Okay, I'll give ya an update then!
The latest news is that characters voices pitch up and down when their sizes change. I know it's something I should have done already, but you can now rejoice knowing that it's done. And Goku's Kamehameha is hilarious in Tiny mode.
More news: The Great Sea stage is finished! I think it's one of our best-looking stages so far. I really think this stage sets the standard for future ones. We might even polish up some of the older ones.
And more news: Now you may select Zero Suit Samus from the character select screen much like Ryu/Evil Ryu and their FS's. Coolness.
Also, I have been working on a Mario platforming game in 2D with some mechanics from the newer games. These mechanics include Wall Jumping, Spin Attacking (like in Galaxy), and Ground Pounding. I currently have most of the very basic things done, even a system for saving and loading progress, different Stars for levels, and an enemy engine with several enemies completed, including Homing Bullet Bills. It's coming along nicely, but I don't want it to slow down SSBC, so I'll probably get more serious about it when I feel the main features of SSBC are finished.
As for fan characters, I would love that, but I honestly was thinking of releasing the engine after it is mostly finished. I think the engine wasn't designed with outside customization in mind...
I know this post is long, but I have an idea ...! What if there were settings to change gravity and hit stun in-game? I was playing Melee today, and I realized that the speed of the game made it fun, and wondered if there would be a way to play SSBC with that speed without destroying the game.