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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Project (Finally Finished!???)

Which title should we use?

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Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2021
The Flat Eric cult
Got the stage idea while revisiting the game it's from. And that is...
Job 66: Miitopia

Perfect timing! The Switch Port is on the way, and what better way to celebrate with a Miitopia stage! (This will be ling after the port comes out, but still wanted to mention it.) This would be a transforming stage. The different areas you travel to have a similar layout, a lot like the one of the Bridge of Eldin. The main gimmick of the stage is that the cameos in the backround are filled up by your own miis, like Find Mii. However, you can choose which Miis make cameo appearances. Wouldn't IT be awesome to see Hamburger flirt with Zero Two?
I guess we should cover the areas first:
The area you start in Miitopia is the same area you start Smash. Although there are several sub areas in Greenhorne, I think the area should take place in Easin Hills. Very simple layout, as stated earlier. Certain Greenhorne characters could make an appearance. These include:
  • Princess and Besmirched Noble's Son.
    • They would skip along Easin Hills, arm in arm. Occasionally, they would lay down with the Besmirched Noble's Son (Who I'll be referring as BNS for now on) having a dreamy look on his face. Then they would continue walking along, this time with the Princess jumping into BNS's arms, similar to the cutscene at the end of the Greenhorne chapter (after saving the Princess's face).
  • Sassy Child and Worried Mother
    • A Mii child would run around Easin Hills, with the Mother running for the child, agitated.
  • King and Castle Guard
    • The King would be sitting on a giant pillow, with the 4 Castle Soldiers carrying the King, struggling to carry him. The King would be chomping on his Royal Roast the entire time.
  • Several Monsters
    • Several Monsters would be walking by and occasionally jump at a fighter to attack. These enemies would include Rock Moths, Goblins, Apple Jellies, Banshees, Cumumlus, Smileshrooms, Moles, Nose Rocks, and Green Snurps.
Now for the next area...
The second area is none other than Neksdor! Like Greenhorne, it would start off in the first area you are in each chapter, with this one being Neksdor Desert. The layout is the exact same as Easin Hills. For the cameos:
  • Prince from a nearby land (Referring to as PFNL)
    • The PFNL would walk by, carrying a lamp, and sobbing. Occasionally, a speech bubble will appear on the Prince, where he curses the BNS.
  • Genie of the Lamp
    • The Genie would fly around. He would then start floating. The player that touches him gets assisted by him, similar to Midgar summons. The Genie of the lamp would assist by blowing an opposing player with wind, attempting to blow them off the stage. He chuckles before disappearing.
  • Desert Celebrity
    • The desert celebrity would walk by and stand there. Similar with the Genie, the player who touches the Desert Celebrity is assisted. This time, the Desert Celebrity would turn the player into gold for a short bit before leaving.
  • Monsters
    • The following monsters would appear: Cacti Stack, Scaredy-Scorpion, Griffin, Lady and Man Murals, Cactus Ball, Venus Mii Trap, Hermit Crab and Lizard Fossils, Hieroglyphs, Blue Cobras, and Mummies. Similar to Greenhorne, they are hostile and attack.
And for the final area...
Realm of the Fey
And the last but not least area is the Realm of the Fey! As always, it would be the default area of the chapter. For the cameos:
  • Fab Fairies
    • The Fab Fairies would jump into the stage and dance. They then go out.
  • Quizmaster
    • The Quizmaster would run in. He then makes several poses, where each pose gives an effect. These range from sleep, to flower effect, to healing. When he leaves, he runs in place for a bit and then runs away.
  • Worried Explorer
    • The explorer would walk around, looking for treasure, and then sighs realizing that he can't find treasure.
  • Roaming Gourmet
    • The gourmet would sit at a table. He then eats some food on his table. He then jumps into the air and off screen after realizing how good his food was. The table then disappears, and the food falls to the ground. The food can be eaten, and it heals more HP than usual. This cameo only appears if food items are turned on.
  • Monsters
    • I think you all know the drill by now. The monsters that appear or Poms, Owlets, Spring Breeze, Snails, Twerkeys, Mouthy Tomatoes, Demon Spiders, and Kind Golems.
The remaining cameos are characters that can appear in any area.
  • Dark Lord
    • The Dark Lord is the way that each stage transfers. That's pretty much it.
  • Great Sage
    • The great sage would walk by and shoot a big energy ball. The Great sage would then give out a Maxim Tomato before leaving.
  • The most rare cameo, the Party Members
    • A warrior, a mage, a cleric, and a chef would walk by the background, and will only appear if there are monsters on the stage. Once they notice there are monsters, they would run to the stage and take out the monsters. But be careful, as the party's attacks would deal damage to the fighters as well.
Resubmitting this stage


