All right, it's finally time for my traditional wall of text. First order of business, though:
-The matches I recorded are finally all up (rather, will finish being put up in an hour or less). Lots of problem child recording issues, lol, but I figured I'd get them up anyways. I have a new plan for recording in the future that I plan to have worked out for future tourneys, though, so please subscribe, and I look forward to putting out quality matches in the future!
-Really quite pleased with Kzoo this tourney. We're gettin' stronger, for sure. Hopefully, we'll be able to start putting a dent in this East MI wall of sorts real soon

Let's keep practicing up!
Aaaaand without further ado, here come the shout outs (characters listed are the ones I saw):
1: PGH Mew2King

- Man, I know first-hand why they call you the Robot now, haha. There's just so many things you're so god damn consistent with. GG's scraping me and Elliot in teams, haha. I did ok in the Mute City game we played, lol, but then you had ledges in the games on the actual neutrals, and just damn. I have to get wayyyyy better at this game, lol. You are just too good. Glad you came. I'd love to see you come back for another MI tourney again sometime!
2: Moose

- GG's in pools, I had fun! Sorry I kept killing myself, haha. You killed yourself a time or two, though, so I guess it all evens out...? Lol. We should play some friendlies next time.
3: Shaeden

- Never quite got to catch you for some friendlies. Hoping to catch some with you next time.
4: Duck

- Also never got around to getting some matches in with you. I'll be bringin' the heat at SWEET XI, though.
5: HIV+


)- Thanks a ton for the Marth practice and advice. I learned a ton with what I gathered against your Marth. I feel ready to do some serious improvement in that matchup! We'll have to get in Flaco dittos next time, though. You may be surprised by how much better I fare.

5: Kalamazhu

- Man, we never get in a solid group of friendlies; I always catch you at inopportune times, lol. Hoping to get in some solid games against your Peach next time.
7: Juggleguy

- GG's in pools, haha. Sorry that the footage from our set is so ****ty, but I'll definitely look into VirtualDub for next time.
7: Shady

- GG's in bracket, dude. I was really on that set, too, even if I kinda laser camped for a little bit at some points, lol. Sorry that our footage turned out so poorly

I have no idea how that happened. We should get in more games at future tourneys, though.
9. PGH Carroll

- GJ stealing everyone's money in teams with M2K, lol

9: voorhese

- GG's in bracket. Man, I'm really sorry, but our footage failed to record

Needless to say, though, you bodied me, haha. I have so many johns/so much salt about it, but it's my fault for not adequately preparing. I'll be ready for you next time.
13: Tremor

- I'm sorry we didn't get our money match in, dude. I'll be sure to catch you at SWEET XI. Until then, get dat Flaco'll need it

13: A Tree

- I'm really glad we got our games in, dude. It was good to play against you again; it's been over a year since BH1, haha. I learned/put together a lot about the Samus MU in our friendlies. We'll definitely catch some more next time. You better show up to SWEET XI!
17: Gracen

- It's always good to play/talk Smash with you, dude. Although we didn't really do any playing this time, lol. Show up to SWEET XI! We need to play some more games.
17: Montross

- Damn, dat old school. I'll try not to choke so hard next time, lol. No johns, though. Good **** in pools, hope to get some games again soon.
17: kjh

- We need to get more games in, man. Let's play some solid friendlies at SWEET XI.
17: Rh1thmz

- I actually feel pretty good about this tourney. Some ups, some downs, a good number of really well-played sets, some chokes, some salt, some accomplishments. Gettin' stronger. Now I just have to make my recording setup stop sucking

25: Shock Sauce

- Nice set with M2K, haha

Probably wasn't wise to tell him to take you to ANY stage

Good ****, though, making it into bracket. Watch out at Rootfest 4

25: Captain Cleveland

- Good **** getting bodied with me in team friendlies against M2K lol. Hope to catch some matches with you soon.
25: Blake

:jerrymelee: :larrymelee: :gol'ummelee: - Blake aka jerry aka the hope of the Kzoo scene aka the slayer of slayers. I hope I made you proud this tourney, haha. We'll have to get lots more smashfests going for next month's installment. Oh, and learn the Samus MU

25: Warlock Don :ganonmelee: - GG's in bracket, man. It was great to finally meet the legend himself after all this time and hype, haha. Hope to see you at more tourneys in the future.
33: 401k

- Baby Blue! You'll always be Baby Blue in my mind, haha. You can thank Elliot for that

Good showing, man. Keep up the improvement, and keep working at that Falco MU! It's definitely a tough one, but you gotta stay on Falco's nuts, or he'll get all over yours. Falcon's OoS options aren't very strong, so don't let yourself get in that position. See you at Rootfest 4!
33: artificial flavor

- Moar utilt

Your gimps are getting better, but your neutral game is still kinda subpar. Watch dat Vudujin and see how he charts out his plan against various options in various MU's. You gotta kick it into high gear, but you can do it. Gentlemen's Club


gotta get strong!
33: Roki

- GG's in teams. Dat Fox/Falcon ditto.
33: General Heinz

- The Heinz. Resident


of the Gentlemen's Club. You have all the tools to ****; utilize them. Your days are numbered if I run into you in bracket at Rootfest 4, though

Practice hard in EL!
33: Tile

- Damn, dat pools set. I was definitely feeling the adrenaline for like 5-10 minutes after that set, lol. Good **** in the Amateur Bracket.
33: DBPM

- GG's in teams! GG's to Soul, too; I think his tag was condemned soul...? I wasn't sure, so I'll just shout out to both of you guys here.
41: Apasher

- GG's in teams. Thanks for the tidbits about recording! I'll have a better recording setup for next time.
41: i see a dark ness

- I always say it's always nice to see new faces, and it definitely is. Even if you just work on your float game and Float-Cancelled aerials, you'll find yourself doing significantly better. Find local players in your area and practice up; we'd love to see your crew again!
41: FishNax - Damn, I knew I forgot to do something, but I didn't realize it until I left the venue. I totally forgot to finally introduce myself to you!

Hope to see you at Rootfest 4! Would be great to finally put a face to the name.
41: Minor Threat :ganonmelee: - I think this is the character you were using...? I apologize if I got it wrong. Anyways, it was fun doing some kind of interesting hodgepodge of commentary with you on the late Amateur Bracket matches, lol.
41: binanosplat

- Is this your first tourney? Just not sure since I haven't seen you around before. If it is, then good **** making it out! If not, then sorry about the mistake, haha. Always nice to see new faces. GG's in pools regardless.
49: train

- GG's in pools. I finally played my first matches against this member of the Guild. Curious as to why you went Doc instead of Ness, though. Good games!
49: Funky Dealer

- Yeah, Melee is a different animal than your standard FGC tournament, haha. It's deep in of itself, though, just in a different way. Hope you had fun! Would be great to see you come again!
Also, shoutouts to the pool that I captained for being super easygoing and cooperative.
I had a great time at this tourney and learned a **** ton. Super excited to train up and take it up to the next level at SWEET XI!
Come on out to
Rootfest 4 coming up in a few weeks! Would be great to see East MI support! Hoping to get a Kzoo tourney series going, too, in the near future. Good ****, everyone!