. Unline Joe and Jesse, we're taking first place teams! 0_o


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2004
Lake Orion
well i have to go get my check, cash it, and go take a drug test, so i might not be over there till like 430ish, and when the **** are leaving to walshys ?


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
James, we're leaving my house for Walshy's at 7. You better be here on time! you too Joel! We need to have some more Mario vs Sheik matches! :D Mario a Sheik counter....pffffft!!!!

Deleted member

Well good luck to all of you at FC. Sorry I couldn't come along :( . Justin, if you are taking your camera, make sure to get a lot of good footage for me, heh.

I'm probably going to tehownage's place on Friday so that his mom will let him come to smashfests so I'll be doing something productive while not at FC.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2003
Tampa, FL
I knew Daver had that wireless hookup all along
I surprised myself with that!

Justin....I will be coming over today for a little smash. I am so jealous that you guys get to go to FC. I havent been over for a smashfest in at least a week. I am going through withdrawals.

GOD our banners look ****ing pimp. Thanks Adam

Deleted member

Heh, Daver, I don't think that is such a good idea unless you want to play smash by yourself. They all left last night I believe unless something changed. Man, next big tournament that is out of state or something, I'm gonna have to come along... I'm really missing out by not going to FC.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2003
Tampa, FL
ok well nevermind. Hey Monstrosity..... maybe we can get together today? I hear you are playing with that one dude soon. Gimme a call on my cell or post back if you are interested.

Yeah it sucks we both couldnt go to FC...

Deleted member

Yea I was planning on going to tehownage's house tomorrow (Friday) probably about 6:30. He's gonna check with his mom to make sure but he says he's cool with you coming over too. As long as his mom says its ok, you could probably come over to my house at like 6:15-6:30 and then we could head over there tomorrow. Let me know what you think.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2003
Tampa, FL
hmmm... well the only way things will work out good for me is if we were able to get together earlier.

What city do you live in anyways TECH?

Give me a call or post something Dave or Tech if you guys wanted to play at like 3 or 4.

Deleted member

Daver, he lives in Sterling Heights too... only about a mile away from my house. I think he told me the other day that it would have to be after 5 or something at his house but I could be wrong.

I have to go to OU this afternoon for a little while, but I hope I'll be back by like 2:00ish. You might be able to come over to my house from like 3 - 5 if you want. I could give you a call when I get home to see if you want to come over for a little while.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2004
Lake Orion
well hello everyone, we got back last night, and everyone was exhausted, so everyone prolly went home for a shower in something other than a church. it was a great trip, prolly the funnest smash tourny i have went to, it was great, me and joel were hangin out with the new york kids, were playin pool. then we played volleyball later that day in teams, lol, it was the funniest thing i have ever seen, tony playing ^^. the only thing that pissed me off was that me and joel had to fight for the top 10 spot in singles, but i won, and then i beat someone else and got 7th ^^. go me. but im sure the others are gonna be postin up soon as they get up too. and o ya, team WTA(me and joe)got 5th. w00t!


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Yeah, FC was sweet, i was blown away by the skill level of the Cali guys and even NY it was nuts, ive been inspired.

Im psyched to play soon, i wanna see if my imporvements stuck with me, and i gotta get another character down, by next smashfest ill at least be adept with my choice. check the FC thread of rcommentary though.

Deleted member

Well it sounds like you guys had a good time. I read the two books that Justin and Adam wrote about FC in the other topic. Joe, Joel, and James... nice job on the high placings. Just like Joe wanted in the first post of this topic, MI is climbing up there in state rankings.

Justin, did you take your camera and did you get a lot of good vids?

While you guys were gone, Daver stopped by my house on Friday and we played for a little while. Heh, he's got a different character getting a lot better too.

I went to theownage's house on Friday too. He was definitely better than he was at the V Games. If I had to put him on the rankings list, I would put him at 10 probably. Although he couldn't beat my Samus, he did beat my Fox and he beat me in a Sheik ditto. I could tell he really has potential... just needs some practice with us.

And last thing... smashfest this week? Hopefully someone can show me some of Wes's's's tactics and tricks with Samus. How about Thursday for a smashfest?


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Monstro, if you saw Wes's Samus, you would have jizzed your pants....Mostly I just got Match vids, as tracking everyone down to get commentary from was crappy. I got phatgamer showing me his huge nipples on camera, though.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2004
Lake Orion
hows that justin? much better? i thought so =). yea montross, wes was wicked with samus, he was doin that "drop a bomb, then throw out his beam, then it gets cancled on the bomb, then he does a move" and he did it in like .4 seconds lol, it was great, thats the only samus ive played so far i couldnt beat ^^. but when i played him in the tourny, it was extrememly close, he had 109% and i just couldnt finish him off, i was soo mad.

that stupid ken kard was ********, i had to beat the entire SoF just to get a set, 1 fkin set. and i did horrible in it, i was soo tuckered out from playing, for 3 days, about 40 hours of smash lol.

but i didnt get 4 stocked like a certain someone ^^


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
HAHA come on you cant blame a certain someone it was ****ing ken, hes a robot, he wasnt playing he was "interfacing"

yeah monsro, Wes was like, the creamer of jeans when it comes to samus, if i could anem a favorite smasher in the US it owuld probably be him just for the fact that hes soo good with samus that he actually puts effort into making you look like a noob, it was nuts.

Mikey Lenetia

Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2003
Washington Township, MI
Awesome, guys. Sounds like you all had a blast! Maybe I'll be lucky next time and be able to tag along. I've missed you guys. ^_^;;;

Anyhow... Yeah. About a Smashfest. I REALLY wanna go to one bad, since I need competition, and the only person that used to be able to keep up with me is now commonly doing poorly... Dunno why, though. Anyhow, yeah, count me in for a Thursday smash.


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
lol, dead tired+ken+character with no practice cause of no memory card makes for a rough match. 2nd didnt go too bad, but its all good

yeah, thursday is probably cool with me. and yeah monstro i should have some stuff 2 show u. justin get those vids on a cd or something for me please, oh and dont act like i dont rock at dittos, lol, it was ken.

also, we need a sweet peach (no offense mikey, u might get there, but arent yet). joel u should go all peach. james u want marth and ill take sheik? im not gonna play marth so much anymore so anyone who wants to step in and take him feel free. but michigan is repping good now a days


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
if james doesnt want him ill give him a shot, i was going to learn him anyways.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2004
Lake Orion
adam u really think ur gonna be able to pick up marth? i suggest u play ur ganon till it is good ^^. jk. u should pick up the doc, i dont know if wanna even play him anymore, i just get owned with him lol. he is just like ganon almost, but with pills...and good moves....


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
mmm well see, im going to try it for a bit, i just cant find my copy of smash anywhere.
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