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
JOB 109:

Greenhorne is the first area of Miitopia that is meant to introduce you to the game's story, mechanics, and overall structure. It's also the only level Nintendo seems to use in the game's marketing, and is even part of the game's title screen and cover art-suffice to say, it's the most recognizable world in Miitopia.

Greenhorne is a sidescrolling stage, but not in the traditional sense. The screen moves right at about the same pace as the Miis would in Miitopia. But, the screen stops scrolling whenever an enemy jumps onscreen from the right, and them doing so summons the "enemy encountered" sound effect from Miitopia. These enemy types will act similarly to a Subspace/Smash Dungeon enemy, and there are oftentimes multiple of them. There are different types and each kind does different actions, as well as dropping food that the fighters can eat (functions just like any other food in Smash). There's a good chance that these enemies will have the same faces as your console's Miis-said faces will fly away when an enemy is defeated.


Mini Slime
-he kinda just stands there. If you get too close he'll bop his head forward and do 5% with minimal knockback, but that's about it. He drops Slime Jelly, which heals 2%. Mini Slimes themselves have 4 HP, so most moves should take care of it.

Goblin-walks around in a set path and will swipe if the enemy gets too close. Like a walking Mini Sime, basically, though the Goblin does more damage (9%) and has more health (9 HP). Goblins drop Goblin ham, which heals 4%

Mole-buries into the ground as soon as he jumps onscreen. When he pops up out of the ground after a few seconds, targeting a random player's location, he will have a strong hitbox surrounding him that does 14% and sends straight up. This kills at around 100%. But that's not all. After popping out, he'll wind up for a bit and throw a rock at the nearest opponent. This rock deals 13% and is really strong (though, due to the stage's sidescrolling nature, it's difficult to tell when it will kill-maybe in the 100-120 range?) Moles drop Strata Sundae, which heals an admirable 8%. The mole has 6 HP-though hitting him with a very low-hitting move is an insta-kill.

Rock Moth-It will fly around at the speed of Incineroar's walk above the ground, about two Bowsers high. It will keep flying until someone is underneath it-then, after winding up, it will fall straight to the ground and clap it's wings together, dealing 10% on the clap hit (the sweetspot) and 5% on the surrounding soundwave hitbox (the sourspot). It has 10 HP, surprisingly strong for a butterfly. Upon defeat, it will drop Butterfly Honey, which heals 10%, the most of the foods.

Twerkey-It will walk onstage very quickly from the left or right sides of the stage, and the nearest fighter gets bashed by its rear end for a move that does 4% and little knockback. However, if you are hit by the move, you are given the "fart" effect, which is effectively the same as getting hit by something like Eiha. The fart effect deals 12% in total. The twerky only has 1 HP, and upon death it drops Curry-like the actual Smash item-to reference the Turkey Curry that you get in Miitopia from defeating a twerky. (I didn't enjoy writing this paragraph anymore than you did reading it, but I feel it's important to have the Twerkey given its infamy).

