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TFS: Just when I thought I was out, THEY PULL ME BACK IN. **** Melee


Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2008
I'd like to play tonight, but I'm not sure about driving all the way to Stamford.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I would go somewhere else tonight, but I still have laundry and packing and **** to do before Genesis so if I play tonight, it's gotta be where I can at least keep my laundry going.

sorry about being a bum recently about driving places, I'll be sure to get out to other people's places when I get back from the West Coast.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2008
Good luck at Genesis. I would come out and give you Hungrybox jr. training but I am just too **** tired tonight. EC represent!

Good games Max. I got ****ed up, hahah.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
Aight, so it turns out that I DO NOT have an open house this weekend, which means no super huge smashfest. Also, I believe I have a commitment at like 8am saturday morning so no STD, sorry guys :(

If anyone wants to play at all during the week, friday night or saturday afternoon I'm down. keep me posted heads.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2003
New York
I'd be up for some smash, but the whole "I live in AZ" thing kind of ruins it.

How have things been back on the east?


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
I'd be up for some smash, but the whole "I live in AZ" thing kind of ruins it.

How have things been back on the east?
Things have been chillin. Lots of good smashfests/turnouts. Your Kirby is missed. Come visit at some point this summer and you can def crash here for as long as you need to. If you plan on staying out in AZ fulltime, at some point I'm going to New Mexico to visit Dan Gambo who is moving out there for Grad School, so maybe I can just sweep the whole southern part of the US in one trip eh? I'll go kick Texas, NM and AZ smash scenes *** over the course of like 3 weeks or something lol. But yeah hit me up dogy.

Anyway though, Genesis.... wtf people


Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2006
Man, I can't wait until Mogwai gets back. The stuff that happened at Genesis is epic.


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2007
Some boring suburb of, NY
ec did god awful, cept scar and hax


people are like SS is best falcon, and they make fun of scar in the wc vids

25: Silent Spectre

6: Scar
7: Darkrain
8: Hax

SS is just a LOWER STANDARD hahahaha

****in stupid wc

P.C. Jona

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2009
exactly, i thought he would atleast be above hax since he has more experience.
so i guess that ss just isnt ready yet lol


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2003
New York
Things have been chillin. Lots of good smashfests/turnouts. Your Kirby is missed. Come visit at some point this summer and you can def crash here for as long as you need to. If you plan on staying out in AZ fulltime, at some point I'm going to New Mexico to visit Dan Gambo who is moving out there for Grad School, so maybe I can just sweep the whole southern part of the US in one trip eh? I'll go kick Texas, NM and AZ smash scenes *** over the course of like 3 weeks or something lol. But yeah hit me up dogy.
Sounds awesome. I still haven't found a full time job yet (:urg:), so anything is possible. I did just find a group of guys that play smash. They're about my skill level give/take and they have played better players (forward, wobbles, etc). So there's a chance I might get to play them soon. Just need to step up my game a little bit.

Lol, kicking *** all around the world. Sounds too good. Let me know when that happens.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
ec did god awful, cept scar and hax
wtf are you talking about? Note how many people are in the top 16 from EC. The only WC players in top 16 were Mango/Zhu/Pink Shinobi.

3. Hungrybox - Jigglypuff - $855 - EC/South
5. Mew2King - Marth/Sheik - $228 - EC
6. Scar - Falcon - $171 - EC
8. Hax - Falcon - $57 - EC
9 Lambchops - Falco - EC/South
9 Dashizwiz - Falco/Fox - EC/South
13 Tope - Sheik - EC
13 Jman - Fox - EC
13 Darc - Jigglypuff - EC

Now note how many of the top WC players ranked after the top 16:
17: Lucky
17: Falcomist
17: Bob$
17: phil
25: fly amanita
25: Kira
25: Lovage
25: SilentSpectre
25: germ
33: The King
33: Axe
33: Eddie Mexico
33: FalseFalco
33: Taj
33: Jin
33: azn lep
33: Romeo
33: DEHF
33: dark mike

That's pretty much the whole WC scene right there. The only EC players who didn't do so hot were DJN, Mogwai, G$, Jfox... am I missing anyone else. I'm just saying overall, EC went to WC home turf and clearly out performed them. There were a few dissapointments here and there, and M2k's robbery against Armada is some flat out bull****, but w'e, we all know he could've placed much better.

Didn't EC spank WC in crews too?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
wtf are you talking about? Note how many people are in the top 16 from EC. The only WC players in top 16 were Mango/Zhu/Pink Shinobi.

3. Hungrybox - Jigglypuff - $855 - EC/South
5. Mew2King - Marth/Sheik - $228 - EC
6. Scar - Falcon - $171 - EC
8. Hax - Falcon - $57 - EC
9 Lambchops - Falco - EC/South
9 Dashizwiz - Falco/Fox - EC/South
13 Tope - Sheik - EC
13 Jman - Fox - EC
13 Darc - Jigglypuff - EC

Now note how many of the top WC players ranked after the top 16:
17: Lucky
17: Falcomist
17: Bob$
17: phil
25: fly amanita
25: Kira
25: Lovage
25: SilentSpectre
25: germ
33: The King
33: Axe
33: Eddie Mexico
33: FalseFalco
33: Taj
33: Jin
33: azn lep
33: Romeo
33: DEHF
33: dark mike

That's pretty much the whole WC scene right there. The only EC players who didn't do so hot were DJN, Mogwai, G$, Jfox... am I missing anyone else. I'm just saying overall, EC went to WC home turf and clearly out performed them. There were a few dissapointments here and there, and M2k's robbery against Armada is some flat out bull****, but w'e, we all know he could've placed much better.

