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The Bakery - Realised I can still edit the thread title!

Host Change

Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2011
Huntsville, AL
I was going to reply to you guys yesterday before I went to work and then my computer decided to shut down on me and install an update for no reason without warning... (I thought I disabled automatic updates... but you've just got to love Windows OS :/) So here goes....

Well I got 3-0ed by ESAM lol. I was close first game with it being last stock last hit. Second game was a two stock high percent, using falco again. Third game I went Metaknight and took him to last stock, 60ish percent. I love Falco and everything but I felt more comfortable going Metaknight lol. The chaingrab isn't nearly as bad and I have an easier time controlling the stage. Are you going to Top Games? Luis is confirmed and is willing to take me, hype!

As for the rest of my performance for Bulldog Brawl, I've beaten Reflex(Wario 2-1), DRN(ZSS game 1, Metaknight game 2). After I lost in winners finals, I lost to Reflex(Wario 3-2). I went Falco in all sets except vs. ESAM where I used Metaknight one game.

There's a tournament coming up called Top Games Throwdown 2013. Reflex let me borrow his Wii so I can get my skills up! I really want to win so I'm practicing hit confirms and shortcuts for Falco/Metaknight.
Oh sorry, I was completely mistaken then. From what I had heard I thought you played each other somewhere in the middle of winners bracket and that you took a game off of him and that it was 2-1. Still though, at least you have an idea what to do for next time. I understand why you stayed Falco with how close game 1 was, but if you have your MK ready next time, I think you'll get him.

And as for the Top Games tournament, I would really like to go, but I think I'm going to be in Michigan that week. I might not be though depending on exactly when my family plans to leave since I am going to take a summer class. If I'm not in Michigan that week though, then you can count on me being there! That big prize pool is going to attract a lot of awesome players that I'll want to meet.

P.S. - Ah, Ty, I actually did see you at the tournament. We didn't play any matches together but you did play two friends of mine. Derp Caballero the ZSS user and SKID! the Snake user.
Yeah, I remember both of them. I had fun playing against ZSS since it's not every day you get to play that matchup, and SKID was doing pretty well against me with Snake. His explosive usage was good and I wasn't being careful enough. I also saw a little bit of your set against Mahg, but I was running all over the place because all of my friends were playing at once then. Diddy can be frustrating at first, but you'll get a feel for how to play the matchup. I remember a couple of years ago when I first started taking the game seriously, trying to figure out how to beat Ingulit would drive me nuts... Hopefully though, next time I'm in Georgia we can play some.


Great King of Evil
Feb 18, 2013
The Valley
Yeah, I remember both of them. I had fun playing against ZSS since it's not every day you get to play that matchup, and SKID was doing pretty well against me with Snake. His explosive usage was good and I wasn't being careful enough. I also saw a little bit of your set against Mahg, but I was running all over the place because all of my friends were playing at once then. Diddy can be frustrating at first, but you'll get a feel for how to play the matchup. I remember a couple of years ago when I first started taking the game seriously, trying to figure out how to beat Ingulit would drive me nuts... Hopefully though, next time I'm in Georgia we can play some.
It'll definitely take awhile to get used to the Diddy MU. Sadly, I have no friend that uses Diddy well enough to truly practice with. Derp and SKID are my roommates so we pretty much train together daily. It was a group decision to go out to a tourney for the first time since we grew tired of only playing each other (and I'm the one that always comes out on top lol). But yeah, next time there's a tourney in GA and if you can make it, let me know. I'll do the same if I head to AL sometime.