Finally, the stage does have a day/night cycle to reference Miitopia, as can be seen in the above image.
Thank you for reading my Greenhorne submission!​


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2014
SMCU Express
1. Bernstein, Rugal
I like KOF and Rugal
2. T-elos
Zombie Robot (also we need a boss that's small and mobile)
3. Asrael
Sidequest fun and creative
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Mr. Robotto

Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2019
The Mayship
1. Asrael (Undertale)
Love the work put into it, makes tons of sense in an Adventure Mode context
2. T-elos Xenosaga
I don't know who she is but she kinda cute tho ayyy
3. Tabuu
Quite an iconic chap

(love to rugal, but I simply don't like voting for my own stuff)
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Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2014
SMCU Express
Adventure Mode Exclusive Boss Results
TabuuSuper Smash Bros.@warpenguin5516
Hinoxthe Legend of Zelda Glubbfubb Glubbfubb 6
Dr. CoyleARMS Jomosensual Jomosensual 9
CyberdemonDOOM cashregister9 cashregister9 5
AsraelUndertale PeridotGX PeridotGX 15
Sho Minamimoto / Leo CantusThe World Ends with You Paraster Paraster 5
BazShovel Knight Janx_uwu Janx_uwu 2
King FrostShin Megami Tensei Adrianette Bromide Adrianette Bromide 3
Rugal BernsteinThe King of Fighters Mr. Robotto Mr. Robotto 19 votes!!
RobobroodSuper Mario Yiptap Yiptap 0
Perfect ChaosSonic@SharkLord13
T-elosXenosaga airConditioner airConditioner 8
Dr. ZombossPlants vs. Zombies Krookodilian Krookodilian 15

"We are opening Wishing Stars 20XX Following the time honored custom. This year we will adopt a special rule... whoever wins gets a wish. That's all... [M]"

Congrats to Mr. Robotto Mr. Robotto for winning! Rugal Bernstein will be appearing as an adventure mode locked boss, looking for powerful fighters to turn into trophies. Hopefully, he will be just as difficult and annoying to fight in Smash as he was in KOF. Good work to all of those who submitted and shout out to PeridotGX PeridotGX for the unique take on Asrael!​

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
So we will be allowing submissions for the Miitopia stage to continue for a while longer. To help with coming up with ideas, perhaps we can open up some potential locations that could work?

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
The Darker Lord’s Domain

We added The Dark Lord as an assist trophy, now it’s time to add an even darker lord, The Darker Lord! This is the end result of some dark curse taking over this Sage character and through some hocus pocus transforms into the final boss.

This stage takes place on a floating pile of asteroid rocks that floats through space. Behind in the stage is the planet that Miitopia takes place on. The stage consists of two individual floating platforms that appear siniliar to Find Mii but will float up and down so they can be rather uneven. On occasion, several other rock platforms will float into place for a while before leaving.

After some time, the stage boss, The Darker Lord appears and wrecks havoc. Unlike the source material, The Darker Lord uses attacks similar to that of the Dark Lord. Once he is damaged enough, he will flee only to come back again after sometime. Once he is defeated again, he appears in his final form which had two floating Giant hands and...well...this...

These attacks are far more powerful such as damaging slap attacks, creating force fields that push players to the blast lines, and creating lightning bolts. It also unleashed three powerful attacks:
1. Black Hole - Similar to the item but far more expensive and damaging
2. Asteroids - Rain asteroids onto the stage (5 total)
3. Big Bang - it’s final attack. It smiles and then unleashes a wide explosion that is a OHKO to anyone nearby that’s over 130%.

After performing this attack, he will then flee but will eventually return. Dealing enough damage to KO him though will lengthen the time absent and reduce him back to the Darker Lord first form.

Omega/Battlefield forms lack the boss battle but the Darker Lord is present in both forms throughout the match


Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2020
I mentioned in my template post that reasons for spirit inclusions are encouraged, so I'll try to start including those with my submissions.

