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Taco Bell Mafia: Game over. Who won?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Still think it's weird that Inferno had Soup as town, but didn't really explain that read yesterDay. I can kinda appreciate the reasoning for it (Soup disliked Vinyl, Inferno disliked Vinyl, etc.), but I just feel like the timing is off.

I mean way to come in with a big Vinyl dislike after the mislynch has gone through.

Gonna catch up now.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I'll get back to you on Kary. Im real busy atm. For now im gonna say his push on Ryker was grimy and his reaction to Rykers death is weird.
bring it

So imo if he can confirm his PR, awesome, we leave him alone and scum has to burn a NK on him. If he can't, we put a big ol' noose around his neck and wash our hands of the whole thing because he's probably scum.
herp a what? I have no problem with this push, but lynching him just because he's lying is straight up wrong. I mean, hell, I wouldn't lynch Vinyl this game just because he turned out to be a PR.

do you have other reasons for disliking Zen?

Yeah that's enough of that. Lets see some more Zen votes.
herp a nope, let's make this a productive Day instead.

that being said, I'm not against Zen full-claiming. I could see that happening toDay.

@Vinyl: why do you think Inferno is scum, in a couple of sentences, please?


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Inferno, elaborate further. You say I'm playing for my own survival, but I'm saying nothing to defend myself from people saying things against me? Provide some more detail on that when you come back. I'm interested.
I like how you go from "explain why I'm scum in 2 sentences" (which I did) to "provide some more detail" like I didn't write up multiple reasons as to why I think these like I haven't done that already. This response is actually a great example of how you're not defending yourself and deflecting. You said to explain why you're scum in 2 sentences and I did that. Instead of addressing the points I made, you completely ignore it and try and get me to talk about something else. You are addressing nothing.

Why is Inferno typing walls? I've never seen him do that before.
It was a bit of a catchup post because I wasn't able to get my reads out before the end of the day and you lynched soup for whatever reason.

Still think it's weird that Inferno had Soup as town, but didn't really explain that read yesterDay. I can kinda appreciate the reasoning for it (Soup disliked Vinyl, Inferno disliked Vinyl, etc.), but I just feel like the timing is off.

I mean way to come in with a big Vinyl dislike after the mislynch has gone through.

Gonna catch up now.
Did you not notice that I thought Vinyl was scum D1 and that I never had a scumread on Soup? My Soup and Vinyl reads didn't pop from out of nowhere. I had them and Soup's town flip makes me feel stronger about VinylScum. Btw things in the bold are reasons why I think you're scummy. I feel like you are always trying to shed a negative light on multiple people in order to make them look bad. I don't like it.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Kary, your #297 and #298 reek to safe play. After a whole day (sep 26) of several discussion(s), you're not calling anything scummy in those posts really, despite Glyph / Zen / soup / Vinyl

Glyph, Ryu: Do you see Kary scum in case of a Zen's scum flip? HINT: Check #297

Glyph, I'll also address some of your posts in the future that were left pending yesterDay

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Still think it's weird that Inferno had Soup as town, but didn't really explain that read yesterDay. I can kinda appreciate the reasoning for it (Soup disliked Vinyl, Inferno disliked Vinyl, etc.), but I just feel like the timing is off.

I mean way to come in with a big Vinyl dislike after the mislynch has gone through.
I say I don't like the TIMING, you coming in with the case AFTER the Soup lynch goes through.

It was a bit of a catchup post because I wasn't able to get my reads out before the end of the day and you lynched soup for whatever reason.
You acknowledge that you didn't get your reads out yesterDay

Did you not notice that I thought Vinyl was scum D1 and that I never had a scumread on Soup? My Soup and Vinyl reads didn't pop from out of nowhere. I had them and Soup's town flip makes me feel stronger about VinylScum. Btw things in the bold are reasons why I think you're scummy. I feel like you are always trying to shed a negative light on multiple people in order to make them look bad. I don't like it.
I did notice! Because I asked you to flesh out those reads, give me reasons for them yesterDay, and it didn't happen.

Now this could be perfectly innocent, you could have legit reasons for your reasons for your reads, and also have been busy- after all, the lynch did happen pretty suddenly in the end.

but I still don't like it

Oh, and me trying to shed a negative light on multiple playerslots? Say what?

