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The B.C. Canada Thread


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2006
LOL just found out ive played against mew 2 king in a diff game i think im pretty sure he played shattered galaxy and overly addicted level if my theory is correct lol


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan

Anyone who sees this THIS LINK HERE in the next couple of hours should place an order immediately before the someone at Wal-Mart realizes what's going on. This could be your only chance to ever (in the next 5 or 6 years ) own a NEW copy of Brawl for less than $20(Melee is still $30 - $50). I'm at work so I can't place an order but everyone should be taking advantage of this. WalMart is expected to see this and take it down shortly later today.

Good luck .. hopefully a lot of people see this.


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2005
Vancouver, BC
It's over but Wal-Mart doesn't ship to Canada anyway and I don't think anyone wants to wait 10 days to play it (shipping) >.>

I pre-ordered mine at EB for a total cost of $30 or $35 during the trade 3 for free deal back in March =P


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
shotty on A team
Thanks for being the ONLY person to remotely discuss this Tony. But that's not exactly how things work >.>. We need to look at who were up against, and who our best counters would be for the best team. What character do you think you could do the BEST against?

uhh... i was messin with the south van guys u say?... how bout asking the south van guys. i partnered kuinn so i wouldnt take ne shots at him.... but if u say i was messin around with them then please tell me wut i sed cuz i really have no idea wut ur talkin about.
also, "what you gunna do about it"... thats like tryna start a fight, so i wouldnt ever say that. AND, if i lost, i wouldnt take multiple turns.

if any of the south van guys use the boards then hopefully they can reply to this, if they actually feel like i was being rude to them, etc, then i apologize

PS. to adam... last i remember, patooty main'd samus and hes prolly one of the best samus's in canada, so i unno how mark would be the best samus in BC while tiep is around
To say Marks Samus is BETTER than Tieps would be nothing short of an insult. Pretty sure Mark uses Samus and ONLY Samus whereas Tiep is a talented smasher with many characters at his disposal. =)

sfu3 vids plox? lol

cant wait to see you guys at Dan2. it's gonna be ballin'!
QTF (both the sfu3 vids plz (Robbie Coyle), and Dan2's status of "ballin").

what made you think manuel was going to a washington tournament? lol
Yeah I dunno what I was thinking there. Just really wanting to help Daz out in getting to his first (and most likely, ONLY) major ssbm tournament.


John, eric, tiep, should be givens. Ryan, Manuel, Tony, and myself I think should be considered for appropriate matchups. Or, to be unfair... refer to Johns Sig...>.>

EDIT: I think I would be one of the best choices for going up against Teddy AKA Peach. Seeing as how I ***** so many of them at 0C3 and last tournament Jamo defeated manuel's fox with peach and right after that I 3 stocked his Peach twice in a row >.>


Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2007
Surrey, BC
or we can just go by PR ranks... >.> (not the current, outdated one).

i dont think you would do better overall in the crew battle over Ryan or I because of the WA Foxes. At that same tournament u 3stocked Jamo, Eggz 3 stocked u multiple times.

I think u'd do better against KA than I would though.


Smash Lord
Dec 20, 2005
Burnaby, BC
First of all, I'm not going to Dan.
Secondly, you 3stocked and 2stocked Jamo, not 3 stocks.
Thirdly, I 3stocked him first match.
Fourth, he didn't go peach against me all 3 matches.
Fifth, <-- that's my PR spot, and I've earned it.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
BC Awards 2007

The Awards

Top Rookie Smasher
Another great award to be given. The smasher who wins this has to have the requirement of registering on SWF from 2006-2007 (this once only as it if the first time giving the award). This rookie smasher shows us that right from the start that they are a threat, and you can feel they have the potential to move up in the Power Rankings in BC. This rookie smasher has also impressed from their first tournament to their latest. We have some great candidates this time!
2007 WINNER: Tony

Character Mastery Award
Which smasher have you seen take that one character and seem to know everything about them? Matchups, stage selection, tricks, everything that encompasses the relationship of the character to the game are all inclusive in this award. Once they have this knowledge too, they can put it to the test and show off their skills in battle. Who will win this award in the end? It's up in the air in my opinion.
2007 WINNER: Eric

Best Low Tier Smasher
Another award which shows how well somebody knows the insides and outs of their character...but they are LOW tier. Ever been impressed by a DK, Mewtwo, Ness, Zelda, Bowser, etc? Can they smash with the big boys and keep their own? That person deserves this award then!
2007 WINNER: Frank

Most Improved Smasher
This award I feel is one of the most important awards to be given. This smasher has shown that each time they play, they improve and improve and improve. This person has come along way in our community, they have shown that hard work pays off and they can even smash with best BC smashers. This award is to who the community feels improved the most in their mind in 2006 -2007 (only this once as it is the first time giving the award).
2007 WINNER: Manuel

Friendliest Smasher
Smashing well isn't all in the BC community. Many people like to hang out and make new friends at smashfests and tournaments. This award is for the smasher who can do things such as responding to people's smash questions, who shakes your hand and talks to you during a tournament making you feel welcome, who is respectful in matches and let's you finish sneezing before KOing you!
2007 WINNER: Tiep

