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The B.C. Canada Thread


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2008
Canada, BC
tournies in the near future, will possibly include halfish bann on MK. MK can only be used when randomed, or as a counterpick character when one loses his/her previous match. which also means if one wants to win tourney matches in set, he/she will have to win 1 match without using MK in a set.

more will be discussed I guess, MK is part of the game and it is too good, should somewhat be banned. too good as in, it pretty much dominates the game, and it is prob 3 times better than snake.
I support this.


Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2007
Everyone thought Shiek was to good.
Then everyone thought Fox was to good.
And several years later, some people are wondering if Marth is top tier.

But I guess Brawl is all figured out, huh lol o_<


Anyone smash today? Adam? ManBeast? Eric? Tiep? Keith? Rampage? Ken?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2008
Victoria/Abbotsford, BC
tournies in the near future, will possibly include halfish bann on MK. MK can only be used when randomed, or as a counterpick character when one loses his/her previous match. which also means if one wants to win tourney matches in set, he/she will have to win 1 match without using MK in a set.

more will be discussed I guess, MK is part of the game and it is too good, should somewhat be banned. too good as in, it pretty much dominates the game, and it is prob 3 times better than snake.
You realize that you'll have a whole bunch of people all over the forum that will heavily disagree with you when you say this, right?

I think it's still too soon to decide whether he's broken or not (save for the invincibility stall, which will be banned, I hope). If we semi-ban him now, we're not going to find ways on how to beat him as quickly as if he weren't banned. MK is not dominating every single tournament out there (eg. Socal's Brawl power rankings has only one MK, and he's not even first).

That being said, I'd love to see more character variety in tournaments. Let's start playing with other characters, people! If a Random main can make top 8 in a large-ish tournament, what does that say?

SpaceFalcon said:
Brawl is an okay game if it's only FD and only ditttos >_>

.....even then though lol
No items. MK only. Final Destination. :p


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2005
Vancouver, BC
tournies in the near future, will possibly include halfish bann on MK. MK can only be used when randomed, or as a counterpick character when one loses his/her previous match. which also means if one wants to win tourney matches in set, he/she will have to win 1 match without using MK in a set.

more will be discussed I guess, MK is part of the game and it is too good, should somewhat be banned. too good as in, it pretty much dominates the game, and it is prob 3 times better than snake.
Also, players must play while standing on their heads with one arm tied behind their backs and singing Old MacDonald had a Farm.

Jack, if you're serious (which I don't think you are), I'd be boycotting all tournaments run with rules that ********. That's not how competitive gaming works.


Feb 6, 2008
Coquitlam, B.C.
I Heavily Disagree Jack

I would not go to a tournament like that. If you do end up doing that then snake is going to be the only one winning, so you might as well ban snake while you're at it.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2008
Canada, BC
Yeah, it's not right to ban MK without also banning Snake... and it's too early to really do the ban hammer spam.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2006
i seriosly think snake isnt as good as people make him out to be... XD, but anyways banning mk now is a bad idea ; / maybe a little later, but as of right now iono o_0


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
tournies in the near future, will possibly include halfish bann on MK. MK can only be used when randomed, or as a counterpick character when one loses his/her previous match. which also means if one wants to win tourney matches in set, he/she will have to win 1 match without using MK in a set.

more will be discussed I guess, MK is part of the game and it is too good, should somewhat be banned. too good as in, it pretty much dominates the game, and it is prob 3 times better than snake.
I don't think MK is actually broken. He is VERY VERY easy to use and VERY VERY efficient at even an average level. When it gets to the highest level he is actually overpowered for the most part. The top players in the world use Wario, Snake, Dedede, Wolf, ROB, Lucario, Marth, Fox and many others among the very few MKs.

At the level that BC is at, we just arent simply good enough to make that so the MKs take over. It's like at a very competitive level, Peach along with some floaties are the dominating characters but at the VERY HIGHEST level, it's the spacies and fast fallers. Just give it time and MK wont seem so bad because there wont be so many taking top spots at SFU tourneys.

What was it? Like 6 of the top 10 this time were ALL MK users? That's a little harsh. Like TC said, more people will develop their characters here and it will dumb down. I'm not exactly incredible at this game but I have yet to lose to an MK in tourney other than in doubles when their teamed with Snakes or G&Ws and only against some of our best players. I don't think MK should be banned just because so many good players here use them. I think top 4 this tourney (Tony, Tiep, Yakal, David) and the others using MK would all do well with other characters if MK wasn't in the game. MK is just way easier so their MKs are better than the other characters they use...for now. They have their Snakes, Marths etc, but MK is just easier to use. If I used purely MK too, I'd probably do a little better as well, but that's just cause he's so easy to use and so far ahead in the metagame right now, especially for our area. I know it wont last. It'll take time, give it a year at least.