If anything, I'm pushing several people who I feel might be scum, to see whether they're scum. But seriously, how many playerslots am I actually calling out/pressuring?

Maybe you're trying to paint me in a negative light.

Kary, your #297 and #298 reek to safe play. After a whole day (sep 26) of several discussion(s), you're not calling anything scummy in those posts really, despite Glyph / Zen / soup / Vinyl
wow, except two of my posts out of my, uh, 50 or so posts do not make an analysis of my play. Am I actually playing safe overall? Probably not.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
This response is actually a great example of how you're not defending yourself and deflecting. You said to explain why you're scum in 2 sentences and I did that. Instead of addressing the points I made, you completely ignore it and try and get me to talk about something else. You are addressing nothing.
I would've addressed the point there. But if you're trying to say that i'm doing this for my own survival yet I'm not defending myself, I'd like you to read the past pages and tell me that you're dead wrong. Again, this is not the kind of reason I'm expecting.

And not to mention that you are completely different than I expected you to be on Disney mafia.
Your pursue is different.
Your evaluation is different.
You are deffinitely trying to pursue different players while pursuing me.

You are scum.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
herp a nope, let's make this a productive Day instead.

that being said, I'm not against Zen full-claiming. I could see that happening toDay.
Did you miss the part where I asked Zen to claim and he just ... didn't? The whole point of asking other people to vote him was to get that claim so we could move forward from there.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
I say I don't like the TIMING, you coming in with the case AFTER the Soup lynch goes through.
Fair enough. I just want it noted that I never had a scumread on Soup and that you're making it sound like I made the read up after he got lynched.

You acknowledge that you didn't get your reads out yesterDay
Yeah. I had a lot of rehearsals and performances that week and when I finally had time to check on this, the thread was locked.

I did notice! Because I asked you to flesh out those reads, give me reasons for them yesterDay, and it didn't happen.
Should've called V/LA. My bad.

Now this could be perfectly innocent, you could have legit reasons for your reasons for your reads, and also have been busy- after all, the lynch did happen pretty suddenly in the end.

but I still don't like it

Oh, and me trying to shed a negative light on multiple playerslots? Say what?

If anything, I'm pushing several people who I feel might be scum, to see whether they're scum. But seriously, how many playerslots am I actually calling out/pressuring?

Maybe you're trying to paint me in a negative light.

wow, except two of my posts out of my, uh, 50 or so posts do not make an analysis of my play. Am I actually playing safe overall? Probably not.
Oddly enough I like the rest of this. I think I have a better understanding of how you're going with this but it has just seemed a little unorthodox of your play. I'll give you some leeway for now. You sound better and you're currently in no position to be lynched.

I would've addressed the point there. But if you're trying to say that i'm doing this for my own survival yet I'm not defending myself, I'd like you to read the past pages and tell me that you're dead wrong. Again, this is not the kind of reason I'm expecting.
You're deflecting points instead of actually giving legitimate reason. You've deflected my points. You've constantly deflected Soup's posts and with Zen by your side you have felt safe and therefore haven't needed to defend yourself. Now that he isn't holding your hand, you have to defend for yourself by deflecting things I say. You have given no reason as to why you aren't scum. You play for your own survival and not to find scum. You tried to say that you stopped nut riding Zen when he first voted you but you constantly followed him after that.

Vinyl I gave you 2 sentences to summarize why I think you're scum. I want you to respond to that in your next post. Because you really haven't given any reason as to say why I'm wrong and I'm able to say that things you've said are wrong. While you're at it give me a reason why you first voted me off of my D1 play. Because you voted for me before I could post in D2 so there must be a reason you put your vote then.

And not to mention that you are completely different than I expected you to be on Disney mafia.
Your pursue is different.
Your evaluation is different.
You are deffinitely trying to pursue different players while pursuing me.

You are scum.
Please explain this. I'm pretty sure I pursued Rake and John hard because I saw discrepancies in they play and I had confidence. I'm doing the same to you.