Most Technical Smasher
This person has spent too much time playing the game, PERIOD. Double jump canceling, perfect L canceling every single aerial A move (with the exception of a few), wavedashing to it's maximum distance, reverse double short hop lasering 100% of the time, Doc Up+B cancel when they need, moonwalk like Michael Jackson, etc. All that flashy stuff takes practice, and this person has shown they took to the time to do it and it looks flashy as heck.
2007 WINNER: Robbie

Best OOS Smasher
Who would you think is the best smasher to come from outside the province, or even country? Your vote goes to the smasher who you thought was the best to visit up until the end of 2007.
2007 WINNER: Forward

Most Valuable Smasher

This is the most prestigious award of them all. This person is the one who has shown time and time again that they are excellent at this game. Mindgames, technicality, personality while smashing is just above the rest, and is easily seen by the entire community. So who has stood out enough in your mind to deserve this award?

2007 WINNER: John

Thanks to everyone who votes. And for those who didn't, *shakes fist.


Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2007
Surrey, BC

congrats on MVS and Most Improved John/Manuel.
Although I haven't seen much improvement from u lately Manuel.. (oh snap)

John deserves low tier award for sure.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Delta B.C. Canada
congrats everyone, Adam should place for like, tallest smasher, i would say the Winners matched my votes, i think they are all percise.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
congrats everyone, Adam should place for like, tallest smasher, i would say the Winners matched my votes, i think they are all percise.
OH you mean the votes you never told me?

I gave people the chance to make a category and nominate a person, it has been like that for months but nobody did anything.

Also I think I will abolish the rule of people cannot win more than one award - I said that because I assumed many people would vote and many people will be nominated, how silly of me.


Smash Ace
Sep 30, 2007
Coquitlam, B.C. Canada
Man too many foxes in the signatures.. what is this?? lol.. oh well more foxes to own muahaha.

lol I'd just say that fox looks cool? lol I'd try to go for a falco signature but I can't really find any decent pictures of falco...or pictures that I like anyway and yet there are TONS of fox pictures so...yeah lol


Smash Lord
Dec 20, 2005
Burnaby, BC
Thanks guyz =D .

Top rookie def. deserved by Tony. You registered what, February?

There aren't that many good foxes.
wc foxes:
Ryan, Tiep, Tony, Manuel?, Eric, John?

But very few of us commit specifically to that character.
ie) Ryan and Robbie pretty much.

Eric and Carl play **** falcos, tony and I play marth, tiep is a spamus, john plays... the game...



Smash Lord
Dec 20, 2005
Burnaby, BC
Ok, Mike, I know you want to know "WHO is the best in Canada, who is representing", We all have our strengths and weaknesses, so its very hard to say who is the "best" around here. Sooner or later, this whole thing is gonna turn out into one, big arguement on who's the best in BC or something. Ho-hum.

I assume its sorta have to do with Counter Characters though. Me, my Falco is decent, but certainly not the best when I go against a lot of Shield Grabbers, such as Darius and Troy. Both of their Marth's own my Falco, due to the fact that Marth has the Chain Grabbing, and the up tilt -> Forward Smash that can brutally kill Falco at 50%. I've seen it happen in all of my videos.

Tiep, is very good with his Samus; He's not your average type of Samus with her Bomb combos and crap ... I dunno, IMO, Tiep's Samus is very good with her Aerials... It just hits me, and its hard to avoid, since Samus can just jump over my SHL. That's why, I'm gonna drop Falco for a little while, and start anew with Luigi. I'm really reckless with Luigi's wavedash combo's and crap, but with more human-to-human experience, I just Know that my Luigi will be a bomb.

Eric, on the other hand, he's fast, and supposedly kills my Falco using his own Falco. I know that all of you guys know this, but I suck horribly to Falco Dittos; its own SHL stops me; I just need SOMEONE to play with... AGHH I can't believe all of you guys have a brother or like a neighbor to play with, but all i got is my FREAKING CPUS, TRAINING MODE, AND MY PRON DOLL >_>. I dunno how Eric does it, but it works. =\.

Adam, he's just Nasty with the Falcon and Dorf. He puts the Raptor Boost as his "starter-up" combo against my Falco and other characters. If I don't DI, he'll then Up-smash me, and then Knee me to death. I'm dead serious, Adam loves to use the powerhouse killers. (I dunno if that's a bad thing or a good thing, it just works...haha i gotta do more sidestep dodges and stay away from Adam's G-dorf Aerials.)

Wilfred, and Victa: your Peaches are very nasty. I dunno how you guys do it, but both of you pull at LEAST 1 Grandpa Turnip IN EVERY MATCH. pwn. I see that Wilfred is now starting to give his peach more Aerials now technique... Its getting crazy. I just KNOW that my Falco has a chance; After playing with them for 6 months, I can almost read their mind.

it seems that ALL of you guys tend to jump into my Spike EVERY SINGLE time I back throw you at the edge of the levels XD... Its becoming like a second-nature habit to all of you guys... Quit it!

