Get on that, MikeTwoooooo!!
On the whole, I couldn't be prouder of the Austin Brawl scene. I was very worried that when PX and Hylian moved, we were done. This town was their turf, and the whole state knew it. Our community was shaping up to be an Ike, GW, Olimar, and Bowser. Not exactly your typical scene.
Since then, though, we've gotten a good chunck of new Smashers. Gova's Kirby plays smart and doesn't just spam dair and fsmash like most rookie Kirbies. Mike3's got the right mindset to improve as a player. Mike2 goes to every fest he can and learns from experience. I don't know Shiken well yet, but he recently began hosting in addition to me. And of course I can't forget about Polt! He plays with a certain seriousness that at times can be striking to those around him, but that mindset in turn always encourages people around him to do their best. Polt's also the one person I can always count on to watch my matches when he's not playing in tournament. He's always there to say "You got this."
On top of all that, every one of our returning Smashers has improved greatly. Pantyraider's picked up legitimate CPs. SkyPirate has gotten even more patient. Bored doesn't injure himself as much. And after focusing on film last summer, I've found my Bowser to be much more adaptive.
With only a year left until I graduate and move out to California to work on Madagascar 3, I can proudly say the Austin Brawl scene is alive and well, and I have no doubt someone will pick up the reins by the time I'm gone.
I freaking love you guys.