Host Change

Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2011
Huntsville, AL
This is likely the next thing Huntsville is going to be at:

I really want to get out to another tournament because I wasn't happy with my Bulldog Brawl performance. (especially compared to how much better I played at ATI just a few weeks before) I was unhappy with how I did against BlindSpot for a few reasons, but there has been a little more than a friendly rivalry going on lately. Anyway, game 1, I convincingly beat his Pikachu and then he went MK and I wasn't able to take game 2 or 3. It's also sad that I did better on his counterpick game 2 (Delfino) than I did on mine. I suppose I did as well as I could have expected considering how anti MK Alabama (and particularly the Huntsville crew) is and that he got banned right after my first tournament 2 years ago and that I hadn't played him in tournament since. I'm not playing the blame game though, and its just as much my fault for not reading the matchup information since it hadn't been all that important for me in the past.

I've been hardcore practicing since the tournament though to make sure that isnt a repeat. I've since read everything the Falco boards has to say about MK, and I've been fighting long matches against lv 3 CPUs as MK to better understand the characters moveset and spacing. I've also been talking to one of my friends that no longer goes to tournaments that used to play MK before Alabama banned him in 2011. I also played against BlindSpot this weekend and won the majority of the games against his MK as Falco, so I'm already doing a ton better. /salt rant

Anyway, to talk about something else, what video games have you guys been playing aside from Smash? I've been playing a lot of various Bomberman titles again (especially Bomberman Tournament single player) and I've gotten back on PIkmin 2 as well. I also finished my first playthrough of Lord of the Rings: War in the North on the Xbox 360 and I thought the game was pretty good overall.


Smash Cadet
May 30, 2012
Henderson, Nevada
I've been playing a lot of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim lately, in addition to some Zelda titles. Other than that, I've had tons of school work. :/


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2012
Well, I have been playing Ocarina of Time lately.

And... I broke my glasses, now I'm blind as hell.


Great King of Evil
Feb 18, 2013
The Valley
Game 3 was too hype. Masha living to 227% was unbelievable! I lol'd at the comment about Keitaro being convinced that Falco is now heavier than Snake :estatic:


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2008
Columbus, GA
I really love how Masha shows that committing is something Falco doesn't have to do. Really safe plays in end while being able to control his space very well. Lasers put in alot of work with with right amount of pressure.
Aug 6, 2008

I really love how Masha shows that committing is something Falco doesn't have to do. Really safe plays in end while being able to control his space very well. Lasers put in alot of work with with right amount of pressure.
While possible way of play, I still prefer Sk92 way of doing it.
Aug 6, 2008
Lets see...
-DEHF is off doing whatever as usual.
-I am not sure what Teran is doing these days other than not playing Falco or smash at all.
-Kismet is still around obviously.
-Blad01, I have no idea if that guy even plays anymore.
-Bleach-ego has disappeared to parts unknown.
-Wangston appears to still exist allow briefly.
-SuSa is well... KIA.
-Denzi I hear tales that he moved onto yugioh
-Ozz is gone for good.
-KuroZero ???
-pure_awesome was just as his name says.
-Tommy_G ???
-Vlade I do not remember much of him, but I miss him.
-Crystal, velox, xeylode, eryx vexia has gone through quite a few name changes, but is pretty much still here.
-Xonar you might be around still.
-J4pu this is another person who left to parts unknown
-Yume quit so long ago.

Oh, your call if any of these people are cool or not.

It sucks to have been on these boards for so ****ing long and realize all the cool people have left or jump ship. I wonder if Brawl is going to die soon.


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Brawl won't die, based Masha will save it.

Him and the telu/Xonar Falco ditto at conflict, that **** was too hype.


Smash Champion
Dec 14, 2006
reseda CA
Brawl will never die, for it is deep in our hearts.

It's like that ******** girl your friends dared you to make out with for two dollars and she follows you around to this very day. You know somewhere in the shadows she's watching you, rubbing snippets of your hair on her face she confiscated from your barber. And when you're at your lowest, that moment where you're looking for anyone to get it from, she's nowhere to be found.


