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Taco Bell Mafia: Game over. Who won?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I reread everything.

Curiously Ruy you say you don't like how I handled other players like Vinyl. So who else did you not like how I interacted with?
Soup at a lot of points when you went on him, only time I thought you were ok with talking with Soup was when you unvoted, which is one of the times I kinda like it on a reread despite my stance of taking all AtE as a null tell.

Zen makes my head spin, unvote

I'd like to know what you think of Glyph,
how confident you are in your Zen read, given his play overall (not just the Soup lynch),
and what you think of Inferno vs. Vinyl
Glyph I liked a lot D1 with his Soup case, Soup needed to die and his reasons for it were solid. However I'm looking at the Zen stuff and more so thinking...I'm not seeing his overall idea of where to go next or what he wants to do outside of seeing Zen drop the PR stuff. I know he likes to not out his other reads due to not letting scum know. But his content for D2 seems to be very lack luster, though midterms are around I would like him to do more for the rest of the cast.

I'm not strongly confident but my scum reads keep wavering back and forth a bit, I really really don't like what he did with Vinyl at the end of D1 and that looked like scum trying to lead town. I hate the threaten strong arm he did as a bully tactic to push weaker town his way.

I'm relying on meta to help me a lot when Zen does this, his play has annoyed me in the past, more recently in games I have read him play not as much I think he is getting more down with putting his thought process out their than before with gambits all the time. Today, not a fan of the blatant ignoring, not at all. More recently...I'd give his town leader stance some credit, at least now he is getting more into the idea of expressing his thoughts, and on a reread, I still hate his D1 play even more so at the end.

Though I think I am blinding myself...I haven't invested much in the rest of the cast when I get into a tunnel mode. I don't know much of Rajam right now, I know he is looking at your over some posts, and even some connections with Zen, if Zen ever flips scum, you would be someone I would look at on a revaluation, maybe the only direct connection I would relook at. D1 gives me a scum read, D2 lessens it more. I'm sort of seeing a point and some reason for his actions from a town perspective, instead of mostly from a scum one.

Vinyl's AtE is bad, but...he still is trying to do something, at some levels. I don't like the logic behind his responses, but I don't see it being strongly scummy. Vinyl isn't proactive, he sheeps whoever buddys him, I learned this on multiple game fronts. When he is scum, he doesn't contribute anything of value. To his town play, it's not far off, but I think look this over gives me a better look at his mindset. He is trying to put forth his own reads and get to a conclusion and base somewhere in there, yeah his reactions to pressure are bad, but they usually are, it actually looks like me in my earlier games where I reacted horrible to pressure.

Inferno is going into a tunnel mode, and I'm trying to see why he is pretty much doing the same as Soup or for that matter, why Soup was a town read on D1, I don't see a basis for it nor how he reached the conclusion. I'm not seeing his reads having merit either and him clinging to his vinyl scum looks like he made his conclusion already instead of analyzing Vinyl to judge a read. While some of Vinyl's AtE responses are hard to take serious, I wouldn't. Looking at his posts on him wanting to survive, do give me a sense of towny Vinyl. Even more his linking to Disney mafia seems to be him thinking and looking for difference, though not strong. Vinyl has a point that either alignment will go for it, but Inferno is brushing it off.

Vinyl at least seems to be trying, good or bad does not matter here, his intent is what is important.

Right now I'm like this;

Town: Kary,
I think is town: Glyph, Vinyl,
Idk: Rajam, Zen,
Scum: Inferno,

Rajam needs to be looked at more, I need to delve into what Zen is, I think he is scum in almost every game I'm with him, Inferno needs to go.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Votecount 2.3

Inferno3044:Vinyl., Ramen King
Red Ryu
Vinyl.: Inferno3044
Ramen King:DtJ Glyphmoney
DtJ Glyphmoney

Not Voting:
Red Ryu, Rajam, Kary

I'll be in class later, got a midterm.