@Kary - Can you at least see why I think Vinyl is scum? I don't care if you agree or not atm, but I want you to see why I think this.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Legitimately have hardly read. I will when I have the time and hopefully be able to contribute something useful. I really am just posting to post at the moment.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Did you miss the part where I asked Zen to claim and he just ... didn't? The whole point of asking other people to vote him was to get that claim so we could move forward from there.
Ok. I'm sorry, I didn't follow that you wanted votes on Zen to get him to claim. As it happens I disagree with adding more votes because he's at L-2 already.

Right now I'm not sure it's necessary for Zen to claim; i'm not convinced he's scum, and I really want to see more content/opinion from him rather than his claim.

I sure as hell don't want to stall the game waiting on his claim, and I as I said I'm not interested in lynching him solely on the basis of him having lied.

But this is all pretty procedural. Can you tell me what leads you to dislike Zen's slot? Has your read on him changed since yesterDay?

Fair enough. I just want it noted that I never had a scumread on Soup and that you're making it sound like I made the read up after he got lynched.
I'm sorry if I gave that impression. My point was more that, as scum, you'd have an incentive to lurk if a Soup lynch looked imminent. Moving on.

@Kary - Can you at least see why I think Vinyl is scum? I don't care if you agree or not atm, but I want you to see why I think this.
I'm not sure I follow entirely, so at some point I'll be due a re-read, but in short;

Not scum-hunting
Following stronger/active players (myself/Zen)
Deflecting criticism rather than explaining

is more or less what I've got from it.

Glyph, Kary is town leader. I am not being lynched unless he wants me to and I am not claiming until he wants me to.
I don't particularly like that you've said this; it feels a bit like you're relying on me to whiteknight your slot because I had you as town. Anyways.

I'd like to see a bit more from you. I may have some questions for you later.

But that aside, your point more or less stands. I don't want to see anyone lynched without my ok, and if I tell you to claim, or whatever, then I expect you to.



Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Votecount 2.2

Red Ryu
Vinyl.: Inferno3044, Ramen King
Ramen King:Red Ryu, DtJ Glyphmoney
DtJ Glyphmoney

Not Voting:
Rajam, Kary


*= Currently being replaced
**= V/LA

With 7 players alive, it takes 4 votes to lynch
The deadline for Day 2 is October 18th, at 11:59 PM


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Biggest thing you missed is playing for survival. I've also pointed out some inconsistencies between what he says and what he's done such as him trying to rationalize how hard he's been following Zen and sheeping onto Kamen.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
I'm town, and the only proof there is either a flip in the end or a cop receiving a not guilty. And of course, the Job here is to prevent a mislynch.

You're deflecting points instead of actually giving legitimate reason. You've deflected my points. You've constantly deflected Soup's posts and with Zen by your side you have felt safe and therefore haven't needed to defend yourself. Now that he isn't holding your hand, you have to defend for yourself by deflecting things I say. You have given no reason as to why you aren't scum. You play for your own survival and not to find scum. You tried to say that you stopped nut riding Zen when he first voted you but you constantly followed him after that.
And by that, does it mean you're giving out legit reasoning on me and Kary? I already said that I was not nut riding on zen, I was threatened by zen. You keep on with this. And why the hell do I have to explain why I'm not scum. Also, I play for my own survival and so does everyone else here, so there ain't no difference in general.

Please explain this. I'm pretty sure I pursued Rake and John hard because I saw discrepancies in they play and I had confidence. I'm doing the same to you.
You had confidence there, and I'm seeing your confidence here too. It's not about that, it's about how you accuse right now. I'm seeing that you're really pushing onto me in those pages and giving a semi-push onto another, which I do not find okay with.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Vinyl do answer Kary's question.

@Rajam: Sorry missed this, The possibility opens up, Zen scum would make that more likely and something I would look more seriously into. Just not damning and something I would lynch over in itself.

Tell me more about Inferno, Rajam, what do you make of his Soup town read and his Vinyl scum read D1?


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
I like this initiative. However; if we don't lynch Inferno toDay, who else do you think might be scum?

and, are you town?
If this doesn't happen, you have Rajam right about there. Reminder I changed my read on him from town to null after his post. It's more of a gut read than a logical reason why.

