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SWF member voted tier list


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
-however many points possible on zelda and samus...those characters are horrible.
It would look something like this, assuming you are referring to Power Suit Samus:

Powersuit Samus -1
Zelda -1

Cool beans.

As for my votes:

Snake +1
Wa-Wa-Wario! +1
Martha +1

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
IKe bowser and lucas-1

honestly, i just looked at the list. and even including the gaps in numbers this list is about perfect all teh way down to 16


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2009
If people weren`t dumb Captain Falcon would be number one!
(That means Captain Falcon+1, and also that he is the coolest)

And Link+1
And Ganondorf +1


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
olimar wario falco +1


remember guys come next update (4.0) im gonna put it on hold and devise a way to vote on separating tiers for the first actual list, as oppose to ranking each character. so please, try to make this updates votes count towards what you would want to see the first list look like instead of pushing chars to 37-1 :p


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Kirby -1
Toon Link +1
Zero Suit Samus +1

Unofficial SWF Member Voted Tier List - V3.9














Sorry gaiz, but Kirby should not be above Toon Link, Zero Suit Samus, Donkey Kong, Lucario, Ice Climbers, Pikachu, and possibly ROB and Olimar.

Just for the heck of it, I'll briefly go over his relative matchups with the characters I quoted to show you why he's too high:

(characters higher than Kirby)
MK: debatably 55-45 or higher MK's favor
Snake: debatable, imo 60-40 Snake at least
Dedede: roughly even, imo 55-45 D3
Wario: roughly even, any advantage would most likely go to Wario though
Diddy Kong: has been debated, I think it's in Diddy's favor, but he's my worst personal matchup :/
Falco: Kirby's favor for sure ^_^ get ***** Falco
Marth: I've seen differing opinions, but most likely in Marth's favor at least a little
G&W: G&W's favor lolpriority (I don't think he's to hard to beat though)

(characters lower than Kirby)
Olimar: Unsure, most likely Kirby's favor
Pikachu: roughly even, probably 55:45 Kirby
ROB: unsure, generally thought to be ROB's favor but I don't think it's too bad
Ice Climbers: one of Kirby's worst matchups, why are they so low? O_o
Lucario: another of Kirby's worst matchups, lolsupersaiyan
Donkey Kong: roughly even, possibly 55:45 DK
ZSS: generally thought to be in ZSS' favor, not too much experience with this one
Toon Link: I've seen varying numbers on this one, but I play Toon Link a lot, and I've played against Toon Links, and I think it's even or slightly TL's favor
Wolf: roughly even
Luigi: roughly even

aaaand that's why I think Kirby should be lower. Thank you for your time, nobody will probably read this ^.^


Smash Marketer
Jan 6, 2009
Wow, what, Asdioh? Lucario vs Kirby is 50:50 even, and Dedede is in Kirby's favor, last I heard.

Remember, matchups mean nothing in a tier list. Well, less than other things. Case in point: Snake.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I don't want to get into a big debate over it, but last I saw Lucario was rated 60:40 his favor, and from personal experience I know it has to be at least slightly in his favor. By that I mean you have to work harder to win than your opponent -.-

As far as Dedede, like I said it's roughly even. I actually don't see how it can be in Kirby's favor, even though others do. Kirby can "combo" him, but other than that, Dedede can do pretty much everything Kirby can, but with more range, power, and weight.

And my point with the matchups was that if most of the characters above him have advantageous matchups over him, and some of the characters below him do as well, then that's saying something.

Currently he's placed 9th, and I think he should be more like 13-15. ICs, Pikachu, and Lucario should be above him for sure, and most likely ROB as well, and possibly DK/ZSS/TL. Other than that, the list is looking pretty good.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
yeah kirby got pretty high quickly lol. a few days worth of no one voting him down and he secretly climbs to top of high tier :p


Smash Marketer
Jan 6, 2009
I don't want to get into a big debate over it, but last I saw Lucario was rated 60:40 his favor, and from personal experience I know it has to be at least slightly in his favor. By that I mean you have to work harder to win than your opponent -.-

As far as Dedede, like I said it's roughly even. I actually don't see how it can be in Kirby's favor, even though others do. Kirby can "combo" him, but other than that, Dedede can do pretty much everything Kirby can, but with more range, power, and weight.

And my point with the matchups was that if most of the characters above him have advantageous matchups over him, and some of the characters below him do as well, then that's saying something.

Currently he's placed 9th, and I think he should be more like 13-15. ICs, Pikachu, and Lucario should be above him for sure, and most likely ROB as well, and possibly DK/ZSS/TL. Other than that, the list is looking pretty good.
Ah. But Lucario's game isn't going much of anywhere, lol. We expect that he'll drop next tier list... everyone's surpassing him. In fact, we've described him as "Lower Tier of the High Tiers". Many people don't even consider Lucario high tier anymore. Anyways, matchups still aren't the basis of tier lists.


Kirby +1
Lucario -1
Toon Link +1


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
RK im going to have to question your motives on that one. its one thing to vote your main up, but do you REALLY think that kirby should be placed immediately below marth and G&W and above olimar?

remember this list isnt simply voting characters you think are good, upwards. its a case of placing each character RELATIVE to other characters in the list. by voting kirby up with the reasons you listed, when hes already that high, doesnt indicate to me that there was much thought at all put into your vote, just blind character bias.

not that it matters, if you truly think kirby should go up, thats fine ill count the vote. but its not just voting kirby up as a character, its saying that he is in a similar leage as marth/G&W/diddy etc.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
RK im going to have to question your motives on that one. its one thing to vote your main up, but do you REALLY think that kirby should be placed immediately below marth and G&W and above olimar?

remember this list isnt simply voting characters you think are good, upwards. its a case of placing each character RELATIVE to other characters in the list. by voting kirby up with the reasons you listed, when hes already that high, doesnt indicate to me that there was much thought at all put into your vote, just blind character bias.

not that it matters, if you truly think kirby should go up, thats fine ill count the vote. but its not just voting kirby up as a character, its saying that he is in a similar leage as marth/G&W/diddy etc.
This. And it's not about characters you like either :3

I like Kirby, but I know he's not quite as good as some of the characters higher up on the tier list, though he can still win tourneys by himself if you're good enough.

Also, why are people voting Snake down >_> are you saying he's not the second best character in the game? I question that.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Its ok to vote snake down... Hes still a long way above anyone ranked 3rd lol. personally i think he doesnt deserve to share a rank with MK anyway. he cant still be a long way ahead 3rd and lower while being lower than mk :)


Smash Marketer
Jan 6, 2009
RK im going to have to question your motives on that one. its one thing to vote your main up, but do you REALLY think that kirby should be placed immediately below marth and G&W and above olimar?

remember this list isnt simply voting characters you think are good, upwards. its a case of placing each character RELATIVE to other characters in the list. by voting kirby up with the reasons you listed, when hes already that high, doesnt indicate to me that there was much thought at all put into your vote, just blind character bias.

not that it matters, if you truly think kirby should go up, thats fine ill count the vote. but its not just voting kirby up as a character, its saying that he is in a similar leage as marth/G&W/diddy etc.
I personally think so. Actually, I think Kirby should be directly below Olimar, probably 11 or 12. I don't know exactly where he as as of current, however I question Asdioh's motives for dropping him one, being matchups. That's why I put him up one. Oh, and Oli probably should be above Kirby.
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