*= Currently being replaced
**= V/LA

With 7 players alive, it takes 4 votes to lynch
The deadline for Day 2 is October 18th, at 11:59 PM


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Let's me question this to you though.

If you successfully lynch me, what outcome will rise from your point of view?
I think you will flip mafia.


If Vinyl is town, he knows that he's town, and so for him to roll over and be lynched rather than someone who he finds to be scummy is not good play. To that extent, him playing 'to survive' is not a big deal. You add in other stuff, like perhaps not scumhunting, only responding when pressured, then maybe.
This is a poor argument imo. There is a difference between playing to find scum and playing to survive. When you play to survive it means that as long as you are alive you don't care. When you're scum hunting you look through what people have said and try to see their intent. I see no town intent from Vinyl and only a will to stay alive. I also did say he only responded when pressured and that he isn't scumhunting and playing for survival.

But someone says to you as a townie, in all seriousness: 'vote X or we lynch you toDay', there's a pretty strong argument for you to vote X right there, especially if you're scumreading X. Yeah maybe there's an argument that you should stand your ground, but there's no point getting yourself lynched just because you refuse to respond to threats.
He said that he didn't have a scumread on Soup, yet voted him because he was threatened BECAUSE HE WANTED TO SURVIVE.

Feeling like there's a lot of tunnel going on right now, so
FoS: Inferno
while I figure this out.
If people listened to me instead of just saying "Vinyl said he's town, therefore he's town" then maybe we could get some progress.

Alright all caught up

There is actually a strange correlation between the use the phrase "People like you" and the person saying that phrase being scum. Not even kidding. Inferno confirmed for scum.
Reasons like this is what causes Soup to get mislynched and Vinyl to run around.

Inferno: Who is second scum and what do you think about Ruy and his slip?
I'm assuming the first scum is Vinyl? If so I would probably say not you.

Right now my top two scum reads are Inferno and Ruy. I have an absolutely null on Rajam and would lynch him just to get rid of uselessness which we can do today (D2). I'd like for him to claim. Inferno is pushing way to hard on his Vinyl points. They seem very forced to me. I agree all the way with Kary's #635 and the posts Vinyl has been making for his reasons against Inferno. I believe Ruy's push on me is baseless and forced as well. Shown by the posts above where he even slips up in his thought process of me being town rather than him truly seeing scum intent. I also think his #618 is completely random and just an attempt to get some distance on Inferno. Note that Inferno drifted over the question. Yay connection points. I'm sorry I can't help it, but it's probably right so don't look down upon it.
Well I'm doing what a townie should do: find who's scum and explain why. Unfortunately you guys aren't listening and you're using some random preexisting thought that Vinyl is town because he said he's town. The reasoning is bad and you should feel bad.

I reread everything.

Soup at a lot of points when you went on him, only time I thought you were ok with talking with Soup was when you unvoted, which is one of the times I kinda like it on a reread despite my stance of taking all AtE as a null tell.

Zen makes my head spin, unvote

Glyph I liked a lot D1 with his Soup case, Soup needed to die and his reasons for it were solid. However I'm looking at the Zen stuff and more so thinking...I'm not seeing his overall idea of where to go next or what he wants to do outside of seeing Zen drop the PR stuff. I know he likes to not out his other reads due to not letting scum know. But his content for D2 seems to be very lack luster, though midterms are around I would like him to do more for the rest of the cast.

I'm not strongly confident but my scum reads keep wavering back and forth a bit, I really really don't like what he did with Vinyl at the end of D1 and that looked like scum trying to lead town. I hate the threaten strong arm he did as a bully tactic to push weaker town his way.

I'm relying on meta to help me a lot when Zen does this, his play has annoyed me in the past, more recently in games I have read him play not as much I think he is getting more down with putting his thought process out their than before with gambits all the time. Today, not a fan of the blatant ignoring, not at all. More recently...I'd give his town leader stance some credit, at least now he is getting more into the idea of expressing his thoughts, and on a reread, I still hate his D1 play even more so at the end.

