I was able to watch the first few games of your GF set, that game 3 finish was hilarious. It seemed like you needed to adjust to the MU a bit in the first two games, but you looked like you had a pretty good handle on things after that. I find this to be a weird MU myself, was there anything in particular that you found to be strong vs Yoshi?
This day was my first time fighting Yoshi- for some reason the bracket has always conspired to keep myself and The Foot from playing. We played in Winners and I lost (doing progressively better each game), and then you see in these sets that I barely win the first set of GF and then win decisively in the last set. I almost four stocked him the second to last game, on GHZ. I was basically inventing counterplay during the games.
It's a weird MU, but I figured out a lot. We played a grant total of 14 games in tournament (I lost 2-3, then won 3-2, then won 3-1).
First, you want to ban WarioWare (as always) and either Final Destination or Lylat. FD is really bad for Diddy in this MU, because Yoshi can basically
zero death you off a hit. It's ugly, but uairs are basically guaranteed off of Yoshi's utilt and dthrow, and he can do several chain hits off of those moves. With platforms, you can DI on to the platforms and tech (and he can chase the tech), but on FD you're pretty much screwed and have to hope he messes up.
Diddy's fall speed is basically the perfect combo weight for Yoshi, unfortunately. Yoshi punishes
way harder in this matchup. If he gets a grab he can often get a 0-80% combo with a read option to continue possibly to death.
Yoshi's grounded egg roll is particularly horrifying in this matchup, because he can cancel it on hit to your shield and have frame advantage. You reflexively will want to grab the first time you see Yoshi's egg hit your shield- don't. Since Yoshi has frame advantage, he can utilt or jab you before your grab hits. But if you hold your shield, he can grab you. This basically leads to a guessing game...if Yoshi is going to grab, spotdodge, if he's going to utilt, hold your shield. But it's a guessing game that's massively in his favor, because both his utilt and his grab combo in to
Also, he can edgeguard Diddy quite nastily. Dtilt can generally kill you out of your barrels, and he can throw an egg toss in your recovery arc to force you to charge your barrels longer (meaning, now you can't sweetspot). If you recover high, nair covers all your options, and sometimes fsmash works too.
Yoshi's second jump is armored and will basically beat anything Diddy can do to it with attacks. You know how much we love to surprise fair people, but Yoshi can just eat the fair hit and nair you back. Diddy doesn't have any multi-hit aerials so he can't do much about the second jump armor. This also gets Yoshi out of combos- he can just nair out of everything (think Luigi) or second jump DJC nair for armor.
So, he punishes
way harder, he edgeguards Diddy well, and Diddy doesn't combo him well.
All of this sounds like a horrible matchup for Diddy, but there's one big saving grace- I developed some amazing edgeguards on Yoshi during this set.
Footstools go through his double jump armor and Yoshi has no rising up-B, so footstools are an effective kill. See:
After you've killed him with a footstool once, Yoshi will be way more cautious about blindly jumping back on stage. He'll probably jump back with an aerial next time (he can do that now, Yoshi can choose whether or not to DJC when he attacks), but his aerials all commit him, so if you see it coming you can pull back and fair or dair him for it.
So then, he'll start pulling back when you jump out after him when he uses his second jump.
The instant he pulls back, start charging your up-B. He now has no second jump, and his armor will run out before he crosses your path. His only options back on stage are egg roll, and airdodge.
Egg roll does not have an aerial hitbox, so if he tries to egg roll (side B) back toward the stage, release the barrels and watch him die. If he airdodges, charge for a moment longer and then release. If you can actually time it so that his airdodge ends inside your barrels so that the BACK of you hits him, it'll send him back offstage (to death).
That looks like this:
Also, I find that Dthrows tend to work fairly well on Yoshi, on a side note. Uthrow at very low percents and dthrow after it. You'll get a free hit or a techchase generally, or put him offstage, depending on his DI. Mix up dthrow and bthrow to mess up his DI (if he DI's dthrow up, you get a fair, if he DI's bthrow away, he can die).
Bananas are really, really effective on Yoshi, and peanuts will block his egg roll approach. If you see an egg roll coming at you,
don't shield the egg, just hit it with an attack (even jab or peanut will clank with it) and use your fastest move after the clank (he will probably jab) or retreat. If he's too close, you can safely jump and chase the egg roll with an aerial.
Be cautious chasing Yoshi, because his pivot grab is a REALLY effective way of punishing chasers. I generally will just pull a banana if Yoshi tries to pull away.
Diddy's defensive game is more solid. Diddy takes the neutral game when he has a banana in hand, because you can instantly punish Yoshi if he starts to throw an egg (egg throw is pretty slow startup) and it clanks with all his approaches. So this game is very banana heavy, and Yoshi doesn't do a great job of getting to and taking control of your bananas due to the way his second jump works.
So yeah, I'm not sure who this MU favors. It's either even or Yoshi's favor. It's pretty dangerous for Diddy, you have to be very safe.