How much is "a lot of lag" to you. I ask because previously we had major communication problems over such matters, and this time I think it would be better to simply have direct comparisons to moves in brawl (I like that you compared the knockback on Beast to Ike's f-tilt. That's something I can easily recognize).
Oh, and I personally think the beast head should come out regardless of contact if it's going to have a lot of end lag anyway. Beast's disjointedness could be a major plus for it (and I think it should. After all, it's the most disjointed move Lloyd has in game). Now before you say this would be too good, hear me out.
With the time it takes to complete the shoulder push and actually get to the beast head hitbox, it would be a fairly slow smash (a little slower than Ike's f-tilt). It's perfectly fine for a move that slow to have a big hitbox (take a look at Marth's f-smash for instance. His move is almost as disjointed, but is significantly faster.). It will certainly be better than Ike's f-tilt (a good unit of measurement for the stats of the move apparently), but really...that's only because Ike's f-tilt is a subpar kill move in the first place. We want beast to be a GOOD move, not an okay move right? (it's one of his staple kill moves afterall). Or if we want Lloyd to not be particularly good at killing, we could lower the knockback growth and up the base, so that it just kills at slightly higher percentages until we get something that feels right.
Also, for your last hit of rising Falcon...unfortunately, hitstun can't be edited like that. Hitstun is a value derived directly from the initial knockback of an attack. But what we CAN do is make the landing hit of Rising Falcon a spike. This would allow us to make it a fairly high knockback move (which means high hitstun), but the ground bounce would cut the knockback in half. Though, this could potentially cause problems with how you want the move to link, since if the opponent is still airborne on before the landing hit they'll just be spiked into the ground. We're gonna have to find some creative way to get this move to work.
Demonic Circle-can't we just cut out the first hit entirely? I just think that having a charge animation for that would be fairly strange no matter where you put it. If you put it before the first hit, then it would kinda look like he's charging an f-smash. If you put it after the first hit...well, I guess that could work (but it'd be the only smash in the game that charges after it hits <_<). I think that we should just skip straight to the slight crouch that he does AFTER the first slash and make that the charge animation.
I like the rest so far though.