Though I think I am blinding myself...I haven't invested much in the rest of the cast when I get into a tunnel mode. I don't know much of Rajam right now, I know he is looking at your over some posts, and even some connections with Zen, if Zen ever flips scum, you would be someone I would look at on a revaluation, maybe the only direct connection I would relook at. D1 gives me a scum read, D2 lessens it more. I'm sort of seeing a point and some reason for his actions from a town perspective, instead of mostly from a scum one.

Vinyl's AtE is bad, but...he still is trying to do something, at some levels. I don't like the logic behind his responses, but I don't see it being strongly scummy. Vinyl isn't proactive, he sheeps whoever buddys him, I learned this on multiple game fronts. When he is scum, he doesn't contribute anything of value. To his town play, it's not far off, but I think look this over gives me a better look at his mindset. He is trying to put forth his own reads and get to a conclusion and base somewhere in there, yeah his reactions to pressure are bad, but they usually are, it actually looks like me in my earlier games where I reacted horrible to pressure.

Inferno is going into a tunnel mode, and I'm trying to see why he is pretty much doing the same as Soup or for that matter, why Soup was a town read on D1, I don't see a basis for it nor how he reached the conclusion. I'm not seeing his reads having merit either and him clinging to his vinyl scum looks like he made his conclusion already instead of analyzing Vinyl to judge a read. While some of Vinyl's AtE responses are hard to take serious, I wouldn't. Looking at his posts on him wanting to survive, do give me a sense of towny Vinyl. Even more his linking to Disney mafia seems to be him thinking and looking for difference, though not strong. Vinyl has a point that either alignment will go for it, but Inferno is brushing it off.

Vinyl at least seems to be trying, good or bad does not matter here, his intent is what is important.

Right now I'm like this;

Town: Kary,
I think is town: Glyph, Vinyl,
Idk: Rajam, Zen,
Scum: Inferno,

Rajam needs to be looked at more, I need to delve into what Zen is, I think he is scum in almost every game I'm with him, Inferno needs to go.
Why do I even try? Apparently, thinking Vinyl is scum makes you scum and frankly I'm getting tired of trying to say things and people not listening. I'm pretty confident to say that there's at least 1 scum between Vinyl and Zen. I'm gonna play LoL mafia more because I honestly think I'm wasting my time here. Do what you guys want.

Btw guys I'm Chalupa Supreme, VT.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Originally Posted by Ramen King View Post
Inferno: Who is second scum and what do you think about Ruy and his slip?
Inferno said:
I'm assuming the first scum is Vinyl? If so I would probably say not you.
Good way to completely avoid both questons. Who is second scum? What do you think about Red Ruy/his slip?


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
I am not 100% sure who the 2nd scum is, but I highly doubt it's you. I would reread with scumVinyl in mind. I also don't think it's a scumslip. Can you show me how other than just saying its a scum slip?

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
I'm not asking you who you DONT think it is. I'm asking who you DO think it is. Who are you leaning towards? It doesn't have to be 100%.

Yes I will elaborate on it. What do you think of Ryu?

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Elaboration on Ruy slip:

Ruy has been coming at me from the perspective that he believes I am scum and that my posts have been some way to control the game. I haven't but even if I have, Red Ruy knows that I do this regardless of alignment. Yet he has been trying to paint it in a negative light until he slips up below (in bold) and outs that sees me as a VT trying to gain influence.
I'm about to make this game really really easy, at least for a little bit

Zen, confirm to us your PR. Right now.
You think outing what it is good at this point Glyph?

I don't see merit until a lynch is set. Aka I ignore all of Zen's claims as a PR due to past games.
A PR is a PR is a PR. You can't make claims like that and then not be able to back it up, not when you've got a reputation like Zen.

