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Taco Bell Mafia: Game over. Who won?


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA

Soup, please make this the last time you complain about Vinyl, or I'm plain going to lynch you for getting on my nerves.

We've seen your points, we've seen Vinyl's play, so let us come quietly to a decision, or do something constructive.


@Rajam: hi. how you doing?
Kary let's start with this. Don't make your bark bigger than your bite. You aren't Ryker/Gheb/OS/etc. who are good and are charismatic. Lynching someone because you don't like them doesn't look good on your part. With

Vote: Kamen Ryker

@Mod: Requesting a prod on Kamen Ryker.
Intriguing, yet sheepish vote. Is there any actual reason for this vote because I don't think I saw one.

Green part was absolutely unnecessary; seems an overreaction to a simple, irrelevant vote, and since the game was just beginning and the risk of getting lynched was basically non-existant with that vote, I would put this as an scummy reaction

Glyph, Inferno: Do you agree with this? If not, why not?


Up to #120; Red Ryu is getting transparent lol
Not sure if I answered this, but it wasn't a scummy reaction. He never did anything scummy hence why I didn't vote for him.

he's purposefully avoiding the game, am I right? Suspicious.

Once you've caught up, can you please give me your scumreads? Cheers.
And you're probably town based on this

You're correct in assuming I didn't get scumvibes from Zen

Fine with this; but I don't want to see him lynched just yet. Sound alright?
So right here I see that you are "attempting" to move pressure from soup and onto Kamen. However you are still really willing to vote/lynch Soup and if it wasn't for Zen hammering you would've voted him am I right?

Vote Soup you scum chums.
Please elaborate on this.

Soup's confidence in scumVinyl seems
a) to have appeared very suddenly
b) to take a very one-sided view of Vinyl's play
c) to not be changing/developing
and as such reads to me as either
#1 hella ********
#2 not genuine
Confidence is not a scum tell. To prove it I'm going to use my recent history (last 2 games that I've finished) and tell you who I was really confident on and their alignments:

Rake in Disney Sing Along Mafia - Indy
John in Disney Sing Along Mafia - Mafia
July in The Wall - Mafia

Point is confidence is not a scum tell. Here's my evidence. Don't put some bull**** like "oh this corresponds to you and not Soup."

By contrast, I think Zen has made an effort to develop his Soup read and hasn't just sat on that read, he's be doing more about it.
Bull. ****. He barely did ****. He just had a flock of sheep that followed him.

I'm trying to goad Soup, get a reaction out of him. I don't see anything Soup has done this game that is obvtown, and when I call him on it, he doesn't respond. Asking him about claiming is pretty much the same deal, to get a reaction.

And am I really trying to lynch Soup that much? Because I'm not. He's just put himself in the firing line and won't get out of the way.
I want this noted. Right here he is claiming that he is not trying to lynch Soup, but you already said that you want to lynch him because he's annoying you about him trying to push his read. So don't say he's putting himself in the firing line. You're aiming for him (and Ryker).

jeez louise

can RR and KR please make themselves known so we can end the Day?

Or should we all just vote Kamen Ryker already

@Soup: vote Kamen Ryker, do itttt
You are so split minded that I don't even get it. One post you'll be going for Soup and in the other you completely jump to Kamen and vice versa.

So @Soup: I take it you've given up pushing your strongest scumread and admit that they might be town. And you've no other scumreads.

you realize this doesn't look great, right? How legit were these reads:


could you please also explain to me your reads on BardulL-Rajam and Inferno?

and vote Kamen Ryker already?
I don't get this Kamen push at all. There is literally no weight to this. You were trying to get him lynched for the sake of getting a lynch. Not even that but you show your scumSoup suspicions by saying his change in read makes him look scummy.

Hmm ok.
@Inferno: can you flesh out your Soup/Vinyl reads for me please? I don't really know what you're basing them on particularly.
I guess any read on Soup now holds no weight but I'll give you a Vinyl read in more detail. I thought Soup's case had some legitimacy. He honestly is avoiding things and he is nut riding Zen like crazy (this point will be proven within this wall). He doesn't show his own reads or doing anything for himself unless his own death is taken into account which implies he cares a lot about survival.

Inferno, is Vinyl scum for doing nothing or it is his style of play? It is his intent to be useless to coast?

Vote: Glyph
Vote: Kamen Ryker
Vote: Glyph

gog dammit soup y you gotta do this to me

I mean, soups is town then.
Nut riding of Zen confirmed.