It's hard man :[

life is hard, but we have to live with it lol
And don't do it cause it's banned anyway lol

Brawl is an okay game if it's only FD and only ditttos >_>

.....even then though lol
Fox only FD much Robby? lol

I support this.
no you don't!

Everyone thought Shiek was to good.
Then everyone thought Fox was to good.
And several years later, some people are wondering if Marth is top tier.

But I guess Brawl is all figured out, huh lol o_<


Anyone smash today? Adam? ManBeast? Eric? Tiep? Keith? Rampage? Ken?
It's true, Snake was too good, G&W was too good, now MK is too good, soon Pika will be too good, but the truth is Falcon is too good :p

You realize that you'll have a whole bunch of people all over the forum that will heavily disagree with you when you say this, right?

I think it's still too soon to decide whether he's broken or not (save for the invincibility stall, which will be banned, I hope). If we semi-ban him now, we're not going to find ways on how to beat him as quickly as if he weren't banned. MK is not dominating every single tournament out there (eg. Socal's Brawl power rankings has only one MK, and he's not even first).

That being said, I'd love to see more character variety in tournaments. Let's start playing with other characters, people! If a Random main can make top 8 in a large-ish tournament, what does that say?

No items. MK only. Final Destination. :p
You called it lol

Ban the cape stall and that's as far as it should go. We're all still learning to play this game. You included Jack lol. Give us time. It's a little too crazy to do this yet.

Random main referring to me? w00t lol
I could've easily been top 3 just as some of the people placing just below me. And the players ahead of me could've easily placed lower. Not Tony or Dave though, they broke the game obviously.

Also, players must play while standing on their heads with one arm tied behind their backs and singing Old MacDonald had a Farm.

Jack, if you're serious (which I don't think you are), I'd be boycotting all tournaments run with rules that ********. That's not how competitive gaming works.
That is a good song though...wait, no it isn't!

I Heavily Disagree Jack

I would not go to a tournament like that. If you do end up doing that then snake is going to be the only one winning, so you might as well ban snake while you're at it.

Banning MK at this point is wrong on many levels...
Also truth

Yeah, it's not right to ban MK without also banning Snake... and it's too early to really do the ban hammer spam.
Told you that you don't lol

I never really thought Snake was that good. haha what evs. Pika is still top tier imo


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
lol, who do you have in mind as the top brawlers in the world?

I could've easily been top 3 just as some of the people placing just below me. And the players ahead of me could've easily placed lower. Not Tony or Dave though, they broke the game obviously.
You basically just called me out for a MM there... and I accept!


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
Luigi + Rainbow Cruise
Camp on the wall of the boat, when the platforms come, hang around the top. Nair, dsmash, utilt, bair, usmash > everything but Nado and fsmash, UpB get easy kills. Use the hurricaine upon landing all of the time. It'll always keep you safe.

DK has power enough to overwhelm MKs overwhelming speed and range. Makes MK play defensively which isn't what MKs good for. dsmash, bair, tilts. DK got this on stages with platforms!

Lucas on long stages can PKfire abuse and PKT2 abuse and his tilts and smashes do a good number on MKs. Just don't force anything, play soft and slow. It's awkward and screws things up lol

Lucario has good range but it's tough to avoid the pressure cause he's so floaty. It's a real keep away game but patience pays off. Big stages only, open stages.

Yoshi, believe it or not. lol He's the most awkward character in the smash bro series to use so I wouldn't suggest it unless you main him.

Snake, he's just broke and stuff, but you have to play a little different against Fox, MK and pressure characters. Lots of trading hits and very little dodging actually.

KIRBY! No not really, I just love the match up lol EPIC

MK is light so just trade hits. Don't play defensively that's a mistake against those kind of characters. Stay out of the 45 degree agreas and always move away while still on the offensive cause MK will always be right on you but make him chase. Grab, cause it'll settle things down. :D

That's all I got for MK

4 smashers that are coming to MOST1 just rode their bikes to my house to ask for me to make a small tourney before that one so they can train lol
Guess I might be hosting one August 9th too :\


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2008
Canada, BC
Try this u-tilt:

Edit: Lucas is my MK counter. Lucas's d-air always hits MK out of his shuttle loop (unless he comes from beside you instead of from under you). Just don't use Lucas's u-smash against a MK who doesn't suck.


