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The Bakery - Realised I can still edit the thread title!


Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2006
Provo Utah
So I'm going to the lvl up expo in vegas this weekend. Anyone else going? I've honestly not gone to a big tourney in ages. I've gone to a few local tourneys but work makes it hard. I usually only go to smashfest now.
Aug 6, 2008
wtf. I have not seen Wangston post in here (maybe a couple times) in the past couple of years. I want Denzi's green back. Life would be more complete then.


Smash Champion
Dec 14, 2006
reseda CA
Lol, we loved your commentary DEHF. I think you were the best of the WC commentators. You were talking about the match and knew what you were talking about.

And what Clow said lol. Those jabs were destroying ZeRo 2nd game. Was hilarious. Then ZeRo just avoided it game 3 lol. Somehow you got forward B's to work on him a lot. I need to watch streams from over there more cause I learned a lot. No other Falco in the US is nearly as accurate as you so I gotta watch you more. Kinda flashy too!

SK is just plain crazy lol. If he relaxed more he could be better. Against lower players his style is destruction but top players just wait for him to double jump dair and punish lol.
Thanks for the compliment about the commentary :)

You just have to space your forward b and be able to predict what you're opponent wants to do. Same thing with the jabs, there's nothing special about it, you just have to make a guess or try to understand your opponent's though process enable you to get it consistently.

SK92 has insane reflexes, which is why he's able to pull of so much of what he does. I would say Tyrant, FOW, and SK92 probably have the best reflexes of everyone in the west coast. One thing hindering SK92 is his lack of character knowledge. He will put himself in unfavorable positions or even miss openings because he doesn't know any better.
nice work larry =) another thing you should use more vs mk is nair especially when you're landing with it. it has the same frame advantage as dair/bair but with multiple hits for a possible shield poke. you can also jab/grab/utilt from there usually i utilt for juggle and baiting air dodges/tornados.
True, nair is an option I don't use too much in the air. I think I use Falco's fair more than his nair in the air at times lol.


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2008
Columbus, GA
I need more confidence in my :falco:'s boxing game. I get exposed in CQC v :metaknight:, and that's what you have to make him respect.

Also, does anyone know of any recent :falco: vs :dedede: sets?

One more thing: Does anyone know the exact % window :pikachu2: can start CG'ing Falco from a fresh Dthrow?
yezzir, usually a single/double jab mixup into spotdodge>single/double jab reset will do the trick. what's awesome is that you also have the option to roll backwards and the mk can try to dash forward but you can jab him for it. full jab will get you away if you're trying to keep him out. ftilt is great but only if you're trying to keep some stage control by knocking mk off and making him come back from the ledge, frame 6 isn't bad though.

i'm not sure of any recent falco vs dedede sets except for this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hstKTWL6J-k

when i can get recording powers i want to upload some falco tutorial videos about uses of his normal and special attacks, setups, etc.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2009
I need more confidence in my :falco:'s boxing game. I get exposed in CQC v :metaknight:, and that's what you have to make him respect.

Also, does anyone know of any recent :falco: vs :dedede: sets?

One more thing: Does anyone know the exact % window :pikachu2: can start CG'ing Falco from a fresh Dthrow?
Recent sets don't matter.
If the set exists, and the Falco is at a higher level than you are.
You can still learn, I learned a few tricks from watching Sethlon a few weeks ago.

And it can start as early as 19%.


Kismet, I want to do that too.

Maybe we should revamp the Falco guide together :3


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2008
Columbus, GA
sethlon <3 i remember watching a few videos of him few months back and realized how good he really was back then. i knew he was but his pokes and falco play was definitely ahead, it was something i couldn't see at the time XD

EDIT: i'll be down for that poke =) there's so much i wanna share...the guide is definitely due for change

Xzax Kasrani

Smash Master
Jun 14, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
I'm always with every member in CT all the time, chibos a very good friend of mine, I've been improving alot and I've been supporting him for awhile.


Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2006
Provo Utah
The tourney was way fun in vegas mostly because it was a road trip with with 7 other utah smashers. I think I got like 7th or 9th in doubles out of like 20 people. I lost to xero, vegas olimar, I've not played a oli in tourney in like 3 years I got wrecked. I also played a falco ditto with a guy from vegas, it went to game 3 but I lost. It was a falco ditto so it could have gone either way lol. It was nice to play some friendlies really good people again.
Aug 6, 2008
DEHF, why the hell do you keep getting 8th or 9th place at pretty much every national tournament? Maybe I should see who you lose too.

