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The 2006-2008 Tier list

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Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2005
East Coast.
kirby can pretty much to a wall of pain too. and his uair is awesome.

his tilts are great too, you can't deny that.

Kirby is a pretty good character you are right. I personally don't use him I just find him hard to use. It doesn't fit with my style thats all. Still you are right though, he is a pretty good character.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
kirby can pretty much to a wall of pain too. and his uair is awesome.

his tilts are great too, you can't deny that.
Kirby can't WoP due to his mobility and knockback. His Uair is horrible since it has a huge lack of range. I mean, yes, it has good knockback....but it isn't exactly easy to land :(

His tilts aren't "great" but they are pretty decent. However...he lacks good moves to follow up any setup he'll create with a tilt.

Kirby is a pretty good character you are right.
He's not right. Kirby is pretty much the worst character in the game.

Kirby players still do better than Pichu and Mew2 players though.


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2005
East Coast.
Kirby can't WoP due to his mobility and knockback. His Uair is horrible since it has a huge lack of range. I mean, yes, it has good knockback....but it isn't exactly easy to land :(

His tilts aren't "great" but they are pretty decent. However...he lacks good moves to follow up any setup he'll create with a tilt.

He's not right. Kirby is pretty much the worst character in the game.

Kirby players still do better than Pichu and Mew2 players though.
Okay so let me see if I get this right? He is and I qoute "pretty much the worst character in the game," Yet smashers that play as kirby still do better than Pichu and Mewtwo?

Hmm controdiction...usually doesn't help you win your argument to the public. Just to let you know, So if I said Marth is the best player in the game, yet Fox players still seem to beat him though. Well that doesn't make him the best character in the game now does it? Just like that sure doesn't make Kirby the worse character in the game. Just a word of advice next time NJ, don't controdict yourself because it doesn't really show much confidence in your behalf. Other then that I am sure you are a well respected smasher.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
The reason Kirby isn't bottom tier is because he does so well against lvl 1 CPUs.

Just watch Omni's video "The Kirby Cheat" and watch the CPU ownage.

Kirby for Top Tier!

(No but seriously, Kirby is horrendous)


Dread Phanna
Apr 3, 2006
(No but seriously, Kirby is horrendous)
Beat your mewtwo in a fake $5 mm :lick:

Or was it the other way around, you were kirby and I was Mew2? I just remember I won

But yeah, Kirby's horizontal approaches and recovery suck ***. He's good at crouching, and vertical recoveries..

He's still like my 3rd favorite character though. But him and Roy are awful, a lot worse than, say, Pichu. [/IMO]


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Hmm controdiction...usually doesn't help you win your argument to the public. Just to let you know, So if I said Marth is the best player in the game, yet Fox players still seem to beat him though. Well that doesn't make him the best character in the game now does it? Just like that sure doesn't make Kirby the worse character in the game. Just a word of advice next time NJ, don't controdict yourself because it doesn't really show much confidence in your behalf. Other then that I am sure you are a well respected smasher.
"Kirby is the worst but Kirby players do better than some others". I said this because Kirby clearly isn't last on the list (the tier list isn't simply about who is better than who). So, I didn't contradict myself, I just stated a fact to clear why Kirby is still higher than other characters despite the fact that he's the worst.

I mean, Mew2King has said that the top 4 characters are all even, correct? He's a very knowledgeable person who can back up what he says. However...they're in different spots on the list, there's a reason for that. Again, this isn't a list of who is better than who.

Word of advice: try to make some sense next time you post.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Herndon and Newport News, Virginia
I must say I love this post. +rep for you.

but why you gotta hate on kirby? I mean yeah he sucks
Kirby is a pretty good character you are right. I personally don't use him I just find him hard to use. It doesn't fit with my style thats all. Still you are right though, he is a pretty good character.
I am most definately not calling him a good character, only situationally can he be "good" but I really do like to use him still, the reverse up air is just beast when landed.

Kirby can't WoP due to his mobility and knockback. His Uair is horrible since it has a huge lack of range. I mean, yes, it has good knockback....but it isn't exactly easy to land :(
well I can WoP pretty easily with is Bairs, because I can rise up while doing it to accomodate for the knockback and tragectory. and it's only not easy to land when playing people that don't suck. where as myself, usually play people and friends that kinda have terrible DI, so that's my defense for the WoP statement.

still, really bad character though


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2005
East Coast.
NJ: If you did not make any sense of that post then you must not be thinking hard enough. Either that or you arn't thinking at all. It was a pretty basic statment I think...I don't know? Maybe I may have to dumb down my statments.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
NJ: If you did not make any sense of that post then you must not be thinking hard enough. Either that or you arn't thinking at all. It was a pretty basic statment I think...I don't know? Maybe I may have to dumb down my statments.
It was ******** and you're example didn't help your side of the argument (which was a weak argument to start with). You should of actually read my post except only the last line....
Think before you post, we've been through this already.


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2005
East Coast.
Well I would have honestly read your post if I knew it would be worth reading but usually you never do have anything worth reading.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
That's funny, I kinda don't care about your attempted insult, it's obviously not true and....I mean, it's not like you're one to talk...(Canadian smash players ftw?). I can't really can't recall of you ever posting anything coherent or thoughtful :( Also, it's funny how you always find a way to reply to me regardless :ohwell: It's pretty cool that you still have that beef with me.

I admire the fact that you replied and tried to defend yourself since you felt you had something to "defend".