Get The **** Out Of Here

Show me your pushes this game. Flesh out your reads. Make yourself useful before you complain about the state of this game, for the love of gorf.

Explain why Rajam deserves a vote. Tell me what you think of Kamen Ryker.

Tell me why you're not voting anyone.

Gorfdamn, you just want to die, don't you. Hot damn.
Let's bring up a post I just quoted:

Soup, please make this the last time you complain about Vinyl, or I'm plain going to lynch you for getting on my nerves.

We've seen your points, we've seen Vinyl's play, so let us come quietly to a decision, or do something constructive.


@Rajam: hi. how you doing?
He fleshed out reads towards people like Zen and Vinyl and pushed him. However you were the one who told him to quiet down and let people talk. So don't give him **** because he couldn't dig as deeply as he wanted. People like you and Zen stopped that.

Soup, if your're fine with putting a vote on Ryker, do so after this post.

Random Reads in a few, I guess
Oh hey look. Vinyl is looking at another route to get another towny lynched while hopping on Kary. This doesn't look scummy at all.

No, you don't get to do this. You've wanted Soup all day, and even if he flips town we have leads to work with. Now seems like a really bad time to be changing direction.

I am more than happy to pressure Vinyl tomorrow, but I'm not interested in doing that now; you know that case is weak. And I don't want to vote Glyph now either, because that case is mostly just 'connections to Soup/Vinyl'.

Get your vote back on Soup,
he has 24 hours to claim/flail
then we lynch the frick out of him.

I have you as town, and I'm happy to roll with you on things; but IF YOU THINK SOUP IS SCUMMY THEN LET'S LYNCH HIM. I don't trust your judgment as to who is the best play today, is all.

Vote: Soup


Not sure who qualifies as active; I'm going to say no-one.


Why does this feel like the weakest of excuses?
More requoting!!

I'm trying to goad Soup, get a reaction out of him. I don't see anything Soup has done this game that is obvtown, and when I call him on it, he doesn't respond. Asking him about claiming is pretty much the same deal, to get a reaction.

And am I really trying to lynch Soup that much? Because I'm not. He's just put himself in the firing line and won't get out of the way.
You have been pushing Soup. Even if you try to deny it here you have been and there's proof.

... but you're still not sold on Vinyl scum...

you should really vote for someone. I heard Kamen Ryker's worth a lynch.
But you just said it's too late to switch...


I'll be the one to hammer
(because i'm actually active here)

@Red Ryu: please elaborate on the Zen dislike. Is it just the switch from Soup, or is it because he's calling Vinyl/Glyph scum as well?

@Kamen; would like an actual read on Soup plz (i.e. not conditional on Zen's play)

That kind of play is like doing myslynches without caring the whole game. He doesn't even answer the questions I asked him. This zen has flaws here, but he doesn't care either, I guess? I don't even oppose to a soup lynch, I'm just putting up a little more time here instead of it ending early.


Like hell I'll die tomorrow.
Proof of my point that he's in it to save his own skin. He hasn't talked up at all until his death was put into account.

Vote: Soup

There's your support.

Lynch Glyph
Lynch Vinyl
Lynch Kamen
Lynch Ruy

That order. Everyone else is off limits. You all need to figure out who scum is actually play this game. I feel like town is just sucking real hard balls right now and I understand Soup's frustration. There is nothing at all I could get from the lack of town motivation this game. At least we offed someone who wasn't willing to try. Seriously no more of this crap play tomorrow. You are lynching Glyph and that's that. Cop investigate one of the two up top.
Yeah. Not following this. Kamen was town. Soup was town.

I concur with glyph.
Cop, investigate inferno or zen, if you please. Do not out them until you find a guilty.
Wait what? So you have been pushing Soup, sheeping Zen, and slightly going to Kamen. However you say that either Zen or myself should be copped. The only thing I have on you wanting

I'm going different ways here. A Multi task kind of way that could make scum hunting easier.

Ryker push is a ryker push. He'ill be questioned by Kary, I, and others and determine what we should do by then. Inferno, also being inactive, should be copped and see what happens by then as well.
Well sir, I'm here to tell you that I'm also a complete waste for investigating.

Inferno should be a cop choice.
Explain why investigating you is a waste of time. I thought you were a great cop choice to be quite honest.

Becuase Inactivity. Either way could work if that's that case; Cop ryker and push inferno. And pushing ryker after being copped? If he cops ryker and doesn't feel like outing results yet, then that's fine. I can push ryker.