Looking at the Splatoon art remaining, there aren't too many characters left that hasn't already been added. However, there are quite few weapon arts which have not been added. With the weapons being an important part of the Splatoon gameplay and us desperately needing primary splatoon spirits I figure they warrant inclusions, so here they are:
Inkbrush (Splatoon)
Class: Novice
Type: Primary Defense, 1 Slot
Effect: Speed ↑
  • Puppet Fighter: Inkling (Pink), Barista (Pink)
  • Stage: Moray Towers
  • Music Track: Muck Warfare
  • Match: Stock (1)
  • Conditions: The enemy favors side Special (Inkling), The enemy favors Down Smash (Barista)
Splat Roller (Splatoon)
Class: Advanced
Type: Support Defense
Effect: Bury Immunity, 1 Slot
  • Puppet Fighter: Inkling (Cyan), Donkey Kong (Purple)
  • Stage: Moray Towers
  • Music Track: Endolphin Surge
  • Match: Stock (1)
  • Conditions: The enemy favors Side Special (Inkling), The enemy favors Side Special (Donkey Kong)
Inkzooka (Splatoon)
Class: Advanced
Type: Primary Attack, 1 Slot
Effect: Weapon Attack ↑
  • Puppet Fighter: Inkling (Blue), Snake (Blue)
  • Stage: Moray Towers
  • Music Track: Seaskape
  • Match: Stock (1)
  • Conditions: The enem favors Forward Smash (Snake)
Slosher (Splatoon) (Artwork: Splatoon 2)
Class: Novice
Type: Primary Neutral, 1 Slot
Effect: No Effect
  • Puppet Fighter: Inkling (Yellow), Mr. Game & Watch (Green)
  • Stage: Moray Towers
  • Music Track: Kraken Up
  • Match: Stock (1)
  • Conditions: The enemy favors Down Special (Mr. Game & Watch)
Splatterscope (Splatoon) (Artwork: Splatoon 2)
Class: Advanced
Type: Primary Grab, 1 Slot
Effect: Shooting Attack ↑
  • Puppet Fighter: Inkling (Purple), Duck Hunt (Black)
  • Stage: Moray Towers
  • Music Track: Don't Slip
  • Match: Stock (1)
  • Conditions: The enemy has a staff equipped, the enemy has increased shooting attacks, The enemy favors Down Special (Duck Hunt)
Heavy Splatling (Splatoon) (Artwork: Splatoon 2)
Class: Advanced
Type: Primary Attack, 2 Slots
Effect: Weight ↑
  • Puppet Fighter: Octoling (Default Male), Banjo (Pink)
  • Stage: Moray Towers
  • Music Track: Ink or Sink
  • Match: Stock (1)
  • Conditions: The enemy favors Neutral Special (Banjo)
Splat Bombs (Splatoon) (Artwork: Splatoon 2)
Class: Ace
Type: Support Attack
Effect: Down Special ↑, 1 Slot
  • Puppet Fighter: Inkling x 3 (Green)
  • Stage: Moray Towers
  • Music Track: Bomb Rush Blush
  • Match: Stock (1)
  • Conditions: The enemy favors Down Special, certain items spawn in large numbers (bombs)
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here is the submissions to be voted on for a Miitopia stage! We only got three submissions but each one was very well crafted! We will only be voting for one so please carefully read each submission and vote for the stage that best fits in with Smash and best represents Miitopia. You May vote for your own submission.

Miitopia Yiptap Yiptap
Greenhorne Janx_uwu Janx_uwu
The Darker Lord’s Domain Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom

While we do voting, we will also open up...

Discussion #05: Another Pokémon Stage

When we were adding in Grovyle & Celebi, we voted to add a second Pokémon stage along with Wigglytuff Guild. It was never decided the source of this stage though so I would like to open up some discussion on what sort of content we could draw from. Will we still look to spin-off content? Will we add stages from unrepresented gens? This is only a discussion. We will be wrapping it up within ten hours or so. The results from this discussion may help in deciding what the prompt will be so please keep this in mind.
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Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2019
Greehorne (I feel like the other 2 stage gave a lot of content for Miitopia (especially the first one) which is nice but what makes the game special is the story progression and unfolding new areas as the story goes and I want the player to do that themselves (especially with the 3rd option which actually supposed to be a twist? I haven't play it so idk) Especially with the new character creation drawing people in and also Greenhorne it's the starting area of the game literally the Green Hill Zone of Miitopia and the gimmick is a nice call back to the gameplay)
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Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
Voting for Miitopia

Anyways, I would like to see an Alola stage, so Incineroar will have a proper home stage. A Johto or Galar stage would be hype as well.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
Voting for Greenhorne. Normally I would not vote for my own but I'm personally not a huge fan of the other two submitted. (Though I would like Darker Lord as a boss).


