My fellow Lucario mains,
I first got into Smash by way of Brawl. Yes, I know it's probably the worst iteration mechanics wise, but I love it. It's my first Smash game. To make matters worse, I was as bad a player as you could find. I thought aerials and tilts were useless, and just spammed specials, forward smashes, dash attacks and the occasional jabs. I was helpless at combo's, never grabbed, and never shielded. You guessed, I roll-spammed everywhere I went. But none of that mattered as long as I had my trusty Lucario with me.
When I heard about Smash 4, and learned that Lucario would be in the game once more, I was VERY excited. I decided I would actually learn how to play the game with it's mechanics. I got the game as soon as I could, and trained and trained. I realized how incredibly bad I previously was at the game, and was horrified when I noticed that I still maintained my bad habits from Brawl. Too much rolling, not enough grabbing, not enough tilts. I actually found I couldn't even do tilts when I wanted to, that's how bad it was. And my air game... oh dear, I had to practice a good while in training before I could actually reliably land some aerials on the freaking unmoving AI. But I went through that, and I felt better. To test myself, I challenged my little 10-year old brother (doesn't sound like much of a challenge, I know, but I can't do For Glory with my freaking third-world internet connection). I defeated his Ganondorf easily with my secondary, Bowser Jr. Then it was time to test my Lucario.
We were doing 1 stock only. He mains Kirby, but just to bug me, he troll-picked Lucario, and ditto we played. Oh man, I still feel the pain. I started winning. But that's Lucario's beauty, is it not? Anyway, the fight went on, and I got him to about 120%, while I was at about 60%. I juggled him, but he landed back on the stage via ES. All it took was one F-smash, and one bad roll from my part. One bad habit coming back. My little brother beat me in a ditto with my own main, and I don't know if I have ever been more ashamed.
Needless to say, I have come to the Lucario council to seek guidance. I know you guys have talked about combo's and such, but if you could provide tips on the basics of landing aerials, using Lucario's not-so-awesome hitboxes to the fullest, how and which moves to space with (I don't really understand how to space at all), and just general tips for having a baddass Lucario, I would be incredibly happy.