What do you mean my reverse?
I am totally fine with the Soup lynch

I am NOT happy with how it went down

Zen, what the **** are you playing at. Right now you want to lynch half the playerlist, GG, not going to listen to you.


Right, here's the order of the day.

Doc on me tonight; we're all agreed i'm obvtown so that's sorted. I can't remember whether I'm crumbing a PR, so let's just protect me and be done with it.

I want the cop on Kamen Ryker, failing that, maybe Vinyl.

Trust Glyph, Zen and Rajam, but don't assume they're always town, or always right.

I think that's it. Now I'm crossing my fingers for a Soupscum flip. We'll see.

You're not obvtown. I actually think you might be scum. I'm not trusting Zen atm.

This guy doesn't answer the question I told him after I re-read.
This guy is calling me scum by not supporting a soup lynch.
This guy is passive.

I find this guy scummy, but this guy doesn't even. It's like he's getting too comfortable while fire is all around him.

This guy.
Who are you referring to?

Apparently, I'm not that guy who says "I swear to god i'll lynch you wether you're town or not" dude. Doing a partially scummy play without even being normally serious would usually mean an obv-scum looking town or anti-town, but you can never be too sure.
Really? Because you have been doing whatever Zen told you to do D1.

But I'm a PR O_O.

I even told Ran that I really wanted to die. Doubt town will win this game :)
You know what's a PR? Mafia godfather/roleblocker. I don't trust you atm.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
I think of inferno as scum, so he's got a **** ton to do to convince me he's not.

Why ryker got killed is something I wanna know, so I'll make some bias. Ryker has been the least active Yesterday and has not really caught up, what kary wanted didn't come out as he wanted it to be, which is to pressure him.

So I have the following people and make a reason on why they night killed ryker:

RR, Rajam: Random NK, possibly thinks he could be the potential cop.

Inferno: Random NK, possibly thinks he could be potential cop, spurs things up for townies to probably doubt him as scum.

Zen: NK Choice, probably spur things up but his play tells otherwise, disregarding him as scum, but potential.

Kary: NK choice to Spur things up.

Glyph: Either random or not, possibly to spur things up as well.

To add things to it, there's also the possibility of voting just because he has potential in finding scum, and I'm not exactly sure if it's because he can't compete with him.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Inferno, why did Ryker die last night?

Vinyl, same question. Do not answer 'I don't know', I want your best reasons you can think of

This has to be the most WIFOMy question I have ever seen. But if you really want me to think of a reason how about fear? Ryker is a very strong player who hasn't voiced much but his presence is intimidating to scum. I've seen this happen before.

Now that I answered your question answer this one. What is the point of this question? As I said this question wreaks of WIFOM.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
I think of inferno as scum, so he's got a **** ton to do to convince me he's not.

Why ryker got killed is something I wanna know, so I'll make some bias. Ryker has been the least active Yesterday and has not really caught up, what kary wanted didn't come out as he wanted it to be, which is to pressure him.

So I have the following people and make a reason on why they night killed ryker:

RR, Rajam: Random NK, possibly thinks he could be the potential cop.

Inferno: Random NK, possibly thinks he could be potential cop, spurs things up for townies to probably doubt him as scum.

Zen: NK Choice, probably spur things up but his play tells otherwise, disregarding him as scum, but potential.

Kary: NK choice to Spur things up.

Glyph: Either random or not, possibly to spur things up as well.

To add things to it, there's also the possibility of voting just because he has potential in finding scum, and I'm not exactly sure if it's because he can't compete with him.
I await your reasoning as to why I'm scum. I also like how you made a hypothetical example for everyone. Because your *** is looking pretty scummy.

Also I guess I'll put this out. Atm my scum reads go Vinyl, Kary, Zen in that order. They both were a big part to the mislynch and the first two really wanted Ryker gone. I have shown discrepancies in the first two's plays and Zen is because I think he can definitely be scum if one of these two are town.

Vote: Vinyl


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
The vote on Kamen ryker was also a pressure vote on him started by Kary.
Yeah, that was nut riding on the zen part until he voted me for wanting a cop on you, and then not voting soup.
I asked soup to vote ryker for pressure, so yeah.
That was a push on soup telling to vote ryker. I'm not liking zen, but that doesn't mean I was sheeping unless you think I was about to for next day, which is now. And yes, I do want a cop on you and zen because I believe you tow are very probable to be scum.

Your vote was a pressure vote, but since you want reason it is now your reaching acts.


DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
I think of inferno as scum, so he's got a **** ton to do to convince me he's not.