So imo if he can confirm his PR, awesome, we leave him alone and scum has to burn a NK on him. If he can't, we put a big ol' noose around his neck and wash our hands of the whole thing because he's probably scum.

God I love when things are just neat and tidy.
I think he is a VT right now pushing the PR claim for added credit.

You think off he has something legitimate? I don't think he would lopenly claim to have a PR as a PR.

...uhh, I'm confused, where do you get a PR tell like only godfather or something from.

Also why the flip to Vinyl again, why where you on Glyph before?
Read the back and forth between him and Glyph in full. I believe that in the moment he lost track of the painted argument he was pushing for and revealed his true thoughts. He then realizes his mistake and attempts to cover it up with reasons that do not make sense:

Correction, VT or scum doing this, I read scum intent from how he handled other players on D1 like Vinyl with pushing him around.
What does claiming a PR have to do with how I handled players D1? There is no connection there. It's a made up spot. He believes that my actions indicate VT, but he can't let go of his supposed scum read that he was trying to paint. Let's now take a look at his reasoning of "how he handled other players on D1 like Vinyl with pushing him around" on its own. I asked Ruy to explain what he meant by other players like Vinyl:
Vote: Zen

Vinyl is weak minded, I disagree with Inferno on both his pushes and don't like how he is pushing, Kary is a reach on a number of points, Vinyl doesn't look into his play with any understanding of Vinyl not being a strong proactive player.

Zen abused this yesterday, he made a threat onto Vinyl for not joining the wagon knowing he would follow if threatened with force. Vinyl is not strong willed and will not go off on his own without someone pushing it hard. Zen focused on this and strong armed him far harder.

Zen has constantly pushed for thread power, but at times I reread and try to think of why he makes certain pushes. Soup was legitimate, he pushed for a weaker player to be lynched off being bad and not being scummy. Zen I don't know why he is pushing Vinyl nor Glyph and is being constantly vauge with why he is making these assertions.

Also I do not believe he is a PR, this is a tactic to get credit to his thread power so people listen to him.

While I am ok with the Soup lynch, I am not ok with how he approached people around it.
Take a close look at the bold. Ruy's reasoning is inconsistent. He doesn't even know his own argument which leads to the conclusion that it is illegitimate. He first claims that Soup is the only one that he felt I pushed in a genuine way. He states that he doesn't like how I handled others like Vinyl though and I ask him to elaborate on who else. There is no one else though. So he says Soup, which again is inconsistent with the thought process he was presenting.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
I'm not really up to speed but goddamnit Zen that is a pretty golden slip.


Haven't read very much on Vinyl v Inferno but I'm actually leaning TvT from what I have seen.

Hopefully a real post when I get home tonight


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
If people listened to me instead of just saying "Vinyl said he's town, therefore he's town" then maybe we could get some progress.
Hmm. Don't give up.
Yes, it'd be progress, but it might not be in the right direction. The last thing I want is a quicklynch, so right now this debate is interesting.

Btw guys I'm Chalupa Supreme, VT.
claim because you're fed up?

Not sure what I think of this 'slip', so I guess i'll let RR provide an explanation. Glad to see Zen back in the game. Gonna post something more later, i've been skimming the big posts recently. Also kinda waiting for Glyph to post/answer questions.


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Zen was a VT every time he tried a gambit in past games, 3 times trying to get me killed with them, claiming a PR as a VT.

I still don't believe he is a PR, force of habit with wording. Really all I can say.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
yeah i'm of the opinion that Zen's #649 is a huge slice of reach pie to be honest

seems perfectly natural for me to say 'VT' when you mean 'vanilla' or 'not a PR', and still not think that person is town aligned, so seems to be a dumb thing to try and pin Ryu's alignment on.

I mean, there's things you can say about Ryu's #577 and his interactions with Zen overall, but I don't really agree that he's scumslipping all over the place.


correct me if i'm wrong, but you've pushed Glyph > Vinyl > Inferno > Ryu toDay.

are you just winging this game or what?

