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The 949 Smash Thread: RIP PacWest


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2009
Irvine, SoCal
Nah dave, I'm definitely not going for shiz/lambchops aggro. That's kind of over the top and works because they're amazing.

Even if you compare me to PP/zoo, I'm way more defensive than them to the point where I'm not really applying any pressure.

The advice Adam gave me was that my mindset was too defense oriented and that even if I have an opening, I'll forgo it to camp more because that's what I think to do and am comfortable with.

It seems like it works more because people don't know how to deal with camping rather than me outplaying them. I feel like I'll stagnate if I keep playing like that.


Smash Master
Dec 4, 2008
I just noticed that Stab's avatar is the Bloc Party.

Goddammit you're such an
*** person with
music taste.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
The advice Adam gave me was that my mindset was too defense oriented and that even if I have an opening, I'll forgo it to camp more because that's what I think to do and am comfortable with.

It seems like it works more because people don't know how to deal with camping rather than me outplaying them. I feel like I'll stagnate if I keep playing like that.
Dude. That is EXACTLY what I've been telling you that since the first day you were born.

I also told that to Aznforce but he didn't stick around long enough to see any development.

Also I am not the best teacher so I can't say I'm surprised.

Deleted member

don't feel pressured to play a certain way

if camping is your strategy that has the best chance of winning, no reason to change it

however, being a campy *** head all day will get you better extremely slowly, you must be able to recognize when to turn it up instead of backing off. my falco is a huge camper (unless opponent sux) but i try to make the most out of my opportunities

abuse platforms while comboing, use (reverse) d-air hitboxes to keep them there, keep track of where people roll

also, people are more willing to play you/help you get better because you will be more fun to fight. i honestly don't care and am willing to sit down with u or anybody for 30 minutes or so at a tournament and work out your flaws. From memory, you don't combo too good.

im not gunna give u lame bich advice like get some better tech skill or read better either

socal needs a new rising player even if its some dude named stabbed by a NIPPLE


Smash Master
Dec 4, 2008
Stab if you get on the PR, I'll buy you dinner to change your name to stabbedbyapen1s or stabbedbyad1ck

how's that?

The Greater Leon

Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2008
socal, 805
what everyone decides to ignore is that camping is a skill in itself
you wont get better at getting in their face unless you do it and eat **** a lot

but if you practice zoning a lot you will get better at it too. i really disagree with adam/dave/oscar when they say that the only way to play is to just go get em.

im melee, zoning sucks and is incredibly hard. but if zoning is what you want to do, and have the most fun doing, you should play a different game you should do it

eventually youre gonna have to hit them to take the stock, but if you are soooooooooooooooo good at lasering, running through them, and lasering more.. trading hits is easy

i dislike the disillusion that camping only delays ones development. it aint doing **** for your rushdown, but youre getting better at running away or keeping them out

idk but i should really listen to this lecture~


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
in general i dont see why there's such a distinction made between camping and zoning and aggression and pressure or whatever, in melee all those terms are really blended together.

unlike street fighter i don't think you can " keep people out" or "get in their face", you're just playing to get hits and sometimes the best way to get hits is to let them make a mistake and sometimes the best way to get hits is to force them to make a mistake

but it's all in the game tho right? (c. omar)


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2008
don't feel pressured to play a certain way

if camping is your strategy that has the best chance of winning, no reason to change it

however, being a campy *** head all day will get you better extremely slowly, you must be able to recognize when to turn it up instead of backing off. my falco is a huge camper (unless opponent sux) but i try to make the most out of my opportunities

abuse platforms while comboing, use (reverse) d-air hitboxes to keep them there, keep track of where people roll

also, people are more willing to play you/help you get better because you will be more fun to fight. i honestly don't care and am willing to sit down with u or anybody for 30 minutes or so at a tournament and work out your flaws. From memory, you don't combo too good.

im not gunna give u lame bich advice like get some better tech skill or read better either

socal needs a new rising player even if its some dude named stabbed by a NIPPLE
can i take you up on that offer too? ..we can do some mms too to compensate so you dont get bored of me or something lol

what everyone decides to ignore is that camping is a skill in itself
you wont get better at getting in their face unless you do it and eat **** a lot

but if you practice zoning a lot you will get better at it too. i really disagree with adam/dave/oscar when they say that the only way to play is to just go get em.

im melee, zoning sucks and is incredibly hard. but if zoning is what you want to do, and have the most fun doing, you should play a different game you should do it

eventually youre gonna have to hit them to take the stock, but if you are soooooooooooooooo good at lasering, running through them, and lasering more.. trading hits is easy

i dislike the disillusion that camping only delays ones development. it aint doing **** for your rushdown, but youre getting better at running away or keeping them out

idk but i should really listen to this lecture~
offense vs defense is a philosophical question imo.one isnt better than the other because it all comes down to skill level.IF player A is an aggressive player, AND is a better player than player B, then player A will win most if not all of the time and vice versa


Treat Yo' Self
Jul 30, 2007
charles, it doesn't matter if player A is an aggressive player if he's better than player B.