Why ryker got killed is something I wanna know, so I'll make some bias. Ryker has been the least active Yesterday and has not really caught up, what kary wanted didn't come out as he wanted it to be, which is to pressure him.

So I have the following people and make a reason on why they night killed ryker:

RR, Rajam: Random NK, possibly thinks he could be the potential cop.

Inferno: Random NK, possibly thinks he could be potential cop, spurs things up for townies to probably doubt him as scum.

Zen: NK Choice, probably spur things up but his play tells otherwise, disregarding him as scum, but potential.

Kary: NK choice to Spur things up.

Glyph: Either random or not, possibly to spur things up as well.

To add things to it, there's also the possibility of voting just because he has potential in finding scum, and I'm not exactly sure if it's because he can't compete with him.
I.... what?

I don't even really get what you're trying to say there, so let me narrow my scope a little. Who do you think had plausible motive to kill Ryker when his slot was so inactive, and more importantly why would they do such a thing?

This has to be the most WIFOMy question I have ever seen. But if you really want me to think of a reason how about fear? Ryker is a very strong player who hasn't voiced much but his presence is intimidating to scum. I've seen this happen before.

Now that I answered your question answer this one. What is the point of this question? As I said this question wreaks of WIFOM.
I fail to see how that question is WIFOMy at all since there is no conclusion being reached from it yet. The question itself is fine, its the direction you take with it that is the interesting thing.

That being said, your answer is much more along the lines of what I was expecting to see from a townie as its pretty much the only believable reason I can come up with as well.

Waiting on a Vinyl response to go further on this.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Also I guess I'll put this out. Atm my scum reads go Vinyl, Kary, Zen in that order. They both were a big part to the mislynch and the first two really wanted Ryker gone. I have shown discrepancies in the first two's plays and Zen is because I think he can definitely be scum if one of these two are town.

I don't totally follow how I'm scum for pushing Ryker, when Ryker didn't do anything- thought it was pretty clear I just wanted to get Ryker in the game.

Also don't agree with me being 'a big part of the Soup lynch' moreso than say Glyph, who simply came in full force against Soup and considered no other options at all.

I'll admit you can find discrepancies in my play if you look for them, but when I'm saying something like 'stop complaining about Vinyl' i'm not saying 'stop being pro-town and pushing your scumreads'; I mean that literally- I don't want Soup to do nothing but complain.

Why did I tell Zen not to try and swing to Soup? #1 Didn't want to no lynch. #2 Soup lynch arguably gave much more information #3 Didn't think Soup was more likely to be scum than Vinyl.

If I'm going to round out my defence/explanation of my actions, I'll say a couple things. Did I want a Soup lynch? Yes, but IMO it was the best out of a crap set of outcomes Day 1 led us into. Was I pushing for it more than I was pushing other things? Not so much; but then Soup's play wasn't exactly stellar, and it's hard to push things when no-one is active.

and this:
You are so split minded that I don't even get it.
maybe this post helps you follow my play a bit better, because I don't think you really understand my slot, and I don't want you wasting your time pushing me- I'm town, after all.

Then again, if you're really sure I'm scum, go ahead. Let's dance.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
So Vinyl back in middle school/high school I used to hate dissection. For you I'm gonna make an exception.

The vote on Kamen ryker was also a pressure vote on him started by Kary.
You sheeped Kary on this vote and would randomly come back to wanting him dead.

Yeah, that was nut riding on the zen part until he voted me for wanting a cop on you, and then not voting soup.
You sure about that last part?

Vote: Vinyl
This is post #491

Cop, investigate inferno or zen, if you please. Do not out them until you find a guilty.
This is post #514 when you first legitimately talk about who should be copped. I don't buy it. Also this further proves my point that the reason you acted out on your own was because your life in this game was threatened.

I asked soup to vote ryker for pressure, so yeah.
And yet you had no case on him.

That was a push on soup telling to vote ryker. I'm not liking zen, but that doesn't mean I was sheeping unless you think I was about to for next day, which is now. And yes, I do want a cop on you and zen because I believe you tow are very probable to be scum.
Words are cheap. Give some valid reasons as to why.

Your vote was a pressure vote, but since you want reason it is now your reaching acts.


Keep deflecting these points to the side, give really weak reasons, and then not back anything up. You look real towny that way. /sarcasm

I know you were. I'm warlock. :p
Fun gem I dug up. I actually thought that Zen might be a possible warlock lol


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
@Glyph - Honestly, There's kary on how he would NK if scum. Along that, I would say that either inactives such as RR and Rajam could be potential. Again, the reasons why are the best I can think of. Ryker's a good player, but his inactivity is saying "Brb" on each post he made.