Are you settled on Inferno/Ryu as scum, and if so, why do they make a plausible scumteam?

Who do you think would be the best lynch for toDay?

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Kary I really thing Zen's on the money with RR speaking from a scum perspective not because of the first instance, but rather the fact that he caught the slip up and went BACK to correct it. Its possible he just looked over it after sending it and realized he meant to say that, but I have a hard time seeing townRR feeling that was a really NEEDED edit.

Also whoooooooooooooa writing a paper on Poe and its going really slow

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Also you meant 'perspective' Vinyl

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Kary I really thing Zen's on the money with RR speaking from a scum perspective not because of the first instance, but rather the fact that he caught the slip up and went BACK to correct it. Its possible he just looked over it after sending it and realized he meant to say that, but I have a hard time seeing townRR feeling that was a really NEEDED edit.

Also whoooooooooooooa writing a paper on Poe and its going really slow
When I refer to VT I meant it in the sense of non PR for no alignment, I'm not used to saying Goon in that sense. Even more so when I'm put in this situation in the past, with Zen involved and here doesn't help.

What I don't get is the 180 on Zen here, why are you not concerned with him anymore on the PR stuff?

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
This is the first point Zen's made that I actually had to stop and say 'wow, I really actually see that'. I'm not dismissing my concerns, but they're not going anywhere (if you read a bit you'll see he's not claiming) and for now we're on the same page.

As for your action, your post doesn't even address why you felt the need to edit the original post. I don't care that you said VT, my problem is that you caught yourself right after and tried to change it.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006

The problem lies in that you wanted to fix it at ALL

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
This really isn't hard to understand.

I corrected it because I wanted to fix the context. I didn't think Zen town there, I thought Zen without a power so I said VT when I went, he had no power. I corrected it because VT would mean I thought he was town, saw that and fixed it because I made a typo.

I meant it to the sense he had no power to prove nor claim. Not that he was town.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Glyph's #655 has it on the money. I guess

...they don't call him Glyphmoney for nothing


Kary said:
correct me if i'm wrong, but you've pushed Glyph > Vinyl > Inferno > Ryu toDay.

are you just winging this game or what?
No that's simply how I scum hunt. I go after my current suspicions, get more info and then either A) decide they are scum and lynch them or B) decide they can be put aside and move on. My reads are like this in order of town to scum:

Red Ruy

At this point I'd only settle with lynching one of the bottom three.

Are you settled on Inferno/Ryu as scum, and if so, why do they make a plausible scumteam?
Reasoning said:
Inferno is pushing way to hard on his Vinyl points. They seem very forced to me. I agree all the way with Kary's #635 and the posts Vinyl has been making for his reasons against Inferno. I believe Ruy's push on me is baseless and forced as well. Shown by the posts above where he even slips up in his thought process of me being town rather than him truly seeing scum intent. I also think his #618 is completely random and just an attempt to get some distance on Inferno. Note that Inferno drifted over the question. Yay connection points. I'm sorry I can't help it, but it's probably right so don't look down upon it.
Who do you think would be the best lynch for toDay?
Inferno > Ruy

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
When I refer to VT I meant it in the sense of non PR for no alignment, I'm not used to saying Goon in that sense. Even more so when I'm put in this situation in the past, with Zen involved and here doesn't help.

What I don't get is the 180 on Zen here, why are you not concerned with him anymore on the PR stuff?

*licks lips*

So you believe as mafia I am powerroleless as well? You believe that as town or mafia I have no power role? I am either Vanilla Town or Vanilla Mafia (goon)?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Can't see you wanting to draw attention like that with a role as either alignment.

