Oh, neat. I thought I was the only one who didn't like Ganondorf's sudden intrusion in Twilight Princes. They spend the whole game building up Zant, how twisted and remorseless he is. How powerful he is. He subjugates the Twilight Realm, exiles Midna, turns the Tiwli into mindless monsters, and easily captures Hyrule Castle. Right when you think you have the key to his defeat, he just pops in and says, "lol nope" and metaphorically bitchslaps you down several pegs. Then when you finally reach the Twilight Realm, get through a very irritating dungeon, and face him for real... he's a complete joke. All the competence, all the power, all the cool, calm wickedness is shattered instantly and he's just a ballet dancing idiot. And then Midna just kills him (in the most hilariously disturbing way admittedly, but still a little anti-climactic). Then Ganondorf swoops in, and just sits on his duff in Hyrule Castle until you show up. "Oh, hey Link. Well, you know the drill, I'm the bad guy meet ya at the castle. Play some tennis, turn in to a giant pig monster, you stab me in the forehead. Ciao!" Ugh. Great game. Great characters. Good story. Terrible, terrible villains. :[
Uh, anyway. As far as Skyward Sword goes, I'm... ambivalent. Not a fan of the art-style. Beautiful locations, but the character designs are hit-or-miss for me. The swordplay is visceral, but frustrating when the sword won't co-operate which is often enough to take me out of the game. Story was good from what I experienced, but... I haven't beat it. I cannot stand the tear collecting segments. Let's take the most aggravating part of Twilight Princess and make it
more tedious and aggravating! I got to the one in Skyloft and put the game down. I'd already taken a break from it when I came to the
last one and the prospect of another one is... not making me want to pick the game back up. I'll probably finish it someday, but... Oh, but I'm probably weird in that actually kind of liked Fi.

Sure she treated you like you had all the perceptual talents of a piece of toast, but I found her robot mannerisms kind of charming. Still, I liked Midna and Tatl best. Guess I've got a preference for women who mistreat me.
I'm not really one to pick favorites. I like most of the Zelda games for different reasons and it's hard to single one out as "da best." if I had to pick, probably Majora's Mask. Really enjoy the setting and atmosphere of the game, and the three day cycle I think provides a very interesting means to explore said setting. Next I guess is WW or TP, but it's hard to say. I actually really enjoyed Minish Cap and the Oracle games.