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The B.C. Canada Thread


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2006
NOOOOO ARGGHHHH NOOOOO ARRRGGGGHHHH WTF!!!!!! ARGGHHHHH *** is ahead of in updates and welll guess what GOO LOOK THE EVIL ONE IS BACK!!! *puts a hand on adams shoulder* its ok maybe its a joke ^^ .......? ARGHHHHH SHIEK IS GREYYYYYYYY GRRRERR

Edit : we arnt as far behind as i thought its on ours tooo o_0


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Delta B.C. Canada
NOOOOO ARGGHHHH NOOOOO ARRRGGGGHHHH WTF!!!!!! ARGGHHHHH *** is ahead of in updates and welll guess what GOO LOOK THE EVIL ONE IS BACK!!! *puts a hand on adams shoulder* its ok maybe its a joke ^^ .......? ARGHHHHH SHIEK IS GREYYYYYYYY GRRRERR

Edit : we arnt as far behind as i thought its on ours tooo o_0
you are complaining about a charecter in a game that is not even anounced good or bad, itsa differant game, sheik might suck more at it.


Smash Lord
Dec 20, 2005
Burnaby, BC
We'll host if you guys actually come over >.>

I got the last wii in the lower mainland, pretty sure. I called like 24 places, and the place which DID have wiis had ONE left. Which I claimed and then ran for.

How do I get internet on the wii?


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2007
I am aware of the fact that theres a GuiltyGear/Melee event at UBC this saturday but heres another notice on SSB64 event for this coming Saturday on main SFU campus..

I will be hosting another SuperSmash Brothers 64 tournament here on SFU campus. Jan 19th which I believe it is next Saturday. We will have people arrive at 10 am and start as soon as possible, 11 am / noon so hopefully we can end it early.
(in ENSC lounge)

There will be food/snack provided, and I will make sure this tournament is much better than the last as I was very inexperienced the first time. I will be using a tournament bracket program called TIO so things will go smoothly.

Again, we will be waiting and I'll be happy to see you along with your friends here for ssb64.

Events are as follow:
- Just for fun, ffa, 1v1 or 2v2
- Tournaments for Doubles
- Tournaments for Singles

- Doubles
$6 / team, best of 5 games, 5 stocks no item, team attack ON, single elimination. Percentage wise, pot split 80/20.
- Singles
$5 / player, best of 5 games, 5 stocks no item, double elimination. Percentage wise, pot split 70/20/10.
- Doubles seeded randomly, singles seeded through Rn-Robin.
- Finals are best of 7 games.

- Stage / Character counterpick rule, ranked by seeds.
- If the game was ever to freeze, the match will be restarted despite the remaining stocks of both players, unless there was a clear winner.
- Stages banned are Yoshi's Island, Saffron City and Mushroom Kingdom due to cloud, piller and edge camp.

Our Equipments:
2 TVs, 1 VCR, Cheap pop and snack machine, 2 64-console, 6 controllers and 2 ssb64 game.
so far 2 setups confirmed. (1 tv needs a RF switch, and would love to have 4 setups in all)

Map/ Directions:
Skytrain to Production Way station, take bus #145.

Events will take place in engineering lounge just like last time.

Controllers will be provided but it is still necessary to bring one of your own as ours are loose and old. Aside from SFU people, I am aiming for at least 25 players in all which is 5 more than last time. (more the better ;))

Players confirmed:

- SFU players:
Jack, Wayne, MSC, Luke, Gavin, Jeremy, Stephen

- Smashboard players:
Meta, xXx-NoobKing-xXx, Quinn, Blunted_Object10, Kham (and his friends!)

- Players within BC:
Rip the Jacker, Princeloki

- Players unconfirmed:
Kume, John, Kenta, Travis, Josh

If there are more questions just let me know, feel free to PM me and hope to see you all soon!

**So far 3 setups confirmed, 1 unconfirmed, if anything else needed, it will be a TV/SSB64, not controllers**

I've consulted with some smashers, eg Adam, Evan and others.
If this event runs smoothly, the next one I host will be sometime in Feb, having both SSB64 and Melee, and maybe even Brawl in the future!

We are expanding our community and you can help us grow by start showing up. Join our events once every little while and I can be sure to have melee here next time :o

anyway, hope to see the old faces again this saturday!


Smash Ace
Sep 30, 2007
Coquitlam, B.C. Canada
We'll host if you guys actually come over >.>

I got the last wii in the lower mainland, pretty sure. I called like 24 places, and the place which DID have wiis had ONE left. Which I claimed and then ran for.

How do I get internet on the wii?
Wireless internet connection/Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector

I use the USB connector this is what it looks like

I got it for about $30 at rogers video so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding it

It says it's for the DS but It's also compatible with the Wii
Hope I helped


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
My router is incompatible with Wiis!!! hahaha It's on the Wii site and it just has a picture and says "incompatible" and in "details" - "may have difficulty complying"

Anywho I'm looking for a tournement, a melee one that is.
Perferably ANYTIME before Brawl is released and in the Okanagan. If possible, the Kelowna/Vernon/Penticton area. Is there something regular that I could attend?
Anything at all would be great. I did check here in October because I had some freetime in November but there wasn't anything outside of Vancouver then. If there is ANYTHING before March and in this area, please let me know, even PM the details.
Please :)

BTW, if it's acceptable (i don't know if there are rules or anything) could you add Dynamism/James/Kelowna/Various and Jumble/Anthony/Kelowna/Mario,Falco and Hotztuph/i can't remember his real name(we haven't smash in a while but his Doc and G&W are sick)I think it's Kurtis but only 80% sure/Kelowna/Doc
to the list of references? They are just references right? So no prob? Or do we have to compete somewhere in BC first, or would Toronto tourneys count?