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
Yayuhhz, retardedly broken hitboxes FTW! XD

And Dyna, I think one of the reasons we're seeing other characters placing high is because not all areas have a lot of MK players. In some of these areas, they have very few people who actually main him, because he's a boring character, even though he's broken as sh*t. I know it seems stupid for me to assume everyone finds him as boring as I do, but look at SSB. It doesn't have a huge competitive community, but ever notice how in most of these professional matches you see on YouTube, there aren't many Kirby users? It's almost as if there's a soft ban between high level players; they don't use Kirby because he's a stupid character and makes the game a lot less fun. He's easy to learn, he's horribly broken, and he strongly counters every character in the game except Pikachu. I'm pretty sure any match I win in SSB with Fox or Falcon--two characters I'm very skilled at and enjoy playing--would be won with greater easy in any match-up, with Kirby.

I would rather get really good with a character that isn't stupidly easy than be forced to do something I find boring just because I have a better chance at winning. These really good players placing high using Wolf, Dedede, Falco, Ice Climbers, and any character that isn't Snake/MK aren't placing high because their character is good, it's because they're good and will win with any decent character they are skilled with, unless facing a player at equal or greater skill. I'm pretty sure all those players would be better off learning Meta Knight than their current character of choice, but a lot of people just don't want to use Meta Knight. I think the reason we're seeing so few high-ranked MK's is because we're not seeing a lot of dedicated MK players.

Also, I oppose the ban, though my ideal would be a soft ban--a tacit agreement among the 'good' players--the ones with a chance at ranking in tournaments--to make an effort to use other characters than MK. If you're wondering why I didn't include Snake in that, I just find that Snake seems to have actual weaknesses (ending lag, up-B gimp), and it requires a much higher degree of skill to use him competitively than MK. I would much rather fight a bunch of Snakes than MK's, but maybe that's just me. I just find that MK is 10-fold more annoying than Jigglypuff in Melee. x_x


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
u guyz still pley mele?
Yeah, our community isn't as divided among the games as most others, but I don't know how long that will last. We still have enough people playing Melee and even SSB to have decent-sized tournaments, but Brawl is slowly taking over like a cancerous tumour. As long as me and Jack are hosting tournaments though, we'll do our best to keep from amputating the other two games. :laugh:


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2007
Jack, if you're serious (which I don't think you are), I'd be boycotting all tournaments run with rules that ********. That's not how competitive gaming works.
it's true that we didn't play the game enough to know everything, then again theres the banning stage on hyrule temple in melee. imo competitive gaming should be, everything included in the game, from items to the cheap tactic possible.

top players in the world dont need to win with mk, cause they got real good spacing and understands brawl quite well. then again if they all did end up using mk, would only mean they **** harder.

me and evan had quite a talk on this to see how it should be banned. he mentioned something about soft ban about pride and honor... but if people just want to win, they would just use cheap tactics, projectiles spam etc etc. If both players has the same skill level, only the one with projectile should have the advantage, or better character.

but its also true that BC only played brawl for a couple monthes, more opinion please


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
more opinion please
More opinion? I don't even see why the ban is being considered. Character banning is the best way to guarantee that all our local players lose to anyone OOS.

A "soft ban" would be ******** too. The reason that's happened in 64 is because the remaining players are doing whatever they can to keep interest in the game. Brawl's not having that problem.

Personal feelings aside, the reasons presented to ban MK are weak - at best.


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
More opinion? I don't even see why the ban is being considered. Character banning is the best way to guarantee that all our local players lose to anyone OOS.

A "soft ban" would be ******** too. The reason that's happened in 64 is because the remaining players are doing whatever they can to keep interest in the game. Brawl's not having that problem.

Personal feelings aside, the reasons presented to ban MK are weak - at best.
I hope you don't put me in the category of banning it, because I am actually opposed to it. MK isn't Akuma, no character is that worthy of a ban in this game. The 'soft ban' thing I was talking about with Jack was mostly just because I was really disappointed to see 4 MK's at the top 4. v_v

I want to see someone win a tournament in BC that isn't Snake or Meta Knight, that might keep my interest in this game a bit longer. >_>


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
You have to understand though, that, especially with all the scrutiny brawl has gotten, Brawlers aren't playing to keep yours or anyone elses interest in the game other than their own. If you wanna see other characters at the top, that's usually something you try to accomplish rather than asking the top players to switch mains.. The idea sounds ridiculous even as I type it out... To switch mains so people who aren't really in the competitive scene keep interest?