And yeah, I'm town.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산

I need to know what you think of Inferno right now,
I'd like to know what it was that led you to townread him D1,
and please also tell me who you think might be scum aside from Vinyl

I need to know what you think of RR,
and I'd like to know who you think might be scum right now.

I'd like to know what you think of Glyph,
how confident you are in your Zen read, given his play overall (not just the Soup lynch),
and what you think of Inferno vs. Vinyl

Do you think that I might reasonably be town, or is it just that you can't lynch me right now?
Are you confident that Vinyl, as scum, would be following me/Zen if either of us were his scumbuddy?

How does Inferno vs. Vinyl read to you? Could it be TvT?
Which players are you looking at as scum right now? aside from me?

If you thought Soup was town towards the end of yesterDay (#458), why did you end up voting him?
What's you read on Glyph?
Who do you think is more likely to be town, Glyph or RR?

and sorry I asked you 'bout being town twice, skimming

many thanks one and all, let's step to it.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
It's funny since I was thinking about glyph a few minutes after I made my previous post, but I just dropped it. I haven't paid much attention to him and so forth. I felt like glyph wasn't really there much toDay on the part with me and inferno, but on the other hand he's been productive since yesterday. I'm still calling town on him and I like his pressure vote zen, but I'll have to ask him to vote with me as well.

The reason why I voted soup was because I was threatened by zen. (I said this a couple of times.)

As for elaborating glyph and RR, I would wanna say glyph. I do like RR too, I just want to see more of him since he CAN give out good details.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Caught up in midterms for a bit, should be able to actually delve into what I was pushing later tonight hopefully, if not then some time tomorrow.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
I'm town, and the only proof there is either a flip in the end or a cop receiving a not guilty. And of course, the Job here is to prevent a mislynch.
If there is a cop clear on you I will take that to mind and even that doesn't stop the possibility of a godfather/traitor.

And by that, does it mean you're giving out legit reasoning on me and Kary? I already said that I was not nut riding on zen, I was threatened by zen. You keep on with this. And why the hell do I have to explain why I'm not scum. Also, I play for my own survival and so does everyone else here, so there ain't no difference in general.
Noting the bold because you openly are admitting that you are playing for survival. Come on guys. Someone tell me why a townie would openly say he's playing for survival. Like let's lynch this guy already.

And deflecting things said against you is very legitimate reasoning because it means that you don't want to directly confront things said against you which is very scummy. Remember how in D1 of Disney mafia how people attacked Gheb and he constantly said "these are all null tells." That's deflecting because he never addressed any of the points and guess what alignment he was? Mafia. The italicized is a great example of you deflecting. You won't answer the question I pose to you.

As for sheeping/nut riding/being threatened by Zen (I honestly don't care what you call it atm) you constantly would follow and sheep him so that you would live and did what he said. That falls under playing solely for your own survival and that's scummy.

You had confidence there, and I'm seeing your confidence here too. It's not about that, it's about how you accuse right now. I'm seeing that you're really pushing onto me in those pages and giving a semi-push onto another, which I do not find okay with.
Pretty sure in Disney I pushed John hard with multiple notes that I thought Gheb was scum. Kary isn't even a push, but I want it known that I think he might be scum very similar to how I thought Gheb was scum. You're a much higher priority and that's why I'm pushing you.

Vinyl I'm gonna ask you this again. I answer your questions now you answer mine. Why are you not scum? Why am I scum? I want clear answers for both of these in your next post.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Here are my answers.

Cuz I'm not scum cuz I'm town and will flip town if I get lynched.
You're scum becuase of your bad push, reach, and tunnel and I have a strong belief on that.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Do you think that I might reasonably be town, or is it just that you can't lynch me right now?
Are you confident that Vinyl, as scum, would be following me/Zen if either of us were his scumbuddy?
Your responses sound good and I like them but I'm not just gonna call you town because of it. However I do see a possibility in you being town. Although I acknowledge that I can't lynch you even if I wanted to, I think Vinyl is much scummier and needs to be addressed now.

I honestly don't see a Zen/Vinyl scum team. However the odd warlock gem I saw of Zen does not make me trust him. Vinyl/Kary I wouldn't scratch out, but it's not like I'll gun for you solely due to a scumVinyl flip. I would reread the game with scumVinyl in mind and see where I'd like to go.