#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Lets see...
-DEHF is off doing whatever as usual.
-I am not sure what Teran is doing these days other than not playing Falco or smash at all.
-Kismet is still around obviously.
-Blad01, I have no idea if that guy even plays anymore.
-Bleach-ego has disappeared to parts unknown.
-Wangston appears to still exist allow briefly.
-SuSa is well... KIA.
-Denzi I hear tales that he moved onto yugioh
-Ozz is gone for good.
-KuroZero ???
-pure_awesome was just as his name says.
-Tommy_G ???
-Vlade I do not remember much of him, but I miss him.
-Crystal, velox, xeylode, eryx vexia has gone through quite a few name changes, but is pretty much still here.
-Xonar you might be around still.
-J4pu this is another person who left to parts unknown
-Yume quit so long ago.

Oh, your call if any of these people are cool or not.

It sucks to have been on these boards for so ****ing long and realize all the cool people have left or jump ship. I wonder if Brawl is going to die soon.
iunno this Xonar guy sounds pretty cool.

Him and the telu/Xonar Falco ditto at conflict, that **** was too hype.
Falco dittos 2gud
Aug 6, 2008
I already stated it once. Go back and review the reading material above there Xonar.

Brawl will never die, for it is deep in our hearts.

It's like that ******** girl your friends dared you to make out with for two dollars and she follows you around to this very day. You know somewhere in the shadows she's watching you, rubbing snippets of your hair on her face she confiscated from your barber. And when you're at your lowest, that moment where you're looking for anyone to get it from, she's nowhere to be found.

Is this a flashback to your own life Larry?

For me, Brawl may as well be dead. No one in may area plays it at all and the few people that do play do not care at all about improving. Then again, I have not been very active myself lately in trying to get their attention with all this sCool stuff going on. The game is also lacking any sort of personal challenge it seems too because of it. At least with Melee, its still relatively new to me that I have issues trying to be consistent on stuff and I can work towards something. With Brawl, there really isn't anything to work on. Go months without playing, play like a match, and everything is back in relatively the same form I left in months earlier.

Maybe I should become an IC player lol


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2009
Santa Rosa Beach, FL
Lets see...
-DEHF is off doing whatever as usual.
-I am not sure what Teran is doing these days other than not playing Falco or smash at all.
-Kismet is still around obviously.
-Blad01, I have no idea if that guy even plays anymore.
-Bleach-ego has disappeared to parts unknown.
-Wangston appears to still exist allow briefly.
-SuSa is well... KIA.
-Denzi I hear tales that he moved onto yugioh
-Ozz is gone for good.
-KuroZero ???
-pure_awesome was just as his name says.
-Tommy_G ???
-Vlade I do not remember much of him, but I miss him.
-Crystal, velox, xeylode, eryx vexia has gone through quite a few name changes, but is pretty much still here.
-Xonar you might be around still.
-J4pu this is another person who left to parts unknown
-Yume quit so long ago.

Oh, your call if any of these people are cool or not.

It sucks to have been on these boards for so ****ing long and realize all the cool people have left or jump ship. I wonder if Brawl is going to die soon.
Aug 6, 2008
Lets see...

-DEHF is off doing whatever as usual.
-I am not sure what Teran is doing these days other than not playing Falco or smash at all.
-Kismet is still around obviously.
-Blad01, I have no idea if that guy even plays anymore.
-Bleach-ego has disappeared to parts unknown.
-Wangston appears to still exist allow briefly.
-SuSa is well... KIA.
-Denzi I hear tales that he moved onto yugioh
-Ozz is gone for good.
-KuroZero ???
-pure_awesome was just as his name says.
-Tommy_G ???
-Vlade I do not remember much of him, but I miss him.
-Crystal, velox, xeylode, eryx vexia has gone through quite a few name changes, but is pretty much still here.
-Xonar you might be around still.
-J4pu this is another person who left to parts unknown
-Yume quit so long ago.

Oh, your call if any of these people are cool or not.

It sucks to have been on these boards for so ****ing long and realize all the cool people have left or jump ship. I wonder if Brawl is going to die soon.
You need to get on my secret messaging skills.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
S'okay you'll always be the man. <3
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