It's pretty much the equivalent of asking the better players to be worse until everyone catches up.

Tony didn't use meta in finals. He used meta against me once. He uses meta but I wouldn't call him a meta main.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2008
Victoria/Abbotsford, BC
See what Brawl is doing to all of us? This is why we can't have nice things.:p

Another interesting note - look at BC's (outdated) Melee PR. Half of these people either main Fox or use him as one of their mains. (I know this list is outdated, but it was accurate for at least some time) I don't know all of BC's smash history, but was there ever a time where BC even considered banning or even softbanning Fox because a lot of people were good with him? If not, then why are we considering this? Just because a bunch of people do well in ONE tournament with MK (last time I was at SFU, I believe dieslow and liverymen took top 2, a Snake and an Olimar, and Francis won winner's bracket) doesn't mean we should think about restricting him.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
FalseFalco: I was working on my Mario today, in melee!!! Brawl+Melee+64 = Smash = The best!
And I saw Adam do a combo, he beat me in an mm with one.

Crackhead: What's wrong with my posts? lol

I agree that Tiep has sick posts!

Evan: I will do my best to win MOST1 and all future tournements with Random and every character on the roster. I can't promise anything, but it's possible.

Don't ban MK, a soft ban might happen but that again takes time.


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2005
Vancouver, BC
See what Brawl is doing to all of us? This is why we can't have nice things.:p

Another interesting note - look at BC's (outdated) Melee PR. Half of these people either main Fox or use him as one of their mains. (I know this list is outdated, but it was accurate for at least some time) I don't know all of BC's smash history, but was there ever a time where BC even considered banning or even softbanning Fox because a lot of people were good with him? If not, then why are we considering this? Just because a bunch of people do well in ONE tournament with MK (last time I was at SFU, I believe dieslow and liverymen took top 2, a Snake and an Olimar, and Francis won winner's bracket) doesn't mean we should think about restricting him.
We never did. Falco was the dominant character for a while I think. Stupid Falcos.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
I <3 B.C smashers a bit too much.

Looking forward to coming back and sandbagging against you all some more.

P.S with anyone


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2007
talkingchicken: fox in melee takes a lot of skills to be good and fast. DI can prob get you out of most of it's combo. even though fox is somewhat overpowering, it is NOT 3x better than marth or falco. infact its not even 2x better, so in that case it isnt really that broken.

mk on the otherhand is one of the few character in brawl, has almost no lag in almost everymove compare to all the other characters in brawl. it's like auto l cancel. fast and powerful, can trap players with it's b moves, tornado. hardly di out of the tornado cause it is broken and overpower most attacks out there.

tiep: we not asking players to switchmain, mk is not completely banned to what we've talked about earlier. it's just an idea of only able to use MK after losing previous match as a counterpick and albe to use MK when randomed.

evan: i don't agree on the soft ban since it'll just not work, anyone who wants to win with mk will just ignore it.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2008
Canada, BC
Mad props to DK players and people using obscure unpopular characters. MK is just the most generic character; he was on every tv at the same time last tourney. No props to MK, unless it's the prodigy child who keeps taking our money. x_X


Smash Lord
Dec 20, 2005
Burnaby, BC

Dynamism, perhaps you can help me.

I'm learning to play guitar, but I'm sorta teaching myself. Do you have any tips for me? Or any resources you found really useful? I'm not planning to become godly on guitar, but good enough that I can lead worship at youth group, or be sorta creative with my guitar. I have an electric, but when I'm good I plan on buying an acoustic.

So far, I can play the following chords: D, A, E, Dm, Am, Em, G, C, and F.
I'm somewhat consistent at changing in between chords, but I'm not nearly as good as I need to be to play a song cool-ly. Also my strumming patterns suck.

I've learned what I have by going to http://www.justinguitar.com



Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2008
Victoria/Abbotsford, BC
talkingchicken: fox in melee takes a lot of skills to be good and fast. DI can prob get you out of most of it's combo. even though fox is somewhat overpowering, it is NOT 3x better than marth or falco. infact its not even 2x better, so in that case it isnt really that broken.
The point I was trying to get across is a bunch of Fox players do well in many BC tournaments, but we don't do anything about it. But because a bunch of MK players did well in just one BC tournament, we're considering a softban. Again, last time I was at SFU, most of the same MK players were there, and liverymen and dieslow made it to grand finals, an Olimar main (who used to play G&W) and a Snake main.