The tourney was way fun in vegas mostly because it was a road trip with with 7 other utah smashers. I think I got like 7th or 9th in doubles out of like 20 people. I lost to xero, vegas olimar, I've not played a oli in tourney in like 3 years I got wrecked. I also played a falco ditto with a guy from vegas, it went to game 3 but I lost. It was a falco ditto so it could have gone either way lol. It was nice to play some friendlies really good people again.
You should do it more often lol


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2009
Santa Rosa Beach, FL
me and you both have this problem

we tend to get stuck in our shields and let ourselves get ****ed up by tornado. let's fix that

also let's reverse upsmash tornados and get people on our *****. nah mean?
Aug 6, 2008
me and you both have this problem

we tend to get stuck in our shields and let ourselves get ****ed up by tornado. let's fix that
If MK uses tornado on a shield it should be a bad move on his part. As far as I know, every character (at least that I have used it with) will completely withstand an entire tornado if they keep shield held and angle it upwards (or downwards, whichever height you are being pressured from). And to be honest, I am surprised how few people actually angle their shield in nearly any situation. It completely prevents any poking from tornado if done this way and will increase the amount of time you an withstand the tornado if your shield was slightly decayed previously.

Additionally, by attempting to spot dodge or roll you let your shield down for the briefest amount of time and let yourself be vulnerable to the nado. Roll is like 4 frames vulnerability while spot dodge is a frame at first. Its unrealistic to believe you could consistently time a spotdodge or always avoid this. So by doing it you are taking a gamble on its won't hit me. Besides, the nado could last anywhere from a second to two seconds, so you cannot realistically time a spot dodge or roll to end at just the right time to be able to punish the nado anyway.

The best solution is to always stay in shield and angle it up, and wait it out. MK is in 29-30 frames of lag no matter what after the move is over with. If MK is anywhere near you during that time you shield drop and punish him pretty easily with grab, dash attack, ftilt, or jab in your immediate range from standing. If you do this a few times and MK is smart, he'll likely start running away to a platform or nado away to the far side of the stage. In that situation, you can actually let go of shield once you notice this and start to give chase. Perhaps phantasm landing lag unless he gets to a platform in which case you can start SH laser as you get close or pressure underneath with SH Bair/Nair.

The only time it is beneficial to attempt to spot dodge or roll is when your shield is so depleted you know that your shield will not survive. Even then, you might be surprised how long it will last if you start to angle it upwards, and you'll be poked long before the shield ever breaks if it does get too low.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Thanks for the motivational SLS message DEHF lol. I don't know if Masha showed it to SLS yet but Maguro thought it was funny apparently and he is interested in coming to SKTAR 2 and teaming with Abadango.


Smash Champion
Dec 14, 2006
reseda CA
Keitaro, the way you play is incredibly smart, but you make far too many technical errors, it's very sad to watch :(


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
Atlanta, GA
Keitaro, the way you play is incredibly smart, but you make far too many technical errors, it's very sad to watch :(
Agreed, I think you need to learn how to keep your composure. You may have gotten too excited because you were "beating Salem." Just relax when you play in tournament, and don't have much emotion so you won't let these things get to you. You are def capable of beating top players since you have the experience for it.


Smash Cadet
May 30, 2012
Henderson, Nevada
Agreed as well, DEHF.

That's a pretty cool set. I was impressed by a good amount of your reads.

Is there a better reason to walk chaingrab ZSS though? I've always been convinced dash chaingrab was more useful against her, despite the possibility of tripping, since walking chaingrab needs to be frame-perfect (I think).


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
I actually haven't used a dashed chain grab since 2008 so I wouldn't know.

I didn't get to warm up or play for 2 weeks before I had to play Doom then Salem. I didn't think I was playing well but I was still able to take Salem to 3rd game plus beat Snakeee and Will that day. I look forward to playing Salem again. I'll be sure I'm warmed up in the future. Not warming up causes me to SD a lot like I did at Apex vs Kakera when I had an 80% lead. Although hosting is fun it causes me to get no warmups for matches and my voice gets destroyed for commentary. I do too much at some events.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2009
Agreed as well, DEHF.

That's a pretty cool set. I was impressed by a good amount of your reads.

Is there a better reason to walk chaingrab ZSS though? I've always been convinced dash chaingrab was more useful against her, despite the possibility of tripping, since walking chaingrab needs to be frame-perfect (I think).
ZSS must be dash cg'd, however, for the first 3 grabs. You can walk CG her.
You can also boost grab/ boost pivot grab CG Zss.

Walking is possible for all 6 grabs, but unlikely you can pull it off, you'll be better off with the dash cg.
0-43% + Follow up :3


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Boost grabbing makes every CG easy as ****, plus it makes you go from one ledge to the other.
Seriously everyone should practice that before trying to master bdacus.

Otherwise good job Keitaro, excellent decision makin I saw there. You just need to stop SDing :T

Also it's cool to see that someone finally understood that you have to throw those goddamn pieces up.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2012
I went to a tournament yesterday, had problems with a Fox. D: Didn't know that Dair to Usmash/Dsmash was a combo. >_>


Great King of Evil
Feb 18, 2013
The Valley
I'm just now coming across this thread..but hello to all, I'm a new Falco user (new to the competitive scene anyway). Any of you Falcos from GA? Or at least the Atlantic South area?
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