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The 2006-2008 Tier list

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Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2006
A lost ghost
That post took me only 3 mins to make....

cb marth said:
LOL wow man you really have no life do you. Once you get a life then "try" and mock. K
The purpose of this post was to simply mock me, not to support your own side of the arguement.

And well, im about 13-14, have friends, still go to school, and work out every week. What do you define as "having a life"?


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2006
A lost ghost
cb marth said:
Yeah a waste of 4 mins.Also you actually what timed yourself?
What would i use those 4 mins for? Reading a book? Yeah im not going to waste my time reading tales. I'd rather do homework, but i don't have any.

And i didn't time my self.


Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2006
New York Bronx
LOL wow man you really have no life do you. Once you get a life then "try" and mock. K?
Im quite sorry but u have no clue what a "no life" is... that term is so over-used that its pretty much rendered meaningless. just who are you to call someone a no life?. I mean look at m2k. ppl consider him the BIGGEST no life of all.. he studies frame data plays smash all day every day but.... does that make him a no life? no. so what does he gain in return? He travles around the nation. he sees the world and to top it off out of this game he makes more money in one day then u probably made your ENTIRE LIFE cb marth.


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2006
A lost ghost
Falcon is right, let's get back on topic.

Sheik can go straight through Marth's range with her speed. It is really easy for Sheik to D throw chaingrab Marth and juggle him too.


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2005
East Coast.
Im quite sorry but u have no clue what a "no life" is... that term is so over-used that its pretty much rendered meaningless. just who are you to call someone a no life?. I mean look at m2k. ppl consider him the BIGGEST no life of all.. he studies frame data plays smash all day every day but.... does that make him a no life? no. so what does he gain in return? He travles around the nation. he sees the world and to top it off out of this game he makes more money in one day then u probably made your ENTIRE LIFE cb marth.

Yeah he has no life...thats pretty logical if you think about it. Also and you know how much money I make do youl and you also know how much he makes "in a day" Gifted are we?

Yes I guess this should be back on topic.Enough with the arguments.

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
I don't mean to be rude CB Marth but... STFU! just drop it man its done and over with we are talking about how marth and sheik aren't even, if you want to argue go somewhere else, we are trying to justify NOW that marth's only nonfavored matchup is sheik and maybe fox/falco.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
When do I always argue..
I didn't say you always do lol
I do believe you came in here and started it.
Rofl, you're wrong. It's like this: You make a ********/wrong statement, I simply reply and correct you, you get pissed off and make 20 more replies.
I haven't defended anything either. Do you mean stating opinions? Thats a much different thing maybe you should focus more on reading the dictionary and less on trying to prove points. Eh?
Actually, no. This is how you are defending yourself...replying. I say something about you, then you have the urge to reply to me. If you truely weren't defending yourself, you wouldn't care at all and would just leave my comments be. This post you made was is also an example of you defending yourself. Saying that my posts don't make sense is a defense to you. Saying Americans are ignorant is a defense to you, lol, and so forth. I mean, I did insult you. Most people who actually care would defend themselves.
Btw, nice insult LOL, "read a dictionary" Imma cry now
Also yeah I am pretty sure he doesn't have a life if he went to all that trouble to search for posts and add in his worthless opinion. The funny thing is I bet your best friends if not brothers seeing how your both from Jersey which I must add you really make look bad.
LOL, I don't even know who Lucky Sharmz is. Look at our post histories. I'd say we posted in the same thread twice....ever. gg
So maybe if you handle your own arguments and problems by yourself for a change and not get your buddys to help back you up then maybe you would learn. Try it sometime. Also I think you controdicted yourself again funny eh. I believe you said don't post to me again. Did you not? Hmm and yet you came in here and posted to me. Well I guess I was right you do controdict yourself way to much buddy.
I told you to stop posting because you're an idiot and people find you annoying..so what if I still post lol?