Oh yeah, when you go onto MSN later, check out my DP. You'll be VERY surprized on how crazy I made myself into a DBR guy - I almost look like a Pedofile in that pic ....CRAZY, EH? XD
lol nick is hilariousssss.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Thanks guyz =D .

Top rookie def. deserved by Tony. You registered what, February?

There aren't that many good foxes.
wc foxes:
Ryan, Tiep, Tony, Manuel?, Eric, John?

But very few of us commit specifically to that character.
ie) Ryan and Robbie pretty much.

Eric and Carl play **** falcos, tony and I play marth, tiep is a spamus, john plays... the game...

Ya obviously not, but still you guys can easily do a fox regional crew lol.. On our side it would probably be a Captain Falcon crew lol.


Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2007
Thanks guyz =D .

Top rookie def. deserved by Tony. You registered what, February?

There aren't that many good foxes.
wc foxes:
Ryan, Tiep, Tony, Manuel?, Eric, John?

But very few of us commit specifically to that character.
ie) Ryan and Robbie pretty much.

Eric and Carl play **** falcos, tony and I play marth, tiep is a spamus, john plays... the game...

Thanks for including me too, I pretty much ONLY play Fox now.


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
They? Maybe only him =P If they were actually too good, they should of been top 4 Minnesota guys lol.
Okay, Chexr and Aaron. Aaron wins every MN tourney, but didn't perform his best at this tourney evidently. And they were the only ones there other than Flux, and he's kind of new to competitive smash.

Actually, Chexr and Aaron really are the only INCREDIBLY AWESOME smashers there, but still.

Also, SDM lives there :p

EDIT: Also, congrats John and Adam. : D


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
Man, I'm so jealous of you guys with your awards ]: I'm so0o0o gonna do the same on the GTA thread. Maybe give out RIBBONS, infact POKEMON RIBBONS. LOLLL :] how are the canadians doing @ The Dan? Any of our boys get ***** by KaMaster? LOLLL. Hope Adam is reppin' us hard like his Ganon's c0ck LOLLL.


Smash Lord
Dec 20, 2005
Burnaby, BC
Yeah wtf.
btw how did Eric do?
Ryan? Tiep? Tony? Robbie? David? I think I know how everyone else did.

Guys, I'm buying my little brother a wii for his birthday, where can I get one for best price etc?


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Delta B.C. Canada
Yeah wtf.
btw how did Eric do?
Ryan? Tiep? Tony? Robbie? David? I think I know how everyone else did.

Guys, I'm buying my little brother a wii for his birthday, where can I get one for best price etc?
lol it is pretty expensive either way, but i know HMV normally has them if other places are sold out.


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Yeah wtf.
btw how did Eric do?
Ryan? Tiep? Tony? Robbie? David? I think I know how everyone else did.

Guys, I'm buying my little brother a wii for his birthday, where can I get one for best price etc?
Best price? You see one, buy it right away. But the best places would be places people wouldn't think to look: HMV and Rogers Video are good choices. Or check flyers to see if they're advertised and be there at opening of the day the flyer starts.


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
Congrats on 2nd place, Ryan and John!! How did the others do in doubles?

Also, I smashed a lot with Aaron over the summer, I couldn't get more than two stock off him most of the time. He's sooo good, holy ****. Also, he plays a lot of characters.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Aaron was pretty good; but not eric-good.
Chexr was surprisingly good. He didn't fight KA but definately earned 1st place anyways.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Like the only match I played with Aaron I 2-3 stocked his fox on FD. I played Chexr and he kept 1 stocking me -_-. He's ****ing good, he said my ganon was harder for him than any ganon he's played including eddie. I was happy to hear that =).

I took 13th in singles which was ****ing gay cuz robbie shoulda beaten Dan and THEN played me instead of me playing dan and then robbie beating dan, like WTF I hate smash, I quit, GG.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
Yea i beat Aaron in singles however i didn't play Chexur in singles.. I played him in one friendly though and he 2 stocked me... XD

yea it was Minnesota **** cause Chexur never lost a set in singles and they never lost a set in teams....

John was amazing in teams..
Ryan is funny
Kos Mos has a good Peach

and ya

Genesis FTW

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Burnaby, British Columbia
Like the only match I played with Aaron I 2-3 stocked his fox on FD. I played Chexr and he kept 1 stocking me -_-. He's ****ing good, he said my ganon was harder for him than any ganon he's played including eddie. I was happy to hear that =).

I took 13th in singles which was ****ing gay cuz robbie shoulda beaten Dan and THEN played me instead of me playing dan and then robbie beating dan, like WTF I hate smash, I quit, GG.
Sorry i want farther then you in winners then adam...but youre right that would have been nicer cause then once you would have placed one spot higher after losing to me. SNAP

As for how i did,

I came 2nd in my pool, compared to dan.

Beat West Coast Wes
Beat Baloon
Lost to Hitsugaya
Beat Dan
Lost to Ka-Master

Finished 7th in singles
and 5th in doubles with the beef
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