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
The 104 Building
Miitopia Stage
The Darker Lord's Domain

Pokemon Stage Discussion
I second the desire for an Alola stage. Maybe an Altar of the Sunne/Moone stage that switches between the two via Ultra Wormhole (changing the time of day, some of the aesthetics, and what Pokemon cameo)?

Adrianette Bromide

Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2020
Beeland Capital
I feel like as much as I (and some others) share negative sentiments against SWSH, I think it should be at least represented via a stage. However, I also think Incineroar not coming with an Alola themed stage is also something that would he nice to rectify. Additionally RSE has no stage representation at all but maybe Grovyle being a Hoenn Pokemon sorta makes up for that. Realistically, a Galar stage would probably happen just like Unova Pokemon League is a stage without a Pokemon to go with it so I'd be in favour of adding a stage for it.

Althouuuuugh I propose another idea. Hold on adding a new stage just now but reserve a Legends: Arceus themed stage for the future. We'll learn more about the game as news comes out and we can sort of infer some information from trailers and whatnot.


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2020
I feel like as much as I (and some others) share negative sentiments against SWSH, I think it should be at least represented via a stage. However, I also think Incineroar not coming with an Alola themed stage is also something that would he nice to rectify. Additionally RSE has no stage representation at all but maybe Grovyle being a Hoenn Pokemon sorta makes up for that. Realistically, a Galar stage would probably happen just like Unova Pokemon League is a stage without a Pokemon to go with it so I'd be in favour of adding a stage for it.

Althouuuuugh I propose another idea. Hold on adding a new stage just now but reserve a Legends: Arceus themed stage for the future. We'll learn more about the game as news comes out and we can sort of infer some information from trailers and whatnot.
I honestly kind of dig the Legends: Arceus plan, myself...


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2018
All I really have to add for the Pokemon stage discussion is that I also like the Gen 7, Gen 8, or Legends stage ideas. Doesn't bother me if we add one of those either way though
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Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2020
I'm in favor of adding either an alola or galar stage. I really have no preference between Alola and Galar as I see tons of options for both, as well as there being valid arguments for both, with Incineroar lacking a home stage, and Galar being the most recent title and selling extremely well. Additionally, while its a shame that Hoenn and Johto don't have real home stages, I don't think it makes too much sense to suddenly include a stage for them, as much as I like those regions.

Ultra Space - traveling stage that goes through wormholes, featuring attacking Ultra Beasts

Battle Royal - possibly the most fitting home stage for incineroar, although it would be very similar to the existing boxing ring stage

Altar of the Sunne/Moone - the climax of the game, could feature a battle between Necrozma and either Solgaleo/Lunala depending on the time of day. Theoretically could also feature the Tapus and UB's

Aether Foundation - another potential setting which could feature ultra beasts, as well as Type: Null/Silvally, as well as being the first evil pokemon headquarters to get a stage
Wild Area - while imo visually boring, the wil area was the main gimmick of swsh so it makes sense to represent it

Dynamax Stadium - Another gimmick of Swsh, representing dynamax and the return to gyms after Alola trials.

Glimwood Tangle - Pretty

Isle of Armor/Crown Tundra - while imo it doesn't make too much sense for the dlc to be represented over the main game, both areas are visually diverse

These are just some quick descriptions of the ideas I had for both regions, although there's plenty of other potential from these regions. On the subject of a Legends stage, personally I'm not a fan as we already have a Sinnoh stage and would rather give an unrepresented region a stage, mainly for the sake of spirit battles.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
I'm voting for Miitopia


The Galar Wild Area is my most Wanted stage so I'm going to pull hard for that.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Please don’t forget to vote! We will be closing votes in a little bit.

I will vote for Greenhorne.
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