While this thread is similar to our Top Ten Best video game thread(found here), this is more of a recommendation thread for people who are looking for a game to play whether it's a classic, new and underrated, your personal game reviews, your favorite game or looking for something in a specific genre.
With that said, I'll start it.
Legend Of Legaia <---click there for awesome
and also here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8mUlfV5mIs
Not many people know about this game, but it has to be one of the most unique experiences I've have had in an JRPG. Mostly in the battle system.
For people who have never even heard of this series:
It's a turn based system the involves putting character inputs a command for each character, then select baddies, and then confirm. Sounds like most turn based rpgs, right? Well the twist here is that instead of simple commands like attack, magic etc, your attack is broken down into inputs that are pre-selected forexample>----high and low kicks as well as left and rights, which includes super combos and ultras similar to traditional fighting games and can deal ******** amounts of damaging when done correctly. The magic in game revolves around summoning certain magic monsters that you have fought and possessing them with a life force on the characters arm called a RA-Seru.
The music and graphics are pretty damn good for it's time, but of you're like me, then the meat is always in the gameplay with a good story(i'll be honest the story is not nearly as good as the game play
Speaking of which, this game is very ****ing unforgiving. It's def one of those RPGs where if you don't buy that water ring and then you make it all the way to the water based attack boss without it, you're ****ed. lol
Fun Fact: The famous Melee Peach player Cort got his name from this game
Another underrated greatness
Beyond Good and Evil
If you're into Action Adventure, then this game is a must!! If that isn't your thing, this game is still a must play!!
It always breaks my heart when I see this game in the bargain bin and the main reason it was so overlooked was because it was released around a bad time(iirc around one of the long awaited prince of Persia games -.-)
This game offers everything a great that the Action Adventure genre has and so much more. It combines many other types of gameplay elements and it does an amazing job of mixing it up. Most notably the stealth game play and photography since the main character is is a journalist. When you play BG&E, it will give you a slight feel of Zelda since the majority of the time you'll actually doing most of your exploring will be in puzzle based dungeons and imo they rival even some of Zelda's best designed dungeons
The graphics are way above average for it's time and still looks good even now. I liked they sense of art direction the developers chose to use and the music is also top notch and the developers did an awesome job of matching the music to fit each theme of the game.
The story is also very well done. I'm not going to comment on it though so you'll just have to play and find out. lol
The only thing I remember that I didn't not particularly like about this game was that it was too short. It's like about 11 hours and a bit more with the few side quests.
So you should pick this is up of get the the HD version on xbox live. You won't be disappointed
Panzer Bandit
This game is a ****ing beast beat em up! Once you play, you'll get that Guardian Heroes feel to it, but if you haven't played GH, then I dunno what to say, bro. I's easy to compare the two games however if I were to be more clear on how this game plays out, Id put it like this: If Guadian Heroes is the "Smash Bros + MVC 2" of beat um up, then Panzer Bandit is the "Street Fighter + Marvel" of beat em ups. This is because GH uses a similar battle system like smash where player moves are performed depening on the direction of your movement such as tilt attacks. Even though there are no "Smash attacks with the same button, there is another button that pretty much works the exact same way. In Panzer bandit, the characters' attacks are based mostly on inputs that are pretty much like street fighter. Not much explanation there. The Marvel feel comes from the amount of crazy (air)combos you can perform and the amount of stuff going on in game at once.
I haven't met any one who has played this game besides my cousin and my friend Kurt. Speaking of Kurt, I'll let him add more detailed info:
"Panzer Bandit is essentially a Final Fight-style brawler, though everything controls more like a 2D fighter. You have two primary attacks (weak and strong), and a variety of Street Fighter-esque motions will perform flying flips, fireballs and whatever other special moves your character may have (and in case you're not adept enough, most of the speciality attacks are mapped to the extra buttons on the controller.) Even the bulkiest of characters are relatively agile, allowing you to super jump, double jump, dash, and essentially fly around the whole screen, tossing enemies into another and otherwise tearing new holes in everything. Hitting the trigger buttons will send your character leaping back and forth inbetween planes. There's also the usual power meter, which can unleash a super attack when charged up enough. And as natural for games of this type, you can choose to smash bad guys with a buddy by your side. It's all reasonably simple, but a total blast to play.
Panzer Bandit throws a lot at you at one time, but never quite reaches the epic chaos that Guardian Heroes sometimes threw at you. While at times the game doesn't quite feel busy enough, it also doesn't overwhelm you to the point that you can't see what you're doing. Whoever said the Playstation couldn't do 2D must've been making **** up, because Panzer Bandit, a 1997 title, proves them otherwise. While the foreground is polygonal, everything else are fully detailed, well-animated sprites. Even though the camera is constantly zooming in and out as you jump or switch between planes, the graphics stay fairly clear and never become the pixelated mess usually associated with scaling effects. The music is your typical catchy Capcom-style pop cheese that would feel right at home in a Mega Man game, which is actually a very, very good thing.
This being a side-scrolling brawler, Panzer Bandit is somewhat repetitive by nature. The fact that you're really only fighting the same two or three guys over and over doesn't really help the issue. So by the time you hit the eighth and final level, and you need to refight all of the old bosses, Panzer Bandit almost does begin to wear out its welcome. In spurts, however, Panzer Bandit is elegant in all of its bone-smashing simplicity, leading to some of the most button-mashing fun you're likely to find. Alas, this being Japanese only, you're unlikely to find this without paying a bit of a price."
With that said, I'll start it.
Legend Of Legaia <---click there for awesome
and also here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8mUlfV5mIs

