the knoxville crew is new...but we are by far the best crew in this state. cuz we are gamers, not typical noob nintendo fans.
when we make a natl. push ...everyone will see.
too easy... chea!!
me and my crew will play you melee anyday and i promise my ics (who got better iori need to play again) and my crew member will win or put up a dam good fight for just 2 person crew!
lol me and altus ftw
so think you guys could come to a big arkansas smash tournament say 9th? i'll post more details later.
then again my crew member never goes to tournament but when he does he does good.
btw stfu and bladez need a rematch that **** was crazy and also we need to have a random crew battle like we did at my house most people liked it since well i evened it up as much as possible.
i need sleep just won heroclix (4 games 1st,3rd,2nd,2nd over all 8 ftw) and now pretty much dead.
how am i still typing huhz.....
btw iori you going to have a party like last year for halloween this year?