Deleted member

can i take you up on that offer too? ..we can do some mms too to compensate so you dont get bored of me or something lol

offense vs defense is a philosophical question imo.one isnt better than the other because it all comes down to skill level.IF player A is an aggressive player, AND is a better player than player B, then player A will win most if not all of the time and vice versa
im pretty much done money matching unless its out of hype or if people better than me aren't going to try

edit: in other words, i'll train u because i want people to get better without dum MM's


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2009
ALSO... ive really been wanting to get SC2 / a new computer for SC2... that game has millions building a new computer
today in physics I overheard a conversation about SC2. The subject quickly changed to how to build a computer and what each part does. Btw I'm a very active SC2 player now, add me (everyone)!

Username: Signia
Email: ryanhuculak@yahoo.com
Character Code: 524
I hope that's enough information, Battle.net 2 is so strange

oh and add me to the JDM smashfest list

The Greater Leon

Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2008
socal, 805
we've already done this dance, but

in a neutral position one player might say, i should pressure his shield
where another might say, i should jump back and laser

i dont understand why stab and his friends are so down on their playstyle (dave too, but hes retired)


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
camping is an art all of it's own

how many people can successfully camp as well as pink shinobi? most think it's boring to watch and just stupid/simple, but it takes just as much reading as it does to tech chase someone with falcon

paul always seemed to know when/where to throw his turnip, when to go in for a quick hit, when to keep running, etc, but if you don't look into it, most people just see float up high with a turnip (connor) and so when they try to camp like him, that's all they do (connor)

thing is, in melee, few people find it fun to run around and camp people for 8 minutes where as paul loved it and would do it in friendlies, and since most people don't like it, camping gets a bad rap


Smash Lord
May 2, 2008
Inside the hitbox of Falco's Up-Tilt.
play how you have the most fun
(which may be camping, or may be rushing. or sometimes people have fun win they're winning, so do whatever it takes in that case).
and get good at it.
simple as that.

I'd appreciate advice too johnny, if you can give it to a puff that is.
I prefer being aggressive.


Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2007
UC San Diego
imo camping only works if your opponent is gonna make a mistake BECAUSE of the camping.

charles you going to irvine tomorrow? Take me!

Deleted member

play how you have the most fun
(which may be camping, or may be rushing. or sometimes people have fun win they're winning, so do whatever it takes in that case).
and get good at it.
simple as that.

I'd appreciate advice too johnny, if you can give it to a puff that is.
I prefer being aggressive.
i don't know **** about how to play / play against puff

not gunna tell people strategy just tell them things they are doing WRONG

rus s0uL

Smash Apprentice
Feb 17, 2010
29 Palms, CA (760)
Wsup 949, any of you guys smashing this weekend? I may be in the area & wanna play some smash. Stab, you doing anything smash related? I had fun playing your falco on sunday :D


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2009
Irvine, SoCal
Wsup 949, any of you guys smashing this weekend? I may be in the area & wanna play some smash. Stab, you doing anything smash related? I had fun playing your falco on sunday :D
You should go to JDM's on friday if possible.

I can try getting people to come over either sat or sun but we'll probably have the same amount of people as last time lol

Also, on my Pre-calc final on Wednesday, we had a question about a compounding population, and the population was Zerglings. My math teacher *****.

rus s0uL

Smash Apprentice
Feb 17, 2010
29 Palms, CA (760)
Won't be able to make it to any of JDM's smashfests lol. By the time i get off work & then travel to go there it'll already be like 8 pm. So i will be getting there super late. Well, that could work if i were able to crash somewhere in/nearby Irvine i suppose. Any takers lol :) Dang, same amount as last time which was like 5 of us...**** smash flakers! I thought 949 was the most active smash region, where's everyone at!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 11, 2005
Anaheim, CA
Anyone know if the 24 hour fitness near uci has a pool? I might swim there for a couple hours before going to JDMs.


Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2007
Irvine CA
There's a pool in my neighborhood if you want to swim in it.

I will be doing a special tournament tomorrow.


Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2007
Irvine CA
I can give you the key to get in.

I'm pretty sure they have at least 1 lane which is on the side of the pool.


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2007
i might want to come tomorrow but it depends on my schedule :(

ill definitely let you know ahead of time though... i hope i still have your number roflcopter


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2008
i might want to come tomorrow but it depends on my schedule :(

ill definitely let you know ahead of time though... i hope i still have your number roflcopter
wait so youre back already?! fool forget your schedule and chill with us lol

yeee peer pressure

edit: imma bring a cube today too just in case theres an extra tv
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