Didn't EC spank WC in crews too?
posting from portland:

DJN, Mogwai, G$, Alukard, JFox, Cyrain all didn't do so hot, but w/e, I don't think any of us honestly went there planning to kick a whole bunch of *** at Genesis singles. I don't think any of us really underperform exactly (well, maybe Alu a little bit).

JMan choked very hard and blames losing his controller, but he needs to stop being a mini-M2K and man up and take responsibility for this ****. He had no place losing to Lambchops and Axe and he knows it, the kids just needs to stop johning and keep track of his **** controller if losing it gets into his head this much.

MaNg0's the best player in the world and Zhu certainly proved a whole helluva lot here too. Scar + Darc and JMan and M2K soundly ****** MaNg0 + Lucky and EC's underdog victory in Crews were definitely the highlights for the EC vs. WC argument, which is frankly stupid because once people meet up in person, it's all smiles and none of the internet bull****. Smashers are awesome and while I think the EC vs. WC rivalry is good for the community, I think some people take flexing nuts online a bit too seriously.

M2K got a little gypped, but robbed is an overstatement. Armada played a hell of a set and you can't take anything away from either of them for the result. The TOs should have been more clear about it when they were announcing the match, but after the fact I think their decision to let it stand was reasonable.

those are all my knee jerk reactions, see you jerks in like, 2 weeks. (I'll probably keep up on boards for the next week though).

oh and Eddie Mexico is from Mexico, not Cali... He's mad good, I lost to him and then he beat ColBol, lol.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
Good shti Wes. I guess you could call me a EC v WC instigator, but I def got my regional pride and I like seeing my boys SHININ' son... FEEL ME? But yeah, I'm mad proud of all you guys, and huge props to everyone who placed really well.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2008
If you really want to play up that regional pride you can't claim FL players as EC. Hype is a lot of fun, but I don't think anyone that actually goes to these events really take this stuff very seriously. It's all in good fun.

I had a lot of fun watching this unfold online, and I wasn't even playing! Great results too. I was checking the matches as news came in over the course of the day, but once I read that Armada took out m2k and mango it seemed like anything could happen. I can't wait to see the matches on Youtube.

Good **** everyone! It sounds like nearly everyone played his/(her?) best and had a lot of fun. This is what smash is all about!


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
So... yeah, I was kinda hoping someone would be willing to post in this so I didn't have to double post, but I wanted to get a sense of whether or not people wanted to play this weekend. I'm free tonight and tomorrow but I was definitely 100% hosting tomorrow night. Who's interested to play tonight/tomorrow?

P.C. Jona

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2009
tomorrow night as in saturday night?
im down for like mad late tho, im going to a park during the day


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
What's up everyone? So the smashfest is ON tomorrow, any time after 12pm people are free to come by. I updated the OP with details about smashfests from now on for people who want to come out but haven't before, so show people this thread or tell people to get in touch with me from now on when it comes to this sorta thing.

Anyway, it seems like it's going to be a good crowd tomorrow, for definites ew have:
-me, ritz, mikael, jona, G$, prog, scarsdale?, and whoever G$ and prog decide to bring with them. Hopefully we'll see some hazz as well, if he gets back to me :)

Also, Milos you're a punk *****.

P.C. Jona

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2009
wait son up till whagt time you playing?
like i said im down but ill be around at like 10 or so maybe later


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
UPDATE: I hope everyone sees this. The time has been pushed back till after 2pm! This is important, please do not show up around noon or you will put me in an awful situation. Ritz will be here at around 3, so anything after that is fine, or anytime after 2pm, Jona you are fine, come w'e.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
tooo much fun yesterday guys. Thanks to all for coming out, I'm def going to let everyone know when the next one is, and I promise I'll work on getting more fans or something because it was **** unbearable last night lol.

Also Jman, hit me up on AIM or something about that Vaporizer (DDotwx2) DO IT SON. Get at this sexy doctor.


Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2006
So many people that if you Scarsdale guys showed up, we might not have had enough room for people.

Plus, we would've boiled to death in Max's basement.


Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2006
Oof, I was just called today about going to the city and playing there on Wednesday.


Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2006
DP, but, Max, I was asked to invite you to Zero's birthday smashfest in the city that is happening tomorrow.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
DP, but, Max, I was asked to invite you to Zero's birthday smashfest in the city that is happening tomorrow.
As much as I would love to go, no one else can take care of my dog and I'm not sure if I can be out for a large part of the day... I'm also going out of town thursday morning and wont bb till friday night. Tell them I wish I could :(


Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2006

And, ****, I would love to go with you to that so badly, but I have to look after some kids or something tomorrow. ****it.
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