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2005
East Coast.
I believe he said to stop the spamming didn't he. Yet I always love people like you lol so fun to play with. I mean lets see where to begin. You said I post wrong or ******** posts..Well I do believe this is a forum which you state opinions. Is it not? Also I think you have issues, seeing how I don't see anything wrong with my post and it seems you and Sharmy are like the only two that have a problem with them. Huh odd eh? Defensive..what do you call your last post? Also, no why would I just ignore an ignorant poster like you. I mean your the best to talk to. Oh you liked the dictionary one did you. I thought you would I mean seeing how you mess up on words a lot. Clearly all I see from you is that you try to bash others post because you either have nothing to do. Or you try and make yourself look smarter than you really are. Which I don't know nor care. Second you always controdict yourself I mean sorry for bring this up a lot but man you do it like 5 out of 8 posts. Third you are a hipocrite. You tell me not to do something yet you do it lol. So honestly I don't really no why you keep replying to me. I mean if you have that much of a problem with me or my post then simple DON'T READ THEM. This is how I see it we can go back all night and day with the same stuff neither are going to budge. So make it easy on yourself and stop replying to every post I make. I mean it would be fine if you could actually come up with some good points that would make sense agenst me. Or if you would stop controdicting yourself or being a hipcrite I mean once you stop them habbits then. Sure feel free to bash my posts away seeing how you took an interest in it lol.

So please give it up. Stop replying to me and get back on topic.

No it is fine let him keep it. I am done arguing. I would much rather get back on topic.


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2005
East Coast.
You know I agree with you. Both characters are pretty close in skill and style. I do think that her needles and agilty gives her the edge. I find also that her combos/moves all flow so perfect compared to Marth. I mean don't get me wrong Marth has some sick combo's but it takes much more effort to pull them off perfect. Sheik's just kinnda happen with the click of the button haha.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Oh you liked the dictionary one did you. I thought you would I mean seeing how you mess up on words a lot.
No I don't. I pointed out that your sentences aren't coherent and you mis-spell words in at least every other post.
Third you are a bhipocrite.
There you go lol
You tell me not to do something yet you do it lol. So honestly I don't really no why you keep replying to me.
I already explained why.
I mean if you have that much of a problem with me or my post then simple DON'T READ THEM.
Ok, just use what I said before, gg
Or if you would stop controdicting yourself or being a hipcrite I mean once you stop them habbits then.
wtf are you trying to say? "Use a dictionary" LOL
Sure feel free to bash my posts away seeing how you took an interest in it lol.
So please give it up. Stop replying to me and get back on topic.
I have nothing to give up lol. And you're went off topic in the first place xD
No it is fine let him keep it. I am done arguing. I would much rather get back on topic.
Thank goodness. Now just think before you "post your opinion"and keep a dictionary handy. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2006
A lost ghost
KKKK just plz get back on topics. cb marth please don't respond. You are gonna make NJ respond and then you respond then he responds and you respond and then it never ends.


Smash Lord
Sep 22, 2006
Austin, TX
You know I agree with you. Both characters are pretty close in skill and style. I do think that her needles and agilty gives her the edge. I find also that her combos/moves all flow so perfect compared to Marth. I mean don't get me wrong Marth has some sick combo's but it takes much more effort to pull them off perfect. Sheik's just kinnda happen with the click of the button haha.
Things Sheik has going for her:
-Dash attack punishes fsmash very well
-Fair gimps marth really bad because of his recovery
-Needles (marth has no projectiles)
-Better recovery
-Good combo ability

Things Marth has going for him:
-Range (includes grabbing)
-Disjointed hitbox
-Speed (but only in the right hands)
-AWESOME , I repeat, AWESOME shuffles.
-Much better wavedash
-Good edgeguarding


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Sheik's dash attack DOES NOT punish Marth's fsmash at all...(range ftw).

Also, Sheik edge guards Marth better than Marth edge guards Sheik, so I guess good edgeguarding shouldn't even be a "thing Marth has going for him"; especially since Sheik simply has a bad recovery in general.


Smash Lord
Sep 22, 2006
Austin, TX
I suppose that's true. But we can all agree that Sheik outmatches Marth?

and how does Sheiks dashattack not punish a missed fsmash?


Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2006
New York Bronx
Lol cant shieks dash catch marth while swinging his f-smash? i mean she does lean her body a bit lower to the ground when she executes her dash. unless she dashes to late?


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
lol, what else would it be Epsilon? PK Fire? :laugh:

But yeah, needles freaking own. It's wierd how some people never use them (or at least not properly).