What about the one before that? Here's the top 8 from May 31:

1: dieslow (Snake/Meta Knight)
2: Cloud (Meta Knight)
3: ChaoZ (Mario)
4: liveryman (Game & Watch? He was using Olimar instead this time I think)
5: Hershy (Diddy Kong)
5: Gerald (Wario)
7: Rampage (Marth)
7: Rambo (not sure... might have been Game & Watch)
Look at the character variety there. I don't see MK dominating, though I do see him doing well. Give it time before we consider anything. It's still way too soon to decide.

Besides, if you do end up banning him to some extent, think about the backlash, whether he's actually broken or not. The community has already split a bit with the release of Brawl, we don't want it to split any more with a character ban. Eventually there will just be too many pieces to pick up.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 2, 2008
what we need to do is come together as a smash community and come up with the ultimate full proof way to massively gimp mk whether it be some AT, stage counterpicking or whatever

then MK will drop 2 tier levels and something else will get discovered and replace it


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
Mad props to DK players and people using obscure unpopular characters. MK is just the most generic character; he was on every tv at the same time last tourney. No props to MK, unless it's the prodigy child who keeps taking our money. x_X
So if you win with MK it's ok but if you lose and get like 3rd it's not? I don't get it.

Dynamism, perhaps you can help me.

I'm learning to play guitar, but I'm sorta teaching myself. Do you have any tips for me? Or any resources you found really useful? I'm not planning to become godly on guitar, but good enough that I can lead worship at youth group, or be sorta creative with my guitar. I have an electric, but when I'm good I plan on buying an acoustic.

So far, I can play the following chords: D, A, E, Dm, Am, Em, G, C, and F.
I'm somewhat consistent at changing in between chords, but I'm not nearly as good as I need to be to play a song cool-ly. Also my strumming patterns suck.

I've learned what I have by going to http://www.justinguitar.com


I had a very weird approach to guitar. Example, the first thing I learned was 26 versions of suspended C chords and triad modes lol

But sure, I could ask my bro later cause he's taught guitar before. He's a bit of a prodigy in the Okanagan.

Anywho, if you want to get into the aucoustic side of things eventually, I suggest learning some Eagles songs. They have a lot of strumming and chord progression based songs and are generally on the softer side. You could get into ACDC if you want to eventually convert to harder rock. ACDC is VERY easy to play and involves chord changes more than anything. Plus both the Eagles and ACDC have a good grasp of incorporating picking with the chords and inter chord picking. Stumming patterns came naturally to me cause I started drums first and all of the timings were easy to pick up on, but I think some BTO or Guess Who would be good for that. Things like Let It Ride and Ain't Seen Nothin Yet really work the stumming hand. You could try 3 Doors Down cause they're really easy and simple in this area in terms of picking it up but they really lack variety. And it's boring lol.

Aside from the technical aspect, learn the Pentatonic Scale (might be spelt wrong) Google it or something. It's essential and is really THE scale for guitar. Once you have that, play a song on a CD player, learn what key it's in. Meaning which is the route note (sort of) and start fiddling around with that scale in the proper place. You'll learn all of that reading up on the scale. It's really simple once you get it. Then when you're attempting to solo with it, try hammerons and pulloffs and bends etc to get a feel for it.

So Eagles, ACDC, BTO, chord based bands like that and the Pentatonic Scale. Keep learning chords and practicing what you're doing regarding changes etc. Also, look up 12 bar blues. I never got into that AT ALL because I took a weird learning curve towards the writing and theory end of it but it's really good to be able to understand and play 12 bar blues. Just a simple practice method, if nothing else.

Barlw is destroying our community D:
lol >;^] all part of the master plan for ssb4 I guess?

TC, that's an old tourney man. This one went

Random (which technically includes MK lol)
more MK with some G&W?
maybe an Ike, Falco, G&W somewhere in there


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
what we need to do is come together as a smash community and come up with the ultimate full proof way to massively gimp mk whether it be some AT, stage counterpicking or whatever

then MK will drop .5 of a placement on the tier list and something else will get discovered and replace it
fixed? lol

I agree! How does one beat MK with 100% certainty? :psycho:
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