Not many people know about this game, but it has to be one of the most unique experiences I've have had in an JRPG. Mostly in the battle system.
For people who have never even heard of this series:
It's a turn based system the involves putting character inputs a command for each character, then select baddies, and then confirm. Sounds like most turn based rpgs, right? Well the twist here is that instead of simple commands like attack, magic etc, your attack is broken down into inputs that are pre-selected forexample>----high and low kicks as well as left and rights, which includes super combos and ultras similar to traditional fighting games and can deal ******** amounts of damaging when done correctly. The magic in game revolves around summoning certain magic monsters that you have fought and possessing them with a life force on the characters arm called a RA-Seru.
The music and graphics are pretty damn good for it's time, but of you're like me, then the meat is always in the gameplay with a good story(i'll be honest the story is not nearly as good as the game play
Speaking of which, this game is very ****ing unforgiving. It's def one of those RPGs where if you don't buy that water ring and then you make it all the way to the water based attack boss without it, you're ****ed. lol
Fun Fact: The famous Melee Peach player Cort got his name from this game
Another underrated greatness
Beyond Good and Evil

If you're into Action Adventure, then this game is a must!! If that isn't your thing, this game is still a must play!!
It always breaks my heart when I see this game in the bargain bin and the main reason it was so overlooked was because it was released around a bad time(iirc around one of the long awaited prince of Persia games -.-)
This game offers everything a great that the Action Adventure genre has and so much more. It combines many other types of gameplay elements and it does an amazing job of mixing it up. Most notably the stealth game play and photography since the main character is is a journalist. When you play BG&E, it will give you a slight feel of Zelda since the majority of the time you'll actually doing most of your exploring will be in puzzle based dungeons and imo they rival even some of Zelda's best designed dungeons
The graphics are way above average for it's time and still looks good even now. I liked they sense of art direction the developers chose to use and the music is also top notch and the developers did an awesome job of matching the music to fit each theme of the game.
The story is also very well done. I'm not going to comment on it though so you'll just have to play and find out. lol
The only thing I remember that I didn't not particularly like about this game was that it was too short. It's like about 11 hours and a bit more with the few side quests.
So you should pick this is up of get the the HD version on xbox live. You won't be disappointed
Panzer Bandit

This game is a ****ing beast beat em up! Once you play, you'll get that Guardian Heroes feel to it, but if you haven't played GH, then I dunno what to say, bro. I's easy to compare the two games however if I were to be more clear on how this game plays out, Id put it like this: If Guadian Heroes is the "Smash Bros + MVC 2" of beat um up, then Panzer Bandit is the "Street Fighter + Marvel" of beat em ups. This is because GH uses a similar battle system like smash where player moves are performed depening on the direction of your movement such as tilt attacks. Even though there are no "Smash attacks with the same button, there is another button that pretty much works the exact same way. In Panzer bandit, the characters' attacks are based mostly on inputs that are pretty much like street fighter. Not much explanation there. The Marvel feel comes from the amount of crazy (air)combos you can perform and the amount of stuff going on in game at once.
I haven't met any one who has played this game besides my cousin and my friend Kurt. Speaking of Kurt, I'll let him add more detailed info:
"Panzer Bandit is essentially a Final Fight-style brawler, though everything controls more like a 2D fighter. You have two primary attacks (weak and strong), and a variety of Street Fighter-esque motions will perform flying flips, fireballs and whatever other special moves your character may have (and in case you're not adept enough, most of the speciality attacks are mapped to the extra buttons on the controller.) Even the bulkiest of characters are relatively agile, allowing you to super jump, double jump, dash, and essentially fly around the whole screen, tossing enemies into another and otherwise tearing new holes in everything. Hitting the trigger buttons will send your character leaping back and forth inbetween planes. There's also the usual power meter, which can unleash a super attack when charged up enough. And as natural for games of this type, you can choose to smash bad guys with a buddy by your side. It's all reasonably simple, but a total blast to play.
Panzer Bandit throws a lot at you at one time, but never quite reaches the epic chaos that Guardian Heroes sometimes threw at you. While at times the game doesn't quite feel busy enough, it also doesn't overwhelm you to the point that you can't see what you're doing. Whoever said the Playstation couldn't do 2D must've been making **** up, because Panzer Bandit, a 1997 title, proves them otherwise. While the foreground is polygonal, everything else are fully detailed, well-animated sprites. Even though the camera is constantly zooming in and out as you jump or switch between planes, the graphics stay fairly clear and never become the pixelated mess usually associated with scaling effects. The music is your typical catchy Capcom-style pop cheese that would feel right at home in a Mega Man game, which is actually a very, very good thing.
This being a side-scrolling brawler, Panzer Bandit is somewhat repetitive by nature. The fact that you're really only fighting the same two or three guys over and over doesn't really help the issue. So by the time you hit the eighth and final level, and you need to refight all of the old bosses, Panzer Bandit almost does begin to wear out its welcome. In spurts, however, Panzer Bandit is elegant in all of its bone-smashing simplicity, leading to some of the most button-mashing fun you're likely to find. Alas, this being Japanese only, you're unlikely to find this without paying a bit of a price."