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2006
South East Denver
i main sheik and my needle canceled grabs are funny enuff less and less used as i imporove my sheik.... but i still think marth should be higher than sheik....marths have an advantage over more chacrters than sheik does.,


Smash Ace
Dec 2, 2005
Alexandria, VA
Theres plenty of characters easier to play than Marth. In my opinion Ganon, Jigglypuff, and a few others are easier. If you mean he is the second easiest to win a tourney with then maybe. He is probably second easiest out of the high tiers.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
i main sheik and my needle canceled grabs are funny enuff less and less used as i imporove my sheik.... but i still think marth should be higher than sheik....marths have an advantage over more chacrters than sheik does.,
Um, Marth has the advantage over ICs and possibly Falco. Which is really the only matches I see him having a better chance at beating than Shiek.

Shiek ***** Marth and Chain Grabs all Low tier charcters and even some higher tiered ones.

Plus she does better vs Marth than Fox does.

But the big factor is that she ***** Marth and no other charcter does.


Smash Ace
Sep 4, 2006
Um, Marth has the advantage over ICs and possibly Falco. Which is really the only matches I see him having a better chance at beating than Shiek.

Shiek ***** Marth and Chain Grabs all Low tier charcters and even some higher tiered ones.

Plus she does better vs Fox than Marth does.

But the big factor is that she ***** Marth and no other charcter does.
Marth and fox are even.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
The main reason I stay subscribed to this thread is so I can laugh at the idiots posting (and them getting owned by other more intelligent members). cb marth, you have helped to fufill the purpose of me being subscribed to this thread.

Also I think you have issues, seeing how I don't see anything wrong with my post and it seems you and Sharmy are like the only two that have a problem with them. Huh odd eh?
No. Not really. It's just no one wants to bother arguing with you, because in all honesty, your points don't make much sense. You are constantly trying to claim that there's a fault in someone else's argument, yet you never actually argue against it, instead just avoiding the topic. KEEP IT UP! :laugh:

Oh yeah... and so this isn't complete spam...

Marth is usually known for his edgeguarding, however, since sheik has those invincibility frames, it actually makes recovering a lot easier for sheik than some other characters that are generally considered to have better recoveries than her. Factor in Sheik's chain throws and her combos against marth, and it leaves marth a bit compromised, leaving him really only with his range. The match isn't complete domination, but it does lean toward sheik's favor, and considering sheik still has good matchups against space animals, imo she is just fine where she is.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
Shiek has 1 bad matchup.


That's it.

She counters: Marth(no johns),Falcon, Samus, Puff, Ganon, Luigi, Link ,DK, Roy, Young Link, Pika, Yoshi, Zelda, Ness, Bowser, Pichu and Mew2.

17 Characters. 17. Thats more than half the cast.

I wonder why there are only 5 good characters in this game.

Just because she can't do anything from a down throw at low percents to space animals doesn't mean jack squat.

Space Animals = Shiek

Versus Marth: Marth can Ken combo her, Has more range(not like it matters cuz of needles), and she can get back to the stage better than any other character versus Marth(she will not get forward smashed to death off the ledge).

Marth has 1 bad Match up.


Versus Marth: She can't be edgegaurded, she obliterates Marth's recovery like no other character can, she has needles(which makes Marth come to her), her downthrow and everyother move she has leads to fair at any percent(or chain grab at low%), plus all her moves come out faster and L cancel quicker than Marth's.

Marth counters: ICs, Mario, Roy, YL, Game and Watch, Ness, Bowser, Mew2, and Pichu.

Sheik counters Marth, no johns.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
I think Shiek has advantage, but the word **** misleads people into thinking Marth has no chance. The win ratio is something like this. Shiek 70: Marth 30. But the matches will always be close. Shiek shouldn't be completely owning Marth because he does have answers for alot of her gay ****, except for her edge guarding.

Edit: Marth doesn't counter Jiggs and Kirby?! The Falchion ***** those puffballs so hard. Fair combos and grab combos are just pure unadulterated pwnage against them.

Also no way Shiek goes even with Falco. That Dair of his is too much for her. And she can't do anything with her grabs until mid to high percents. I really don't think she goes even with Falco. I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that Falco has advantage.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
Shiek can duck under SHL. She owns Falco's recovery almost as bad as Marth does. The only thing is Falco combo ***** her. Which she can also do with downsmash tech reads and other tech follow combos.

The only stage Falco is at a big advantage is FD.
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