@Inferno - You didn't read. Show me where I sheeped Kary, if you please.

Another, here's my post, #206.

Since I can't vote inferno, I'd say cop inferno.
Here's his post after all that cop choice on you instead of soup, #245.
Vote: Vinyl
Another thing, is that my vote on ryker is a pressure from his inactivity and see where he goes by then. The same was applied to you and now I'm seeing where you're going, which is you being suspicious on purpose. I don't think this is how you played and I'm certainly guaranteed you're scum by now if you're actually twisting things around.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
EBWOP: Ryker's a good player, and he has good potential in finding scum, but seeing how inactive he is, which his posts have been saying "brb" on day 1, I don't think he's either into it or busy, so scum can't really NK because he's a major threat unless they still think he can be tomorrow, but that's a doubt for me.

So why scum chooses to Kill ryker could only have no reason, or trying to spur things up. I think one of the following is not on zen's suspicion, but outside of it.

Inferno, RR, and Rajam are not much into the soup wagon, if I'm correct.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
@Inferno - You didn't read. Show me where I sheeped Kary, if you please.
No problem broski.

Oh and @Vinyl; as you said, we have like a week until the deadline, we can swing back around to Soup later on. I need you to vote Kamen Ryker with me so I know I can trust you. Don't let me down, there's no reason not to push this right now.
Vote: Kamen Ryker

@Mod: Requesting a prod on Kamen Ryker.

Another, here's my post, #206.

Here's his post after all that cop choice on you instead of soup, #245.
You were riding his nuts well after that post. Don't try and use this as an excuse because your attitude towards Zen changed after he voted for you in his #491 which as I said YOU WENT AGAINST HIM TO SAVE YOURSELF!

Another thing, is that my vote on ryker is a pressure from his inactivity and see where he goes by then. The same was applied to you and now I'm seeing where you're going, which is you being suspicious on purpose. I don't think this is how you played and I'm certainly guaranteed you're scum by now if you're actually twisting things around.
How am I being suspicious on purpose? You have been making stuff up and I have constantly called you out for inconsistency.

Glyph. RR. Anybody. Can someone tell me why this guy isn't dead?


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
That's sheeping Kary? I had an agreement for the ryker push there and I made an Unvote for soup for now, but didn't have much meaning for it now, does it?

That wasn't even nutriding. Zen threatened me for not putting my vote on soup yet, even after asking him questions before doing so, which I had no problem on sincd he did look scummy. That was just bad. Triple bad. I was still willing to go for soup as there was no other option, since we were close to deadline and the more probable lynch would've been either me or glyph, but mostly me because of how zen's play was.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Dude, if you're trying to prove me as scum, try harder. None of what you're saying right now has an big influence in it, and it is weak accusements.

Summarize for me; Tell me how I'm scum in two sentences.
Tell me how kary is scummy too from your own opinion.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Actually, the only strong point there is that I did try to save myself from getting lynched on d1. I didn't really want waste my time starting and then getting lynched on D1, lol. That would make me feel upset because I can't learn crap if that always happens.

I was fine and then not fine with a soup lynch for a bit. I've played him too many games with him to not believe he'll flip town, but he's the guy who always gets the mislynch on me since he gets on me more than anyone in the past games. Or so I think.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Vote: Zen

Vinyl is weak minded, I disagree with Inferno on both his pushes and don't like how he is pushing, Kary is a reach on a number of points, Vinyl doesn't look into his play with any understanding of Vinyl not being a strong proactive player.

Zen abused this yesterday, he made a threat onto Vinyl for not joining the wagon knowing he would follow if threatened with force. Vinyl is not strong willed and will not go off on his own without someone pushing it hard. Zen focused on this and strong armed him far harder.

Zen has constantly pushed for thread power, but at times I reread and try to think of why he makes certain pushes. Soup was legitimate, he pushed for a weaker player to be lynched off being bad and not being scummy. Zen I don't know why he is pushing Vinyl nor Glyph and is being constantly vauge with why he is making these assertions.

Also I do not believe he is a PR, this is a tactic to get credit to his thread power so people listen to him.

While I am ok with the Soup lynch, I am not ok with how he approached people around it.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
If I wanted thread power, I'd have it O_O

I'm a PR O_O
Shut up and be productive.

@vinyl - You are playing for your own survival and not to find scum. You constantly deflect anything said against you and say nothing to defend yourself which is scummy.

