I feel like we are so productive lol
Ah, well. What more is there for Falco to improve upon? The only thing I have ever thought of is gaining a better understanding of your options at particular times.
DDD dthrows you. Do you tech or not.
MK dthrows you. Do you tech or do you DI up or further away from him?
Most of it is simply DI mix-ups that I have been thinking about. One part of DI puts you closer to a person's follow-up while other form might put you at risk of edgeguard. Which do you take?
Another example. Sheik Fthrow's you. Your DI angle is either almost vertical, or almost horizontal forward. If you go up, you have to risk between hitting sheik out of a follow-up or avoid with 2nd jump/airdodge. Either scenario sheik can follow-up on and if you make the wrong choice, your in a worse position or no better. Airdodge/aerial that fails means you could get hit by an aerial like fair which puts you offstage in most stages. But 2nd jumping means you still have to come down eventually, you only delayed having to choose between aerial/airdodge. But would DI away be any better?
I'm never sure, these situations are probably best reduced to simply mixing up your DI and only DI stuff the same if it safes you from death.