Yam, yam, yam.
Well, the past week's been fun. I wore a different Resident Evil outfit to school everyday. Yeah. Nothing like walking the school campus in various outfits that could theoretically get me thrown in jail. "I don't understand officer. Why can't I walk around the college campus with my A17, glock and Beretta PX4 Storm? I mean, if you WANT to be zombie food, I guess I understand... *cough*" Ah, heh. Nah, they're just replicas. Except for my shotgun. But, well, everyone should have a real shotgun. In case, you know. It's zombie repellent!
Anyways, yeah! One week till Stilt's tourney. Yay. I'm looking forwards to this. So, we're going to have modded Brawl there? That should be interesting.
Oh, Hylian, here's you sig. I keep forgetting to give it to you. Sorry for that. Last week was... Well. Consuming. We'll leave it at that. Copy/paste is quickest. If any one wants a sig, it's $5 for .jpg and $15 for .gifs.
Aaaaand as a reminder, WHobo 1v1 is still $5 to pre-register until Oct. 31st. I suggest you take advantage of this. Remember, the 1v1 has $1000 added to the pot, so pay out is going to be huge. You can register for the tournament now and register for the badge later, FYI.
Edit: Ozz you're video is high-larious!