I can't even go to NeoGAF right now, some are calling for close to half of Brawl's roster to be axed. That being said, I've been thinking about what might happen now that we're hearing about the difficulties posed by dual characters among other things:
Sheik is separated from Zelda. Toon Link is toast.
At this point there is little reason that Zelda and Sheik cannot be separate characters. Yes, they are the same person, but in a game that has had three different Links and two Mario's I don't think logic is that big of a concern. Additionally, I think Toon Link will be cut. Though logic would dictate with Wind Waker HD coming out he'd be more inclined to stick around, but out of all of the Nintendo characters he just seems the most expendable right now.
Pokémon Trainer is split up, and we lose two Pokémon. Or you can only select one Pokémon for a match on Super Smash Bros. 3DS.
I know this is going to be extraordinarily controversial, but understand I'm not a big fan of it myself. As wonderful of a character Pokémon Trainer was in Brawl, if there is any character bar Ice Climbers that could cause the most issues on the 3DS it would be Pokémon Trainer. Not only do you have the loading of three different Pokémon to deal with, you also have the trainer himself to think about, and where he is going to fit in the background of each stage. A hefty amount of stages spread across both games can make this task much more demanding than it was with Brawl. The solution could end up being getting rid of the Pokémon Trainer concept completely, then figuring out what to do with the individual Pokémon. If Sakurai were truly interested in cutting back on the roster, I think we'd see two Pokémon leave -- not necessarily all coming from Pokémon Trainer. If I had to rank Charizard, Ivysaur and Squirtle on their likeliness to stay it would probably be in that order. However, I don't think that only those three would be at risk, every Pokémon not named Pikachu has the potential, however small, of being removed or replaced. Of course everything is subject to The Pokémon Company at the end of the day.
The less dramatic alternative might be that on the 3DS you can only select one Pokémon per match. We've talked a lot about reducing characters to fit the handheld's hardware and this might be one example of a potential solution. Sakurai would still have to deal with the issue of Pokémon Trainer needing a spot in the background, but loading one character versus three is a lot more manageable.
Zero Suit Samus is cut and replaced with Ridley.
Zero Suit Samus replaced by Ridley? You have to remember the reasons why Zero Suit Samus was selected in the first place. Because he wanted to add another Metroid character, and wanted to include another female character. He views Zero Suit Samus as her own character, and technically speaking, she is. Although she presents a nice contrast to Samus if her character is causing too many problems it's best she is removed from Samus altogether. Why not separate her like Sheik? Valid question, but I'm operating under the assumption that Sakurai is trimming the roster. There really is no question that most Metroid fans would rather have Ridley over Zero Suit Samus if it came to that, and I also have a feeling there would be a lot of resentment if Zero Suit Samus stays while characters such as Lucas, Wolf, Falco, R.O.B, Ike or Lucario were removed.
Olimar gets a new move.
Although we really have no way of knowing right now we can only assume Olimar and his Pikmin are likely part of the characters having issues transitioning to the 3DS. Many of us here have suggested simply removing the amount of Pikmin that follow him on the 3DS game, and while that makes a lot of sense there is an unintended consequence -- he loses his recovery. This puts him at a disadvantage to the other players unless Sakurai is going to compensate by increasing his jump height. If not that he will definitely need a new special recovery attack.
Falco at risk, Wolf is safe.
This may go against what the community deems to be the likelier situation, but lets look at the facts. In Wolf's first appearance he plays less like Fox than Falco has in two games. Sakurai obviously had a playstyle in mind when he designed Wolf, the same cannot be said for Falco. Whether right or wrong Falco has little differentiation between himself and Fox. Whether that is intentional on the part of Sakurai I do not know, nor am I going to try to argue that case. All I can say for certain is that if Wolf didn't have a Landmaster, or a blaster, or a shield; we wouldn't even be discussing how much of a clone he is to Fox. I'm not saying that there will be a Star Fox character cut, but if there is don't be surprised if it is Falco.
Lucas and Ness are going nowhere.
Lucas and Ness are the respective protagonists of their games. Besides sharing three specials and a Final Smash, they do not play alike. Both are popular characters and have no reason to be cut, at all.
Ike continues fighting for his friends.
Marth is going nowhere. He doesn't need to be a part of the discussion. Ike is in discussion, unfortunately. There really isn't much to say: I think he'll stay. Sure, he could get the revolving door treatment, but Intelligent Systems has not proven to be anywhere near as controlling as The Pokémon Company, so we shouldn't try comparing the two. Ike remains one of the most popular lords from the series and a popular character from the game. If any lord is in danger it is Roy by sheer virtue of having been removed in the first place. There probably will be a third Fire Emblem lord, just don't ask me who.
People continue to whine about R.O.B.
He's coming back. In many ways he is Super Smash Bros. original character.
One or none returning guests.
This is not hard to understand. Solid Snake and Sonic the Hedgehog, by their nature, are not inherent to return. They were guests that made it in due to a personal favor and a rabid fanbase. I still find it likelier to believe that Sonic the Hedgehog will return over Solid Snake, especially with Sega and Nintendo entering into an exclusive relationship to work on the next set of Sonic titles; but there are no guarantees Sonic will return.
I'll probably come back to this later but I' need to eat and get ready for work.