ManlySpirit - Not much, just playing my games.Same here. I actually did get a Gamecube as a replaced for my broken PS2 (which broke for the second time) in Christmas, 2005. I think I got six games for it (and I did rent some games as well on a monthly basis), but outside of Melee, I didn't have any attachment for the games I did play. I did really like SSX3 (only third-party game I bought), but I had already played it on the PS2 and Xbox, so it wasn't like this was the first time I touched it. I gave my Gamecube away on May, 2007 to my cousin and only really missed Melee (although I wish I had complete Sunshine). Looking back, I wish I had begged for a slim PS2 instead, would still have my PS2 game if that was the case (absolutely phenomenal, one of the best systems of all-time). Although if that had been the case, I probably would have gone PS3-only last gen and wouldn't even bother with Nintendo after the N64. I do plan on giving the Gamecube another chance, but from my first try, can't say I was impressed.
It's why I'm glad that the Wii had such an effective advertisement campaign. The Wii reminded me of the Nintendo I loved during the N64 day and the motion control was an instant sell for me. I had never been so hyped to get a console and the story for me to get a Wii was kind of crazy as well. When I figured out how to make the Wii work a few days in, it was from there that I had a blast with it. I then became super obsessed with Nintendo and admittedly got out of control with my fanboyism when I first stepped into a forum (thankfully, you won't see that on Smashboards). Super Mario Galaxy ended up being one of the best games I've ever played and I spent hundreds of hours on Mario Kart Wii and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I also got plenty of other Wii games and was into WiiWare for awhile. I'd definitely say the Wii was Nintendo's best home console since the SNES (at least 2006-2010).