Smash Lord
Dec 20, 2005
Burnaby, BC
No, you don't need to join a tournament to be on the reference =P.

Jumble/Anthony/Kelowna/Mario+Falco (could he choose one? Unless this is a serious doublemain.)

For the wifi connection thing, do I need a router? Or is there a wired connection possible? Or should I just buy a router anyway?


Smash Rookie
Oct 10, 2006
Vancouver, BC
No, you don't need to join a tournament to be on the reference =P.

Jumble/Anthony/Kelowna/Mario+Falco (could he choose one? Unless this is a serious doublemain.)

For the wifi connection thing, do I need a router? Or is there a wired connection possible? Or should I just buy a router anyway?
you have a couple options.

1. wireless connection (usually from a wireless router)
if you don't have a wireless router and don't want to buy one, you can either

a) buy nintendo's little wifi adapter. it looks like a usb jumpdrive, and all it does is act as a wireless router for nintendo products. you plug it in to a computer with an internet connection, and the adapter produces a wireless signal for your wii/ds

b)buy a wired adapter for your wii. i know it exists, but i dont know which brands make it.
you know how you plug an ethernet cable into your computer for a internet signal?
well the wii has a couple of usb ports itself.
this little wired adapter turns one of those usb ports into an ethernet port, allowing you to plug an ethernet cable from either your internet modem or router directly into your wii.
that is the only wired connection i know of.

buying and setting up a new router is both expensive and time consuming. i suggest that you go with one of the other two options.

with the wifi adapter, the benefits are that it is a wireless connection. the hindrance is that to be able to use it, the computer that it is plugged into needs to be on (there's a little windows program that allows you to choose which nintendo products you want to have access to the connection)

with the wired connection, you dont need to have a running computer. however, you will need a free port in your router. otherwise, you will have to (temporarily) unplug something else. also, it is (obviously) wired, which can be annoying to some.

i think the wifi adapter runs about 30 bucks at futureshop. i have one, and it works fine. it can be annoying to have to turn on my computer everytime i want to access the internet with my wii though.

hope that helps,



Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Actually, a wireless router would only cost you about as much as the Nintendo WiFi dongle - and you would be able to use other wireless devices with it. eg. laptop


Smash Rookie
Oct 10, 2006
Vancouver, BC
that is quite possible.
i know not of the prices of wireless routers.
i thought the fast ones were expensive though...
i prefer wired connections when it comes to my computer.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
me too. My laptop however I bought for convenience. The convenience of bring anywhere + have internet when I push the power button.

For hooking up your Wii though, the reason for buying the dongle is that it's idiot-proof - You plug it in and it works, you can't screw it up.

Wireless routers give some people headaches or something.


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Get the wireless router. Don't get the dongle. You can't use WiiConnect24 with the dongle unless your PC is powered on which can get annoying. Wireless routers aren't too expensive and are multipurpose.

Remember to set your wireless router's channel to 1 or 11 for the best compatibility with your Wii/DS. I found the default channel doesn't work too well.

If the Wii is close to the router, you can use the LAN adapter as well which would probably be better for less lag.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
You gotta figure out why it's laggy in the first place. Router speed, distance from router, objects between router and device etc... there are lots of factors and "lagginess" is influenced by so many things, and you can only fix what's broken....

So to answer your question - maybe.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
No, you don't need to join a tournament to be on the reference =P.

Jumble/Anthony/Kelowna/Mario+Falco (could he choose one? Unless this is a serious doublemain.)

For the wifi connection thing, do I need a router? Or is there a wired connection possible? Or should I just buy a router anyway?
He's probably equal with them but his main of the two is definately Mario. Put the M only.
Someone told me Kris with a K, I'm pretty sure they don't know either so hold off on that one.

Thanks again

whats up VANCOUVERanything crazy goin on up there?
This isn't much of a BC bud thread, but I guess that is BC :ohwell:

You gotta figure out why it's laggy in the first place. Router speed, distance from router, objects between router and device etc... there are lots of factors and "lagginess" is influenced by so many things, and you can only fix what's broken....

So to answer your question - maybe.
I was gonna say that his Power Level was in the way, maybe I'm wrong though...

I want to know too....
Me too, rather anything in the Okanagan Valley before March? Anyone?


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2005
Vancouver, BC
We'll host if you guys actually come over >.>

I got the last wii in the lower mainland, pretty sure. I called like 24 places, and the place which DID have wiis had ONE left. Which I claimed and then ran for.

How do I get internet on the wii?
Good job. Future Shop just got some in stock online. Took 40 minutes for Future Shop to sell out of 165 Wiis


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Delta B.C. Canada
yes happy Bday troy,

kyle might Cancle, he could not make it cause of work. but you can come to robys tomorow till if u want, just call him, call me for his #
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