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The Big MI Discussion Topic


Smash Lord
May 26, 2008
East Lansing, MI
Tough break for Zinoto, specially because he had beaten Tako at PS3.

I got 9th at my first oos tourney, but then did really bad every time after that.


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
Yoooo Zyth and I are in AA till like 4:30/5 is there anyone around to smash and/or hang? If not we gonna relax outside near the Union lol

Also Zwarm, great avi ;)


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011
If Reflex messages me, I can send it to an address that he specifies or something. Also, nice finally getting to meet you P1 ^_^. Tell Dyno and DRN I said ggs too. Smashfest was fun and ATL South is cool ppl.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
My experience:

Pools was first due to the new format Chi wanted to try.

My pool was

Papa Z
DtJ Composer

I played Papa Z first and he went Marth. I won the set 2-0 without too many issues. I played lazy a few times during the set and he would capitalize on it but I still won pretty convincingly.

I then played Spec. He called himself the Anther of 2008...I had no idea who he was tbh. I thought he was a random. He beat me Game 1 against my Wario with Pikachu. I realize I am *** at that MU lmao. So I CP him to Lylat with D3 and won pretty solidly. I then got taken to Smashville and he SDed a few times. I still probably would have won without those though. For whatever reason there was a large crowd watching that match lmao.

After that was Judo...I got bodied Game 1 against him. He just plays so much gayer than Tutu does. He two stocked me on Smashville. Game 2 I took him to Frigate and he went Snake since he seems to hate that stage with Sheik. It was close and I had to make this ridiculous comeback but I won. Game 3 he took me to Battlefield. I got more reads on him this time and I wasn't playing as scared but he still on. Last stock, mid percent. I went all D3 that set.

I then played Composer. He went Samus....lol. It was pretty ugly because yes, I used infinites. 3 stock. He then CPed me to Delfino and went Dedede. That match was hilarious but ********. I won with 2 stocks, low percent.

I walked away the 2nd seed in the pool as expected.


I played Overswarm first round and I was not looking forward to it because he plays incredibly gay. He went ROB and beat me Game 1 on BF because I was just getting pissed off by getting chipped by Gyro and Lasers. Game 2, I took him to PS2. He had like a full stock lead on me and then the Rock Phase pops up. I have my back facing to the him and hes on the ledge. He airdodges pasts me for some reason and I grab him. Wall infinite > U-Tilt = GGs. Game 3 he took me to Smashville and I just got really impatient. He beat me with one stock mid percent. I was all D3. I need to work on that MU.

I then had to play King Beef. Game 1 we go to Smashville and I just kept falling for his Float Cancels. He plays NOTHING like Mikey and I kept trying to play him like he was. I lost Game 1, with his one stock, mid percent. Game 2 I take him to PS2. He had a pretty big lead on me...I was at kill percent and he was about at 50. I noticed that he would continuously just throw up Turnip walls when he had me off the stage RIGHT at the ledge So.....I catch him doing it again and just Swallowcide him. We replay the match for the tie breaker and I manage to win.

Now Game 3.....the jankiest ****. He took me to Battlefield, and he's outplaying me for a while. On the last stock, I start playing a lot smarter and I begin to bring it back. So I'm at about 130% and he's at 45% after having more than a full stock over me. We're standing and facing each other. He's under the right platform and I'm in the center of the stage just outside of F-Tilt range. I noticed that whenever, I was at that distance, he would start Floating. So I figure...why not do an F-Smash, he's at the perfect distance for it sweet spot. I throw it out...it connects and I win the set. Everyone...just in shock lmao. All D3 once again.

My next set was against the Zero Suit player DRN from Georgia. Pretty good player. Game 1...I just got bodied. I looked so free during that match because I don't know that MU at all. 2 stocked on Smashville. Game 2 I took to Frigate. Made the sickest comeback on him after being down a full stock. It goes to last hit last stock but I ended up losing that one. Both matches as D3.

I placed 17th out of 80. I was given a bye in Loser's and because it was a weird 48 man bracket that is how I ended up at my placement. Same with Zinoto I believe.

Doubles I placed 7th out of 32 with King Beef. Not bad. We had some good synergy going in. I had a lot of fun either way. I have things to work on of course but I'm motivated after this tournament ^_^


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
Derek I was really glad at how well you did this weekend.

Also that cpu Marth had you for sure in pools

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
i stopped reading when tech complained about someone playing gay
I don't even play that gay anymore. I haven't timed anyone out in several tournaments.

You D3 dittoed Composer...


It was HIS CP and I didn't know he had a D3. Lmao.

Derek I was really glad at how well you did this weekend.

Also that cpu Marth had you for sure in pools
My performance this weekend was okay. Betting Eddie is somewhat notable but that's it. The placement doesn't matter to me so much as who I won/lost to. Somewhat okay with everything but I need to get better. If Roller is doing as well as he is, I should be doing similar things so our state doesn't look completely free. I'm a competent D3 player but I have much room for improvement.

And yoooo shoutouts to that CPU Marth lmao.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
It was fun teaming Tech, it was one of my more positive doubles experiences in a while and I'd be happy to do it again. I'll have to get over the stagefright of being on stream so I can help from my end to maintain the same consistency that we had in our sets on the regular setups. Krys and Luckay were tricky as hell LOL. We definitely could have taken Zinoto and Reflex that second match but mistakes (chokes xD) happen I suppose, definitely a learning experience for next time. You're a very prominent doubles player and you certainly showed it this weekend homie. Cheers.


ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
It was fun teaming Tech, it was one of my more positive doubles experiences in a while and I'd be happy to do it again. I'll have to get over the stagefright of being on stream so I can help from my end to maintain the same consistency that we had in our sets on the regular setups. Krys and Luckay were tricky as hell LOL. We definitely could have taken Zinoto and Reflex that second match but mistakes (chokes xD) happen I suppose, definitely a learning experience for next time. You're a very prominent doubles player and you certainly showed it this weekend homie. Cheers.

Yooooo, I derped hella hard Game 1 with that Waft so let's just call it even lmao. (The stream also has the same effect on me at large events )I had a blast teaming with you though too, it was the first positive experience I've had teaming with someone out of state myself. I'm happy to do it again too for the next OoS event. Thanks for the compliment and the fun experience! You were a good teammate and easy to communicate/work with. Now that we've gotten the feel for each other's styles...next tournament its going down. I'll be in touch!

Oh also I found out that Luminoth forfeited his set to me in Loser's (he wanted to get drunk and didn't feel like staying) which is why I ended up playing Eddie next. My placement makes more sense now.

So my Bracket goes:

- Lost to Overswarm (1-2)
- Bye
- Defeated Luminoth (forfeit)
- Defeated Eddie G (2-1)
- Lost to DRN (0-2)

17th out of 80.



Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
My experience:

Pools was first due to the new format Chi wanted to try.

My pool was

Papa Z
DtJ Composer

I played Papa Z first and he went Marth. I won the set 2-0 without too many issues. I played lazy a few times during the set and he would capitalize on it but I still won pretty convincingly.

I then played Spec. He called himself the Anther of 2008...I had no idea who he was tbh. I thought he was a random. He beat me Game 1 against my Wario with Pikachu. I realize I am *** at that MU lmao. So I CP him to Lylat with D3 and won pretty solidly. I then got taken to Smashville and he SDed a few times. I still probably would have won without those though. For whatever reason there was a large crowd watching that match lmao.

After that was Judo...I got bodied Game 1 against him. He just plays so much gayer than Tutu does. He two stocked me on Smashville. Game 2 I took him to Frigate and he went Snake since he seems to hate that stage with Sheik. It was close and I had to make this ridiculous comeback but I won. Game 3 he took me to Battlefield. I got more reads on him this time and I wasn't playing as scared but he still on. Last stock, mid percent. I went all D3 that set.

I then played Composer. He went Samus....lol. It was pretty ugly because yes, I used infinites. 3 stock. He then CPed me to Delfino and went Dedede. That match was hilarious but ********. I won with 2 stocks, low percent.

I walked away the 2nd seed in the pool as expected.


I played Overswarm first round and I was not looking forward to it because he plays incredibly gay. He went ROB and beat me Game 1 on BF because I was just getting pissed off by getting chipped by Gyro and Lasers. Game 2, I took him to PS2. He had like a full stock lead on me and then the Rock Phase pops up. I have my back facing to the him and hes on the ledge. He airdodges pasts me for some reason and I grab him. Wall infinite > U-Tilt = GGs. Game 3 he took me to Smashville and I just got really impatient. He beat me with one stock mid percent. I was all D3. I need to work on that MU.

I then had to play King Beef. Game 1 we go to Smashville and I just kept falling for his Float Cancels. He plays NOTHING like Mikey and I kept trying to play him like he was. I lost Game 1, with his one stock, mid percent. Game 2 I take him to PS2. He had a pretty big lead on me...I was at kill percent and he was about at 50. I noticed that he would continuously just throw up Turnip walls when he had me off the stage RIGHT at the ledge So.....I catch him doing it again and just Swallowcide him. We replay the match for the tie breaker and I manage to win.

Now Game 3.....the jankiest ****. He took me to Battlefield, and he's outplaying me for a while. On the last stock, I start playing a lot smarter and I begin to bring it back. So I'm at about 130% and he's at 45% after having more than a full stock over me. We're standing and facing each other. He's under the right platform and I'm in the center of the stage just outside of F-Tilt range. I noticed that whenever, I was at that distance, he would start Floating. So I figure...why not do an F-Smash, he's at the perfect distance for it sweet spot. I throw it out...it connects and I win the set. Everyone...just in shock lmao. All D3 once again.

My next set was against the Zero Suit player DRN from Georgia. Pretty good player. Game 1...I just got bodied. I looked so free during that match because I don't know that MU at all. 2 stocked on Smashville. Game 2 I took to Frigate. Made the sickest comeback on him after being down a full stock. It goes to last hit last stock but I ended up losing that one. Both matches as D3.

I placed 17th out of 80. I was given a bye in Loser's and because it was a weird 48 man bracket that is how I ended up at my placement. Same with Zinoto I believe.

Doubles I placed 7th out of 32 with King Beef. Not bad. We had some good synergy going in. I had a lot of fun either way. I have things to work on of course but I'm motivated after this tournament ^_^
Really!!!!???? I play gayer than Tutu? I am ashamed........... lol. I don't think I play gay at all. Just efficient.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Really!!!!???? I play gayer than Tutu? I am ashamed........... lol. I don't think I play gay at all. Just efficient.
You are definitely a smart and efficient player.

However, I hate fighting Sheik and everything you do seems hella gay lmao. You're so hard to corner!

Dat bias.

GGs though, Id been wanting a rematch for a while.
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