You risk town investigating you, guess godfather or something comes up here, or mafia getting a free shot at a PR. You wouldn't take those risks.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Haha no see the thing is as mafia it would be more likely that my claim was actually legit. Why would an investigative be more likely to investigate someone who claims to be a PR? It makes it more likely for them to be town. Also as mafia I could have like Mafia Tracker or something and claim to be a town PR and get a free ride. So no if you're looking at me from the perspective of me being mafia then it would make sense that I genuinely am not Vanilla. Furthermore:

Red Ruy said:
When I refer to VT I meant it in the sense of non PR for no alignment, I'm not used to saying Goon in that sense. Even more so when I'm put in this situation in the past, with Zen involved and here doesn't help.
You're now claiming that you believe I don't have a PR as either alignment which is silly to assume in the case of mafia as I have pointed out, but in your original post below you claim that you believe I am VT Or mafia:
Correction, VT or scum doing this, I read scum intent from how he handled other players on D1 like Vinyl with pushing him around.
The fact that you phrased it in this way indicates that your thought process was not Vanilla as either alignment but Vanilla town or PR/Vanilla scum. You are just now adapting your statements to the situation. This is not a play on words in any way. This is in fact that statements you have presented and a conflict in an ingenuine thought process.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
The problem lies in that you wanted to fix it at ALL

Haha no see the thing is as mafia it would be more likely that my claim was actually legit.

The fact that you phrased it in this way indicates that your thought process was not Vanilla as either alignment but Vanilla town or PR/Vanilla scum. You are just now adapting your statements to the situation. This is not a play on words in any way. This is in fact that statements you have presented and a conflict in an ingenuine thought process.
utter bull****

The thing is, that I don't believe that there is 100% meta that says RR only clarifies/corrects himself as scum, and so it is a dumb thing to build a scumread around. I also don't want to blow it out of proportion, because that's the sort of thing that scum do; make little points against people seem big.

So, @Glyph in particular; what do you actually think of RR?

I mean, his play D1, being on the Soup waggon.
Pushing Zen D2, his reading Vinyl/INferno as TvS?

because going 'uhh you scumslipped' doesn't really sound productive to me.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Sorry for being so inactive; time to put more attention to this game


Context: Page 10, soup and Vinyl being the "top" candidates. soup and BarDulL pushing Vinyl the most at that moment, Zen pushing both soup/Vinyl, Glyph defending Vinyl. Kary on Ryker, and Inferno, Ryker and RR being nowhere really. Vinyl already claimed his role even before the game officially started. This was the votecount at that moment:

Votecount 1.3

Ryker:Inferno3044, Kary
Red Ryu
Vinyl.:soup, BardulL
Ramen King:Red Ryu
soup:DtJ Glyphmoney
Dtj Glyphmoney:Ryker

Not Voting:
Vinyl., Ramen King


*= Currently being replaced
**= V/LA

With 9 players, it takes 5 votes to lynch
The deadline for Day 1 is October 6th, at 11:59 PM
After this as I said, soup and Glyph started pressuring and defending Vinyl respectively. Then Vinyl reacts like this (consecutive posts):

The thing is that I'm not that good at persuading. If I had some power role like cop or something, then yeah, that'd make things easier for me.

To the honest truth, I'm trying to convince others I'm town. "look town" if you want to put it that way. Whatever flaw I have will end up as a scummy play and etc. Instead of people considering more to go for anyone else, they feel more comfortable going for me based of my own prior actions.

Once more.

I'm Quesidilla, Vanilla Townie.

This is my honest claim here.
Why I bring this? Because I know this must be some sort of tell, but I can't differentiate if it's a town tell or scum tell. So, I'll ask Zen who I think is the more experienced player here: Which one is it? Consider the pressure conditions that I mentioned at the beginning, and the fact that Vinyl is making a post just to reinforce the claim he already did early-game

This is a genuine reaction imo (at least the post in which he reinforces his claim) and therefore should be analyzed as much as possible. Vinyl could be overreacting here but idk if it's a towny or scummy reaction given the conditions mentioned. Any help / insight would be appreciated.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Why are you still talking stuff from yesterDay? I mean yeah, you are finding some interesting things that gives us some thought, but what about now?