Just do yourself a favor and stop replying to me, thanks.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2005
Your mother
That's funny, I kinda don't care about your attempted insult, it's obviously not true and....I mean, it's not like you're one to talk...(Canadian smash players ftw?). I can't really can't recall of you ever posting anything coherent or thoughtful :( Also, it's funny how you always find a way to reply to me regardless :ohwell: It's pretty cool that you still have that beef with me.

I admire the fact that you replied and tried to defend yourself since you felt you had something to "defend".

Just do yourself a favor and stop replying to me, thanks.
Kirby has ruined yet another friendship!


Smash Apprentice
May 24, 2006
^That's because you're probably new to this game and are unaware of all the advanced tactics^

Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it and eventually come to see that this list is very accurate.

Anyhow... I don't really have to much to say about the list. However, I think Peach is becoming the new Sheik, for whatever that's worth. It always seems Peach pulls that stich face at the worst times ever. I don't mind the bomb, cause at least I know its coming... the stich face is just really hard to see sometimes. Also, I think Sheik has topped out, but will always be a great character.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
^That's because you're probably new to this game and are unaware of all the advanced tactics^

Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it and eventually come to see that this list is very accurate.

Anyhow... I don't really have to much to say about the list. However, I think Peach is becoming the new Sheik, for whatever that's worth. It always seems Peach pulls that stich face at the worst times ever. I don't mind the bomb, cause at least I know its coming... the stich face is just really hard to see sometimes. Also, I think Sheik has topped out, but will always be a great character.
Shiek is, and always will be the best.

Basically even with Fox and Falco, and she beats Marth. No one else beats Marth or even comes close to beating him(except Fox and Falco). Out of the top 4, she's the only one who ***** another top 4. Shiek=Best.

Maybe Falco is above her in terms of best, but this list isnt about "the best" characters.


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2005
East Coast.
That's funny, I kinda don't care about your attempted insult, it's obviously not true and....I mean, it's not like you're one to talk...(Canadian smash players ftw?). I can't really can't recall of you ever posting anything coherent or thoughtful :( Also, it's funny how you always find a way to reply to me regardless :ohwell: It's pretty cool that you still have that beef with me.

I admire the fact that you replied and tried to defend yourself since you felt you had something to "defend".

Just do yourself a favor and stop replying to me, thanks.
Well I am glad you admire me. You can join the list funny thing is though I read your post and sure you just say the same stuff all the time honestly nothing different. Yet I love how you throw "Candian smash player" Hmm wonder why American's have such bad rep.Oh thats right its ignorent/predjuice people like you that make it that way. Shame there are so many really nice American's too. Shame that few losers like you kill it eh?


Smash Apprentice
May 24, 2006
Shiek is, and always will be the best.

Basically even with Fox and Falco, and she beats Marth. No one else beats Marth or even comes close to beating him(except Fox and Falco). Out of the top 4, she's the only one who ***** another top 4. Shiek=Best.

Maybe Falco is above her in terms of best, but this list isnt about "the best" characters.
Good job not making any sense.

If Sheik was the best she wouldn't be looking up at two characters on the tier list... but I'm done arguing.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Well I am glad you admire me. You can join the list funny thing is though I read your post and sure you just say the same stuff all the time honestly nothing different. Yet I love how you throw "Candian smash player" Hmm wonder why American's have such bad rep.Oh thats right its ignorent/predjuice people like you that make it that way.
1.) You're pretty bad at making coherent sentences (I can't really understand what you're trying to say).
2.) American has a better rep than....Canada. ESPECIALLY out-side of smash and please keep in mind that....Canada receives enough hate in the smash community alone. Your country sucks in general, gg
3.) Yes, America is known from being ignorent, but...it's funny how we were simply talking about a video game.
Shame there are so many really nice American's too. Shame that few losers like you kill it eh?
Yeah, I'm a loser because I disagree with you on a video game and I stated that the country you're from isn't good at that video game (keep in mind that the best Canadian smashers ACCEPT that and it's widely accepted in general). That must be very offensive, I'm sorry...


Smash Apprentice
May 24, 2006
Wow, quit bashing other people's home nation. That is so irrelevent to this topic. Grow some... gg.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Wow, quit bashing other people's home nation. That is so irrelevent to this topic.
Wow, get of my ****. He insulted American (in general) btw. At first, I only meant Canadian smash players (nothing too serious).
Grow some... gg.
UUUUMMMM, children don't insult other people's nations rofl. Just stfu man, don't take things seriously on the internet, especially if it isn't directed to your ***. Grow some...gg

I have to agree with NJ on this one.


Smash Master
Apr 9, 2006
Montreal, Canada AKA Real City brrrrrrrrapp!
''Please remember that the opinions expressed in cb_marth's posts may not necessarily represent those of the Canadian smash community.

And yes we do know that ''we're not as good'' but please leave the sucking comments towards Kirby.

Thank you for your comprehension''

- Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada


Smash Apprentice
May 24, 2006
Wow, get of my ****. He insulted American (in general) btw. At first, I only meant Canadian smash players (nothing too serious).

UUUUMMMM, children don't insult other people's nations rofl. Just stfu man, don't be take things seriously on the internet, especially if it isn't directed to your ***. Grow some...gg
My comment was directed at both of you.



Smash Master
Apr 9, 2006
Montreal, Canada AKA Real City brrrrrrrrapp!
LOL, where have you been BigRick?
Bleh I was tired of this thread, always talkin about the same stuff over and over again... There's always new guys that come in and then they start to argue over something that was explained about 50 pages before...

you guys should spend all that energy towards building something more constructive, like eh... a new tier list?

lolol have fun
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