I'll get back to you on Kary. Im real busy atm. For now im gonna say his push on Ryker was grimy and his reaction to Rykers death is weird.



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Votecount 2.1

Red Ryu
Ramen King:Red Ryu
Dtj Glyphmoney:Ramen King

Not Voting:
Rajam, Kary, Dtj Glyphmoney


*= Currently being replaced
**= V/LA

With 7 players alive, it takes 4 votes to lynch
The deadline for Day 2 is October 18th, at 11:59 PM


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Inferno, elaborate further. You say I'm playing for my own survival, but I'm saying nothing to defend myself from people saying things against me? Provide some more detail on that when you come back. I'm interested.

Zen, what do you think of inferno's read and do you feel the same way?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
You think outing what it is good at this point Glyph?

I don't see merit until a lynch is set. Aka I ignore all of Zen's claims as a PR due to past games.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
A PR is a PR is a PR. You can't make claims like that and then not be able to back it up, not when you've got a reputation like Zen.

So imo if he can confirm his PR, awesome, we leave him alone and scum has to burn a NK on him. If he can't, we put a big ol' noose around his neck and wash our hands of the whole thing because he's probably scum.

God I love when things are just neat and tidy.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
A PR is a PR is a PR. You can't make claims like that and then not be able to back it up, not when you've got a reputation like Zen.

So imo if he can confirm his PR, awesome, we leave him alone and scum has to burn a NK on him. If he can't, we put a big ol' noose around his neck and wash our hands of the whole thing because he's probably scum.

God I love when things are just neat and tidy.
I think he is a VT right now pushing the PR claim for added credit.

You think off he has something legitimate? I don't think he would lopenly claim to have a PR as a PR.

Glyph's last post changed my mind. Only possibility of him being scum is godfather. He's alright for now.
...uhh, I'm confused, where do you get a PR tell like only godfather or something from.

Also why the flip to Vinyl again, why where you on Glyph before?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Correction, VT or scum doing this, I read scum intent from how he handled other players on D1 like Vinyl with pushing him around.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Glyph and Vinyl were both scummy. You can pick that up simply from my posts from yesterday. Now I don't think Glyph is scummy, so I'm voting Vinyl.

Don't think that should be too difficult to get.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
As for the Glyph tell, he would be afraid of my PR as scum non-GF especially since I gunned for him at the start. Suppose I was cop who investigated him and got guilty. There would be no reason that he would be pressing so hard for me to claim in that case and be so comfortable with what I had to claim. Does that translate to you?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The why is the thing I want to know.

I don't think Vinyl is as much of a crap shoot at this point, even more so with seeing the end of Bust a Move mafia.

He isn't strong willed and I don't think D1 will ever be his best day, even then I think while minimal he is doing more than Utricked 3 mafia, where he had literally no content, which more recent games I feel like he has stepped up a little bit more.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
As for the Glyph tell, he would be afraid of my PR as scum non-GF especially since I gunned for him at the start. Suppose I was cop who investigated him and got guilty. There would be no reason that he would be pressing so hard for me to claim in that case and be so comfortable with what I had to claim. Does that translate to you?
You think fear of your "PR" is what would make him town?

That's so limited...what makes any other situation that could have occurred not possible with his train of thought if he was scum?

Like him think, Zen is lying, or him think, Zen won't target me.

...what makes these not more likely?

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
2. Inferno3044
3. Red Ruy
4. Vinyl.
5. Ramen King
6. Rajam
7. Kary
9. Dtj Glyphmoney

wait wtf this is the player list o-o. Hm well then I say we lynch one of the non-PR's today and then really play this game tomorrow.

Vinyl is a good one to pick off for today. Would be alright with Ruy too. Glyph even.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Yeah that's enough of that. Lets see some more Zen votes.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Ruy come on man how could scum ever make this post:

A PR is a PR is a PR. You can't make claims like that and then not be able to back it up, not when you've got a reputation like Zen.

So imo if he can confirm his PR, awesome, we leave him alone and scum has to burn a NK on him. If he can't, we put a big ol' noose around his neck and wash our hands of the whole thing because he's probably scum.

God I love when things are just neat and tidy.
It's not a matter of whether he thinks I'm lying or not. There would always be the chance that I was telling the truth from his perspective. This is just not the post of scum with regards to my actions.

I expressed will to lynch Glyph all day yesterday and ended off with so. I began this day with an immediate vote on Glyph. It would not be in scum Glyph's mindset to try and force me to claim, especially in such an easy going way. You gotta read into it more and not just the surface.
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