At least give out some current reads.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Kary, thoughts on a Zen lynch today?

Not going to happen unless I come to the conclusion that you vs. Vinyl is likely to be TvT.

I liked Zen a lot more D1, I felt like we were on the same page. Now I don't know where the hell he's at.

On a related subject, what do you think of Zen's flip from Vinylscum to Vinyltown, and his consequential scumread on you? Was his push on Vinyl 'fake'?

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
I'm not asking you who you DONT think it is. I'm asking who you DO think it is. Who are you leaning towards? It doesn't have to be 100%.

Yes I will elaborate on it. What do you think of Ryu?
Inferno this is now the third time you have avoided these two questions.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Still haven't looked over it, been really goddamn busy. I'll take a look sometime today at least though

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Haha no see the thing is as mafia it would be more likely that my claim was actually legit. Why would an investigative be more likely to investigate someone who claims to be a PR? It makes it more likely for them to be town. Also as mafia I could have like Mafia Tracker or something and claim to be a town PR and get a free ride.
You would never get a free ride with that claim in a 9 man, someone would CC an investigative.

So no if you're looking at me from the perspective of me being mafia then it would make sense that I genuinely am not Vanilla.


You're now claiming that you believe I don't have a PR as either alignment which is silly to assume in the case of mafia as I have pointed out, but in your original post below you claim that you believe I am VT Or mafia:
The fact that you phrased it in this way indicates that your thought process was not Vanilla as either alignment but Vanilla town or PR/Vanilla scum. You are just now adapting your statements to the situation. This is not a play on words in any way. This is in fact that statements you have presented and a conflict in an ingenuine thought process.
No, in a 9 man it's probably a 2 man team. throwing a goon on there isn't unheard of, heck in my 11 man moderator mafia, my 2 man team had a goon with a roleblocker/switch.

I meant I don't believe you have a PR as either alignment, and I stick to that.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Okay, just one question and then I believe I'm ready.

@Inferno: Why, when it became clear that no one was following you on the Vinyl wagon (and still aren't) did you keep pushing the same points without deviation?

Also lesser questions that may have been answered and I missed them, still both at Inferno

-Why did you claim? Were you asked to?
-Who else besides Vinyl is scum?

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
If I were mafia claiming a PR I would likely have some way to back that up though. Safe claim; Role Cop etc. It does not make any ounce of sense for you to make that assumption. It only makes sense in the case I am town not mafia.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
bleh bleh bleh

@Zen: but you've not even said WHAT PR you are yet. You could easily make up something that won't clash with anyone's results, or better yet, claim you were roleblocked.

But more than that, you're pushing hypotheticals; RR thinks you're vanilla.

The fact of the matter is, you actually said you had a PR that could be 100% confirmed, and the likelihood of that is slim to none. I don't see you being innocent child, or dayvig, or anything else that could reasonably be one hundred percent possible to confirm, so the likelihood is that you're making up at least some aspect of your role.

It's not unreasonable for RR to have you as vanilla, whether town or scum, and this is a dumb issue.

FoS: Zen

you're all over the place, and I don't like it. Take a step back and tell me who's scum based on their pushes/actions, not just the words they've said. Talk to me about yesterDay's Soup waggon.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Here's an idea for you Kary, how about you stop white knighting Ruy and actually vote or look for scum. I've told you who is scum now either vote them or do something of value. We waiting the whole day like you forced us to do yesterday. Vote someone.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Here's an idea for you Zen, answer my damn questions and don't attack my play. Let's not cut the Day short and cruise to a mislynch. I'm pretty sure I asked you a few questions, like why you had Inferno as town D1, and who you think is scum based on their pushes, or yesterDay's waggon, so make yourself useful.
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