The reason why I voted soup was because I was threatened by zen. (I said this a couple of times.)
This is a terrible reason to vote someone and I hope people note this.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Here are my answers.

Cuz I'm not scum cuz I'm town and will flip town if I get lynched.
You're scum becuase of your bad push, reach, and tunnel and I have a strong belief on that.
Okay now give me an actual answer with some substance instead of some half ***'d responses. Why do you think my push is bad? Why should I think you're town?


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
I've actually grown tired of your continuous effort there, so go ahead and try your wagon out while I have mines, k? I've claimed town and answered already from here on out, I'm not gonna repeat myself over this.

But the following are my last:

I think your push is bad because of the blatant reasoning you made, which I do not like.
You should think I'm town because I'm reading and I have more legit reasoning coming from my end than your arguments on saying so.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Let's me question this to you though.

If you successfully lynch me, what outcome will rise from your point of view?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Noting the bold because you openly are admitting that you are playing for survival. Come on guys. Someone tell me why a townie would openly say he's playing for survival. Like let's lynch this guy already.
This is a terrible reason to vote someone and I hope people note this.

If Vinyl is town, he knows that he's town, and so for him to roll over and be lynched rather than someone who he finds to be scummy is not good play. To that extent, him playing 'to survive' is not a big deal. You add in other stuff, like perhaps not scumhunting, only responding when pressured, then maybe.

But someone says to you as a townie, in all seriousness: 'vote X or we lynch you toDay', there's a pretty strong argument for you to vote X right there, especially if you're scumreading X. Yeah maybe there's an argument that you should stand your ground, but there's no point getting yourself lynched just because you refuse to respond to threats.

So bleh.

Feeling like there's a lot of tunnel going on right now, so
FoS: Inferno
while I figure this out.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
V/LA on October 13th for a brawl tournament.
V/LA on October 14th as I'm going to Universal Studios.
V/LA on October 20th for a brawl tournament.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Alright all caught up

Inferno said:
People like you and Zen stopped that.
There is actually a strange correlation between the use the phrase "People like you" and the person saying that phrase being scum. Not even kidding. Inferno confirmed for scum.
Red Ryu;14951036[B said:
]I think he is a VT right now pushing the PR claim for added credit.[/B]

You think off he has something legitimate? I don't think he would lopenly claim to have a PR as a PR.

...uhh, I'm confused, where do you get a PR tell like only godfather or something from.

Also why the flip to Vinyl again, why where you on Glyph before?
Correction, VT or scum doing this, I read scum intent from how he handled other players on D1 like Vinyl with pushing him around.
mmhm mad slip up here. Ruy is scum.

Curiously Ruy you say you don't like how I handled other players like Vinyl. So who else did you not like how I interacted with?

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
-You have a town read on Vinyl correct?
-What is your read on Inferno? Rajam? Glyph?
-Who do you think is scum besides myself?

-What was your reasoning for wanting to lynch Soup? I didn't get it? I asked you yesterday for your initial reason for voting him, but I don't understand what your final reason for wanting to lynch him was.
-Do you believe I am warlock or something? I don't intend to claim today. Your vote will be more useful elsewhere. Who are you looking at as scum right now? 2 people. *scrolls up. sees Kary already asked*

Rajam: Where are you even at in the reading? And are you cop? If so, out your investigation.

Inferno: Who is second scum and what do you think about Ruy and his slip?


Right now my top two scum reads are Inferno and Ruy. I have an absolutely null on Rajam and would lynch him just to get rid of uselessness which we can do today (D2). I'd like for him to claim. Inferno is pushing way to hard on his Vinyl points. They seem very forced to me. I agree all the way with Kary's #635 and the posts Vinyl has been making for his reasons against Inferno. I believe Ruy's push on me is baseless and forced as well. Shown by the posts above where he even slips up in his thought process of me being town rather than him truly seeing scum intent. I also think his #618 is completely random and just an attempt to get some distance on Inferno. Note that Inferno drifted over the question. Yay connection points. I'm sorry I can't help it, but it's probably right so don't look down upon it.
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